Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 106 Ivy Star

"Brother Luo Lan, you see this is the planet we bought for the trading market."

When Luo Lan rushed to the location of the Lanna star, Ai Boa greeted him enthusiastically, and a three-dimensional image appeared on the screen in the void.

There is a deep starry sky in the image. As the screen rotates, a beautiful green planet gradually appears. From the color of the planet alone, you can know that it is a planet full of life. At this time, the green planet was running leisurely, surrounded by four pocket-sized satellites, guarding the central planet like a guardian.

"This planet, called 'Qing Veng Xing', is a planet carefully selected by Gu Weisha and me. Its location is only half a month's journey away from the Sarada planet and the Cultivation Planet. Using the most advanced aircraft, It doesn't take long to come and go."

The trading planet is used to cultivate people for trading, and naturally it needs to have a close connection with the Sarada planet. The distance is a factor that must be considered. Too far is not conducive to the protection of the trading planet, and it is too close and it is easy to be reminiscent of the Saifi forces. Relationship with the planet Sarada. For now, Luo Lan didn't want to bring the planet Sarada to the table so early.

"I have used the relationship of the Lanna people to register the information of the trading planet at the Cosmos Business Headquarters. The Cosmos Business Headquarters will announce it to the public soon, and a series of follow-up promotions will also be put on the agenda. I wonder how you are doing there? "

"I'm almost ready here."

Luo Lan glanced at Ai Boa lightly, and took out more than a thousand seeds for human cultivation from the different dimension space, "This is my latest harvest, there are a total of 1040 seeds."

"Ah, there are so many?" Aiboya looked at the pile of human-cultivation seeds Luo Lan took out, and her eyes suddenly burst into light, "Okay, with these human-cultivation seeds, plus the seeds from other planets With the obtained goods, the opening of the trading planet will go smoothly. By the way, why don't we go to the 'Ivy Star' to check on the spot?"

"It's fine to have a look." Luo Lan nodded.

"Brother Luo Lan, there is a beautiful race called the vines living on the 'Qingteng Star'. Those indigenous people are gifted with the planet and can be trained to be the staff of the trading planet." Gu Weisha Ting With a big belly, when it comes to the Vine clan, both eyes are shining. This fat man lives a life full of money and money all day long, and is most interested in beauty and money.

Luo Lan smiled at Aiboa and the others, then beckoned, leading them and their bodyguards to teleport, and instantly came to Qingteng Star on the other side of the starry sky.

"Ah, this is teleportation, what an amazing skill."

Ai Bo Ya repeatedly praised, in just a blink of an eye, he came from the headquarters to the distant Qingteng star, such a skill is really convenient.

"Just a little trick." Luo Lan shrugged and said indifferently.

Ai Boya sighed a few words, and then led Luo Lan while introducing the situation of Qingteng Star.

Qingteng Star is a low-level planet with a lower gravity than the earth. It is a veritable weak planet. There is a natural aboriginal named "Teng Clan" living on it. The degree of civilization is still in a relatively primitive stage. After Vengxing was conquered by other universe people, these Vine people also became slaves.

Because of their beautiful appearance and docile temperament, the Vine people are very popular with some special lovers. Until Qingteng Star was bought by Aiboya's uncle and nephew, many Vine people have been sold to other planets.

Along the way, Luo Lan saw huge bulldozers leveling the ground, and various large machines behind them were tamping the ground, and they kept making rumbling tremors, like an earthquake.

"The construction of the venue building and supporting facilities of the trading planet is intensified, and it will be put into use soon. Of course, personnel training is also being carried out simultaneously. When the Cosmos Commercial Headquarters issues a notice, the rich people of Northern Galaxy will soon know about this place, and it will be here at that time. It will become very lively." Ai Boya introduced that the construction of a trading planet is not achieved overnight, just like the relatively large Tanger planet in the western part of the Northern Galaxy, it was only a small-scale trading planet at first, until the word of mouth was established, attracting When the surrounding merchants joined, it officially transformed into a large-scale business planet.

Because Qingteng Star is mainly engaged in the trading of scarce commodities such as "cultivating human seeds", coupled with the strong financial support of Lanna Star people, Aiboa has great confidence in developing the trading planet in a very short time.

Luo Lan watched with satisfaction, and saw a large group of handsome people in the simple shanty.

"Those people are the vines?"

"Yes, all the Veng people have emerald green hair, and there is a green lens between the eyebrows, so they are very easy to recognize."

"Really beautiful."

Luo Lan nodded, and his eyes stayed on the Veng people for a while. Sure enough, he saw a crystal clear object between their eyebrows, which looked particularly beautiful in green.

In general, the appearance of the Veng people is very in line with Luo Lan's aesthetics.

These Veng people are handsome men and beautiful women, with emerald green hair and lake-like green eyes, they seem to give people a feeling of being in a good mood. But because their appearance is too good-looking, these Vine people are also quite miserable. After Qingteng Star was discovered, the beautiful Vine people were often hunted by outsiders, and then sold to some rich space people for rearing.

"When the trading planet is established in the future, the staff in charge of the Vine people will definitely welcome it."

Gu Weisha said: "Uncle promised those Vine people that as long as they are willing to work hard, they can ensure that their clansmen will not be bullied in the future. As long as the Vine people who have been trafficked are found in the trading field, we will help them redeem them."

Luo Lan smiled and said, "So they will work hard for you."

"It's working for us."

"Yes, work for us." Luo Lan laughed. Ai Boya really played the essence of a businessman very well. With such a little favor, he not only subdued the Vine people, but also made them work for himself.

Weak races also have the sorrows of weak races. If they can rely on a powerful race, they are relatively lucky, otherwise they will only suffer from all kinds of ravages and sales.

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