Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 102 Saifei's Influence

When Luo Lan returned to the planet Sarada, it was several days after Sonori and the others were captured. After the planet of cultivating people removed the demon Puyi, Luo Lan checked the entire planet of cultivating people again, and made sure that there were no What a big problem before returning to the planet Sarada.

Seeing that several strange figures suddenly appeared on the mother planet, Luo Lan was very strange. After asking someone to ask, he found out that this group of people were the ones who invaded the planet Sarada, and were included after being defeated by Syphilia.

"So, in addition to the Saiyans, there are people from these adventure groups on Sarada planet now." Luo Lan touched his chin and smiled lightly.

"By the way, your name is Evelyn, right?"

"Yes, Lord Luo Lan." The Saiyan girl who was pulled by Luo Lan's eyes lit up and her face was blushing excitedly, "Lord Luo Lan still remember me? Live till now."

In fact, Luo Lan didn't have a very deep impression on the girl in front of him. Seeing that the other party was so excited, he nodded with a gentle and polite smile: "Work hard, you have performed very well in the special forces, and you will become great after practicing hard. warrior."

"Yeah." Eve Liwei nodded vigorously, watching Luo Lan go away like a little fan girl, until she couldn't see it, she clenched her fists to cheer herself up, and being praised by Luo Lan was enough to make this girl happy It's been a while.

"That female Saiyan admired you just now." Syphilia appeared beside Luo Lan at some point, and saw the scene just now.

"Of course, after all, I saved her life."

"It's not that simple. There are many female Saiyans who worship you now. They want you to grow up early, and then give birth to the best offspring with you!" Saifilia's beautiful eyes flashed.

Saiyans take the marriage ceremony very lightly, because they have been fighting outside for a long time, and sometimes they will combine when they see the right eye. In addition, the Saiyans are now sparsely populated. However, these Saiyans tend to form families soon after reaching adulthood, and then have offspring.

Among so many male Saiyans, Luo Lan is undoubtedly the best among them. If he wants to, he will shout, and the female Saiyans who want to be with him can form a long queue.

Luo Lan looked at Syphilia's fresh face and moved her face closer: "Then there are many Saiyans who want to pursue you."

Syphilia: "I'm not interested in them. They're so weak, I don't care about them at all, and they don't dare!"

Luo Lan nodded, "Speaking of your age, you are also very old, tsk, this year is 24, and this age has reached the time of marriage, there is really no one you like? Don't you usually have a little... Looking forward?" Luo Lan asked carefully, and suddenly there was an inexplicable expectation in her heart.

Syphilia's expression froze when she heard this.


A touch of anger flashed across his face, he raised his leg with a slap, and kicked a wild kick towards Luo Lan, Luo Lan flexibly dodged over, hugging Syphilia's slender and well-proportioned calf with both hands.

"Don't let go!"

Syphilia scolded, her face full of displeasure.

"I'm only 14 years older than you. Saiyans have a long state of youth. Instead of caring about these, you might as well think about when you can surpass me!"

After finishing speaking, Syphilia stepped forward, leaving Luo Lan with a beautiful back.

Seeing this, Luo Lan touched the corner of her chin and revealed a mysterious smile: "Seriously, it seems that even a cold-hearted person like Syphilia will have moments of physical and mental restlessness, but this is normal, after all, it is adolescence. It's a normal reaction... it's a pity that my body hasn't grown up yet."

"As for surpassing her in strength, it should take a few years."

Luo Lan looked confident. Through the test just now, he had already figured out what Syphilia was thinking. An excellent woman like Syphilia must of course find a better man. On the planet Sarada, besides him, who else is better... Luo Lan thought very proudly.

Having been together for so many years, Luo Lan would not be happy to say anything if Syphilia was to be handed over to someone else.

After getting such a constructive answer, Luo Lan's mood suddenly became very refreshing, which made him even more happy than when he found out the situation of cultivating the planet.


When she got home, Syphilia was already lying on the balcony calmly blowing the wind, and she didn't want to stand up when she saw Luo Lan.

Luo Lan sat beside her, crossed Erlang's legs, fell back, rested his head on Syphilia's smooth belly, and smelled the faint fragrance of the girl.

The charming just now, they tacitly understood, and no one mentioned it.

"I have already found out the situation on the planet of cultivating people..." Saying what happened on the planet of cultivating people, when she said that she encountered the demon Puyi created by the ancient universe people, Syphilia opened her eyes. Raise your upper body slightly.

"I have heard that the Puyi clan of Planet Zin is extremely powerful, but I didn't expect it to be a fighting machine. The ancient fighting nation Alta? I have never heard of it, maybe with the development of the times, it has disappeared in the torrent of time. "Syphilia was a little emotional, just like the Saiyan family, if it hadn't suddenly popped up a Luo Lan, this race might also die out.

Speaking of which, Syphilia glanced at Luo Lan who was resting on her lower abdomen, pinched his ears and pulled him up.

"What about the people from the Sonori Adventure Group?" Luo Lan rubbed her ears.

"Let's stay on the Sarada planet first, there are also a few good people in that group, especially the three Nolai people, their strength is rare, as long as they do things seriously, I will not treat them badly, but if they are serious If you're disobedient, don't blame me for being rude." Syphilia's aura was pressing, because she knew that there was a Dragon Ball in this world, and with this retreat, she didn't have so many scruples in doing things.

Luo Lan nodded: "The Saiyans on the Sarada planet, plus the Sonori adventure group that has been roaming the universe for a long time, plus the financial support of the Lanna people, our power is beginning to take shape."

After careful calculation, after adding the Sonori adventure group, there are already six masters with a combat power of more than 10,000 on the Sarada planet, and the announcement is enough to make many civilizations afraid.

"We should take the name of a force to the outside world." Luo Lan suggested.

"What do you think is a good name?"

Syphilia looked at him. Although she was in charge of the Saiyans on the surface, in fact, Syphilia was also rushing ducks to the shelves. She didn't want to be a queen herself, so she would ask Luo Lan's opinion on many things.

Luo Lan pondered for a while, and looked at Syphilia's pretty face, "It's best to temporarily disassociate from the Saiyans with external names, so that it won't attract the attention of others, so it's called 'Syphilia'. There are always One day, the name of the Saifei faction in the west of the Northern Galaxy will resound throughout the Northern Galaxy, and even the entire universe."

"I'm waiting for that day."

Syphilia smiled sweetly on her cold face. The name was taken from the two words in her name, and she felt very satisfied.

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