Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 113 Universe Auction

Afterwards, Taisi recalled what happened in the bathroom, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong, and finally realized that she might have been taken advantage of.

Although Luo Lan looked like a five- or six-year-old child, he was actually ten years old. In a few years, he would be considered a teenager. With his mature mind, it seemed that he should not treat him as a child.

"Luo Lan, did you deliberately manipulate me just now?" Taisi knocked on the door of Luo Lan's room, and came to question her with her hands on her hips.

Luo Lan looked at Taisi's graceful and graceful appearance, and suddenly changed the subject: "I'm asking you a question, I'll tell you if you can answer it!"

"Oh, ask."

"I ask you, is the brain the most important, complex, and fragile organ in the human body, so it needs extra protection. Even if the hands and feet are broken, it can't be hurt a little bit, right?"

"Yeah, what's the problem..." Taisi asked in confusion after thinking about it carefully.

"Hehe, but the problem is that these are what the brain tells you."

"Uh?! It really seems like this!" Taisi showed a worried look, and the brain told us to protect the brain.

"Let me ask you another question. If a square has one corner cut off, does it have one more corner or one less corner?"


Taisi's eyes became blurred.

Seeing this, Luo Lan floated to the same height as Taisi, and flicked her finger on her forehead lightly: "You can have such a reaction, it means that your brain is not enough, and you are so mindless, how can you let it go? People don't worry."

Taisi covered her forehead where her fingers were snapped, and reacted: "No, don't start the topic, you haven't answered my previous question."

Luo Lan grinned with a hearty smile: "So your brain is not smart, isn't it clear? I'm just taking advantage of you, your figure is quite predictable."

It should be said that Taisi is too simple, or her brain is too simple!

"Ah, ah, ah!" Taisi was ashamed after hearing this, her face turned red, and she flew towards Luo Lan, but her weak body was Luo Lan's opponent, Luo Lan gently As soon as he held hands, he threw her directly on the bed, and then slapped her and put his hands on her.

Luo Lan said domineeringly: "I'm going to sleep with you tonight!"

That night, Luo Lan slept with Taisi in her arms.

The next morning, when Mrs. Brives saw Luo Lan and Taisi come out of the room together, a meaningful smile appeared on her face.

"Oh, I won't have a chance to date with Xiao Luo Lan in the future. When will the two of you have a baby!"

"Mom, what are you thinking about!" Taisi raised her eyebrows and yelled angrily.

"Don't talk anymore, I'm going to prepare breakfast... giggling..." Mrs. Brives let go, winked at the two of them with a light smile, and walked away with light steps, Ta Yisi looked at it with a confused look and stomped her feet anxiously, "It's over, Mom must have misunderstood."

"There's nothing to misunderstand, it's the truth."

"It's not like that."

Taisi immediately denied it, she wouldn't admit that she had something to do with a child!

Luo Lan burst out laughing. Compared with Syphilia, Taisi is simply a different type of girl. Although she is weak and not as powerful as Syphilia, she is more stern compared to Syphilia. , her liveliness has a unique flavor, and sometimes it's really interesting to tease her.


A few days later, the cosmic auction notified by Aiboya officially started, and Luo Lan rushed over with Dr. Breves and Taisi after receiving the notice.

For Dr. Brives and his daughter, who have never attended such an event, this is a great opportunity to gain insight.

When Alboa saw the father and daughter of Dr. Brives, he did not show too much surprise, nodded politely at them, and led them to the VIP room to be seated. Compared with other ordinary auctions, because the items auctioned in the cosmos-level auction are more valuable and the amount involved is larger, the bidders are hidden in the VIP room, and their identities are strictly kept secret.

"Mr. Luo Lan, this is the list of items to be auctioned in a while."

Ai Boya provided the picture album, and all the valuable auction items were displayed in the picture album in advance for the merchants to choose.

Luo Lan nodded, picked up the picture book and flipped through it. This picture book not only contained all kinds of bizarre valuables, but also information on large commodities such as planets and races.

After taking a general look, Luo Lan turned to the race sales item, which listed information about dozens of different races, most of which were vulnerable races that were powerless but had little value.

"The Lis tribe, a sub-race of the Bodo tribe on the Wozef planet, is good at scientific and technological research. The body is fragile but has a smart brain. Because it is easy to support, it is a race that is more suitable for the current situation of the Sarada planet." Epoya introduced. The Lis tribe and its clan, the Podo tribe, originally belonged to the same civilization system, but they were defeated in the battle thousands of years ago, and were then genetically modified into a slave race, which was sold by the Podo tribe in the form of commodities from time to time.

"Well, it looks quite appropriate. There are a total of 100,000 Lis family in this auction. If you buy it, it will probably be enough."

"Then I'll take pictures of them in a minute."


Luo Lan's view of the slave race is very bland. In the past, what Saiyans did to make a living was to clean up the indigenous race, and then sell the planet, and some slaves were very common in the universe.

Taisi has never seen such a trading posture. In the universe, even races can be traded, and her pretty face couldn't help turning white: "It's too cruel to treat the entire race as a slave, right?"

"Don't make a fuss, don't talk about mere races, even planets can be purchased." Luo Lan said calmly, Gu Weisha said: "If this lady is interested, I can buy a planet as a gift. you."

Taisi hurriedly shook her head: "No need, no need."

She was sent to the planet when she met. She couldn't understand the world of the rich. Compared with these people, she belonged to the poor.

Dr. Brives sees farther than Taisi, and can better understand the ruthless side of the universe, where the strong eat the strong and the iron-blooded. This is a world where the strong are respected!

I can't help secretly rejoice: fortunately, the earth has not been occupied by spacemen!

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