Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 104 Agreement

Cultivator Planet, this desolate place for unknown number of years is occupied by Cultivators. Basically, no matter where you are, as long as you tap the ground a few times, dwarf Cultivators will spring up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and then Launch a desperate sprint.

If a person who is not very powerful lives here, then one can imagine what kind of fate awaits him.

But for Saiyans, the planet of cultivating people is not only not dangerous, on the contrary, it is a paradise that is naturally prepared for them to enjoy the fun of fighting. In order to get this opportunity to enter the planet of cultivating people, almost all the Saiyans fought over their heads.

On this day, Luo Lan brought the selected 80 Saiyans to Planet Cultivation, and chose a relatively open area for processing.

Bang bang bang, a few omnipotent capsules were thrown out, and after the white smoke passed, one after another huts appeared impressively.

The temporary camp is complete.

Luo Lan looked at the clansmen who were eager to try, and warned: "Most of the cultivators on this planet are not dangerous to you, but beware of the cultivators at a very special stage, those cultivators are extremely powerful and cannot be To the effect, you should always pay attention to your own safety when picking and cultivating seeds."

"In addition, the underage Saiyans should not leave the garrison too far, Sonori, you must protect their safety."

Luo Lan looked at Sonori and the three of them indifferently. In addition to bringing Saiyans, Luo Lan also brought Sonori and others here to cultivate the planet of human beings, in order to let them protect Saiyan. people.

"Did you hear that?" Saifilia said coldly next to her.

"Okay, I get it now."

Sonori snorted and reluctantly agreed.

"By the way, if you find any traces similar to temples or civilizations in the process of hunting and cultivating people, don't enter without authorization, and report to the headquarters immediately, do you understand?" Luo Lan ordered especially, although he had already checked it out. The situation of cultivating the planet of human beings, but if there is something missing, it is also possible.


"As ordered!"

All Saiyans roared with enthusiasm.

Seeing this, Luo Lan nodded at Syphilia, who squinted her eyes and announced on the spot that the Saiyans could start their own hunting: "Everyone, enjoy the battle to the fullest, and create for the planet Sarada. More value!"

"Hahaha, I can finally fight to the fullest."

"Hunt, hunt!"

"Let's try it out and see who collects more seeds for cultivation."

The adult Saiyans are full of energy. After hearing the instructions of Syphilia, they all roared and vented. These Saiyans are powerful and can deal with the cultivators in special stages; although the young Saiyans are not so strong , but it was also enthusiastic, and the small faces were a little red because of excitement, and the aggressive eyes swept around.

Constantly searching for their prey.

"There are strong opponents hidden under these soils."

"It's just heaven here."

"Let's get started, cultivating people!"


Dozens of Saiyans scattered out, either in groups of three or five, or single-handedly, and suddenly disappeared into the sky as a streamer, and soon the sound of fighting rang out. These Saiyans have been living on Kashya since the destruction of Planet Vegeta. Even if they relocated to Planet Sarada, they have not experienced a decent battle, and their desire to fight has been suppressed for too long.

Now that they can finally let go of their hands and feet, they will be full of energy and release the nature in their blood without any scruples.

Looking leisurely at the trembling hilltop in the distance, Luo Lan smiled slightly, took out a set of coffee tables from the universal capsule, and brewed hot tea to invite Syphilia to taste it together. Syphilia glanced disdainfully, she didn't like this fancy and petty way of taste.

A flash of light flashed, and along with a few cold whirlwinds, Syphilia also joined the hunt for the cultivated people.

It's just that with Sephiria's fighting power, where could these weak cultivators be her opponents, gently wiggling her fingers, streams of light flashed, and energy rays penetrated like lasers.

Tuk-tuk-tuk, dark and tiny holes appeared on the ground, and dense rays penetrated the soil layer. Before the cultivator could get close to Syphilia, he was beaten into a sieve by the sharp energy rays. The pale green solution splashed all over the ground, and the cultivator had long since died.

This kind of attack continued for a while, and the initial freshness quickly passed. Syphilia frowned slightly, shook her head and returned to Luo Lan's side.

"Why don't you continue to shoot them?" Luo Lan filled Syphilia with a cup of tea.

Syphilia said: "It's boring, the cultivation person is the strongest, and I don't even have the qualifications to make me take it seriously."

Luo Lan said with a smile: "With your combat power, at least you have to choose an opponent with a combat power of 20,000 or 30,000 to make you happy. Just pray that there are other demons on this planet, Puyi."


Syphilia smiled slightly, with a flowery smile, cool and elegant, and with Syphilia's unique temperament, it was really pleasing to the eye. Syphilia drank tea for a while, and then told Luo Lan the idea of ​​going outside. Saiyans like her who pursue power are absolutely impossible to settle down.

Luo Lan pondered for a while, then took out a small bag containing some fairy beans from the other-dimensional space and handed it to Syphilia.

"You keep these fairy beans, they can save your life at a critical time. Also, don't be brave when you encounter an invincible enemy, and use teleportation to escape."

"With these fairy beans, I don't have to worry about getting hurt at all." Syphilia took the fairy beans from Luo Lan, pursed her lips, and a trace of madness flashed in her eyes.

Luo Lan looked at her and said helplessly: "Don't be reckless because you have fairy beans, I don't want to use dragon balls to resurrect you in the future."

Syphilia laughed and said to herself, "Don't worry, as a fighting nation, what I'm best at is fighting, so don't pull down too much... If you don't practice hard, you won't have a chance to surpass me." Standing up, He patted Luo Lan's head, and the corner of Syphilia's mouth curled up and said, "I'm waiting for you to continue to become stronger. When the time comes, our sister and brother will conquer this universe together, what do you think?"

Luo Lan showed her white teeth: "Of course, we will definitely stand on the top of the universe."

This is not only the promise made to Syphilia, but also the goal in Luo Lan's heart.

When he just traveled to Star Vegeta, Luo Lan's wish was only to hope that he could survive, but as his strength became stronger and stronger, his wings became more and more abundant, and Luo Lan's ambitions also became bigger, he no longer Satisfaction with a life of obscurity.

He wants to become stronger, become extremely powerful, surpass the protagonist, surpass the BOSS of the original book, and then stand at the top of the world with Syphilia, overlooking the world like a god.

"Very good." Syphilia nodded with satisfaction, her eyes twinkling strangely.

Suddenly, Syphilia leaned over, her fair forehead pressed against Luo Lan's forehead, the cold touch made Luo Lan a little lost.

"I believe that day will come..."

An almost murmured murmur sounded in his ears, and when Luo Lan came back to his senses, he found that Syphilia had disappeared.

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