Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 138 The afterimage of the Altars

These orange-haired Altas looked indifferent, standing beside them like stone carvings, monitoring the construction of altars by these cosmic slaves.

The picture kept fast-forwarding. When the altar was about to be completed, these Altars took action. They suddenly shot at the slave universe. In the blink of an eye, blood flowed into rivers. Except for the Altars, all the alien races on the entire planet were slaughtered. exhausted.

"The cosmic battle has reached the most severe time, and the front-line warriors have been defeated. Even if we finally win the victory with the power of the Saiyans in the future, it is impossible for us Altas to rise again..."

The speaking Alta was very sad, and then ordered the "red dragon ball" to be enshrined on the altar.

"This secret treasure of the Alta family must never fall into the hands of outsiders, so let it be buried here forever... In order to prevent the aliens from discovering anything strange, build the same cultivating planet in other parts of the universe as soon as possible. This place is close to the Saiyans. Even if it is discovered that it is a planet that cultivates people, generally no cosmic people would dare to break into the Saiyan territory, and according to the covenant, the proud Saiyans will not take the initiative to open up this planet."

"Sadly, the ancient fighting nation of the Altas actually came to a time when their bloodlines were cut off. Lord Fengshen, the only thing we can do is to enshrine the treasures you have bestowed."

At the end of the picture, the Altars sacrificed countless lives, sealed the entire altar with rocks, and built the appearance of a plateau, and then established the same cultivating planet in different regions of the universe as a cover.

After that, the powerful Alta disappeared completely with the space war.

It's no wonder that the combat life that has obviously failed to develop like the cultivator is so widely distributed in the universe. It turns out that the cultivator planets are just to cover the planet in front of them. The real purpose is to protect the current red dragon ball... …

After seeing all the pictures, Luo Lan's heart flashed with a hint of enlightenment.

It's just that the ancient Altas still didn't think that the foolproof measures they thought were still risky. Who would have thought that many years later, the powerful Saiyans would follow in their footsteps, and even the planet of Sarada would be destroyed. It's over!

"No one can resist the torrent of time! Even the once prosperous Altars and Saiyans have finally annihilated their former glory."

Shaking his head, he looked at Thorne, who was completely stunned. Speaking of which, the Nolai people are also a fighting nation, and now there are only a few descendants such as Sonori, Thorne, and Prey.

"Luo Lan, this bead must be a good thing." Syphilia's eyes flashed.

"Yeah." Luo Lan nodded and gave a sigh, and glanced at the red dragon ball. According to the picture just seen, this red dragon ball must be a treasure. After all, it is the legacy of the so-called "Fengshen". Babies in the Alta tribe might have some peculiar effects.

Must put it away!

Thinking of this, Luo Lan's mind moved, and her body teleported to the vicinity of the Red Dragon Ball, and then forcefully broke through the defense force placed on the altar by the Altars. Luo Lan activated the secret technique of different-dimensional space that had not been used for a long time, and prepared to use the Red Dragon Ball. ingest it.

However, just when the different-dimensional channel with sparks was opened and the red dragon balls were to be taken in, an accident happened——

I saw that the ancient altar suddenly lit up with a bright light, and then an afterimage suddenly appeared. As soon as the afterimage appeared, the terrifying momentum swept away like a rolling flood. Shake vigorously.

Boom boom boom!

Luo Lan sensed this powerful momentum, and his nerves suddenly tightened, and a strong unease suddenly rose in his heart.

Syphilia also changed her face suddenly, and just as she was about to make a move, a wall of air suddenly rolled over. Pom Pom Pom! Facing such a situation, Luo Lan and Syphilia were too late to react. In a flash of lightning, their bodies were knocked out. The terrifying power directly penetrated their bodies, and their internal organs seemed to be bursting, and a sense of dizziness surged. on the head.


Luo Lan and Syphilia spit out a mouthful of blood with pale faces, and fell directly to the ground.

The weaker Thorne was even more unbearable. He was directly knocked into the opposite mountain, and the whole person fainted.

"Sister, eat the fairy beans."

Luo Lan roared with a pale face, and threw a fairy bean towards Syphilia, and he quickly swallowed one, the vitality of the fairy bean quickly repaired the wounds of the body, and soon, Luo Lan spit out a turbid breath, The body recovered.

His eyes swept to the altar again, only to see a phantom with water-colored skin floating in the air, orange hair fluttering, blue eyes, staring blankly at Luo Lan and Syphilia!

"Saiyan, you violated the original agreement, you should not touch my family's fetish!!"

"That's just a mental afterimage of the Alta people." Luo Lan's spirit was still uncertain, and Syphilia's face became very ugly, "Just a mental image that has remained for an unknown number of years can actually kill us. hurt!!"

Luo Lan said: "It must have used some kind of secret technique to keep the afterimages. This Alta's combat power may have reached more than one million before his life, and he is probably the last barrier to guard this altar."

Syphilia nibbled his teeth: "As expected of an ancient fighting nation!"

Compared with him, the current Sarada planet Saiyans are really not enough to see. Based on this comparison, how powerful the ancient Saiyans should be, I am afraid they are not short of millions of warriors!

"Sister, take a look at Thorne's situation, I will block him with a giant ape!"

Luo Lan glanced at Thorne, who was dizzy, and Syphilia nodded, telling Luo Lan to pay attention to safety, and then a cloud of air rose from the soles of his feet, and the figure flew towards Thorne.

Luo Lan stared at the afterimage of the Altar above the altar, and his eyes suddenly shot out a cold light, "Even if it is an ancient fighting nation, it is just an afterimage now."

After speaking, Luo Lan released the artificial moon, which turned into a giant ape form under the stimulation of moonlight.

A violent, boundless force erupted.

The 740,000 combat power was no small matter, and immediately caused the entire planet to shake violently, the surrounding air pressure suddenly dropped, and a stalemate area had already formed in part. Affected by this powerful force, the earth suddenly collapsed downward, and the cracked area spread to the altar Nearby, a wall of terror rivals the afterimage of the Alta.

The momentum of the two groups squeezed each other, creating two completely different aura fields. The ground cracked from the position where the air masses were squeezed, and a gap appeared out of thin air.

"Roar!" Luo Lan roared wildly, and Ling Lie's sound wave swept out, directly grinding the scattered branches and leaves into powder.

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