Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 130 Ancient Ruins

Taisi was very speechless to her father. Dr. Brives is a genius, but sometimes it is not very good.

Luo Lan watched with interest Taisi and her father bickering there. This family is very interesting. The parents are old and disrespectful, and the daughter is not afraid of the sky and is lawless. I remember in the original book, when Monkey King went to the West Capital to find Bulma for the first time, Mrs. Brives wanted to travel with Bulma and the others to find the handsome guy, while Dr. Brives was even more desperate. The next time I come back, I can help bring a beautiful woman back.

With such a pair of parents, Taisi also lived a very hard life!

"Doctor, if you want Taisi to get pregnant, at least you have to wait for me to become an adult!" Luo Lan added without being too embarrassed.

Dr. Brives nodded solemnly: "Oh, it will take a few more years."

People in the Dragon Ball world are generally prevalent in early marriage and early pregnancy. There are actually very few people like Taisi who have not married and had children at the age of 26.

"You two, it's too much." Taisi pointed at the two of them with trembling fingers, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she didn't know whether it was because of anger or shyness.

"Hahaha, Taisi, you are not too young, I care about you." Dr. Breaves smiled.

"You don't need to care so much." Taisi narrowed her eyes angrily, then looked at the machine that Dr. Brives was studying.

It was a streamlined object similar to a water droplet. It was smooth and translucent as a whole, like a crystal. It was not very big, and the pointed end was only over two meters long. There is a raised gemstone in front of the water droplet, the color is rose red, and it looks like a ruby, but upon closer inspection, it is found that it is not a gemstone, but an energy array composed of 10081 small chips. Each small chip is an energy unit, shining brightly under the light.

Dr. Brives said: "This is the super-energy annihilation weapon I'm researching. After accumulating energy, it can release a ray attack with 1 degree of energy."

"1 degree, that is, 10,000 combat power?!"

Taisi was very surprised. Having lived with Luo Lan for so long, she knew the difference between different combat powers. To know that 300 combat powers can deliver a nuclear bomb-level attack, and 10,000 combat powers, what kind of power would that be! With one hit, all the planetary plates can be penetrated!

"Don't touch it, this thing is still in the experimental stage, you who don't know anything about scientific research, it's better to touch it less." Dr. Brives warned.

Taisi's hand trembled, and she hurriedly shrank back. She still kept a distance from these dangerous things.

Luo Lan was very interested, carefully observed the drop-shaped crystal, and asked, "When will this thing be officially equipped?"

Dr. Brives estimated: "About a month."

Luo Lan nodded. Dr. Brives has always been very cautious about research. He said that one month is a conservative estimate, and the real research time will definitely be within this time. Luo Lan had great expectations for this. As long as the super-energy annihilation weapon is successfully developed, the deterrent ability of the Sarada planet to the surrounding area will be improved to a higher level.

Although for super masters, super annihilation weapons play a very limited role, but for ordinary races, an attack of 10,000 energy is enough to sway a civilized war.

Next, Luo Lan met Ebony and the others who were researching super weapons with Dr. Brieves. After encouraging them a few words, they improved their treatment and allowed some outstanding Lis people to have their own Freedom... This is a great honor for a slave race, and Ebony immediately burst into tears.

"By the way, there is news from Planet Cultivation. They found traces of civilization left by similar civilization races in a plateau area. Because you issued a warning at the beginning, we didn't study it in depth."

Dr. Brives pulls out a few pictures taken on the planet of cultivating people.

The photo was taken on a sparsely vegetated plateau, and was discovered by Saiyan warriors participating in the hunt after they accidentally destroyed the mountain range while hunting down the fleeing cultivators.

Luo Lan took the photo and looked at it, and found that it was an altar similar to that used for sacrifices in civilization. Due to the rocks on both sides, the whole picture could not be seen clearly, but only from the corner that appeared in the photo, Luo Lan concluded that this ancient altar must be related to the ancient Alta people, because the embossed text on it is related to the It was exactly the same as what he had seen in the temple before.

"Fortunately, you didn't study that thing, otherwise you don't know what disaster will happen!"

"That altar is dangerous?"

Luo Lan said: "This is the relic of the ancient Alta people. The Alta people are an ancient fighting nation, and their strength should be much stronger than the current Saiyans. Last time I encountered a very dangerous person in one of their temples. thing……"

Then, after telling the story of the demon Puyi, Dr. Brives lit a cigarette and smoked it, lamenting the advanced level of ancient technology.

"... Biological war machine, it's a pity that such a good thing has been lost." Dr. Brives is very sorry.

"It's better to have less of this kind of thing." Taisi's scalp was cold, and the girl who was not afraid of the sky was still not immune to things like demons.

"What about that altar?"

"Don't touch the things there for the time being, I will find a way to deal with it in the future." Luo Lan said after pondering.

Dr. Breaves nodded. He was more interested in mechanical research than the relics on the cultivation planet, and soon started a heated discussion with Ebony and the others.

"By the way, Taisi, go back to Earth when you have free time, the family misses you very much, and Bulma has already gone to middle school. Every time I go home, I see you are not there, thinking that you have run away with someone, now right You are quite dissatisfied." Dr. Breaves called out to Tais.

"Okay, I get it now."

Taisi tugged at her hair, pinched a small handful and turned it on her fingers, "That guy Bulma, it's very troublesome to deal with."

"Do you want me to send you back to Earth?" Luo Lan asked understandingly, Taisi thought about it and shook her head: "After a while, wait for me to sort out the novel again, and publish it directly after returning to Earth."

Luo Lan nodded, and took Taisi back to her home. After she came back, Taisi took out the computer and tapped on the keyboard. When Luo Lan saw it, she sat in the training room by herself.

My mind began to be empty, and my mind recalled the pictures I saw when the God-making Star was destroyed.


In the process of consciousness cultivation, the image of the ancient god appeared again, and the god named "Fengshen" raised his hand and made an understatement, and a brilliant brilliance flashed by.

The world suddenly became eclipsed.


That dazzling attack that seemed to open up the world lingered in my heart. It was obviously just a simple action, but it seemed to gather the essence of countless martial arts, making Luo Lan intoxicated...

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