Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 140 Fierce Battle

The power of the Altar exceeded Luo Lan's expectations, even if it was just a residual spiritual body, it actually made him feel helpless.

In terms of combat power, Luo Lan is much lower than the opponent, but if he uses the skills he has mastered well, plus the means of blasting gas, he can surpass the opponent.

Only in this way, the damage to the planet of cultivating people will be too great.

Just as Luo Lan was thinking about how to deal with the current situation, he vaguely sensed that several considerable breaths were flying towards them, his eyes narrowed a little, and he guessed that the Saiyans on the planet of cultivators were coming.

"These guys don't even look at what the occasion is, they dare to run here." Luo Lan shook her head and looked towards Syphilia.

Syphilia is also in the form of a giant ape. When Luo Lan looked at her, she knew what the other party was thinking. Sephiriya put Thorne in his hand and said to him: "You stop those Saiyan warriors, when are you going to make trouble!"

"I know, I'll stop them right away."

Thorne nodded hurriedly. He knew that staying here would not help him at all, but would become a burden. You must know that when the phantom just appeared, he almost killed him with a slap.

Speaking of which, as a Nolai, he can be regarded as a fighting nation, but compared with Luo Lan and the others, his strength is still far behind.

"How ironic!" Thorne laughed to himself.

The body flew into the sky, looked at Luo Lan and Syphilia who had turned into giant apes, took a deep breath, and then "crash", the body turned into a ray of light and flew towards the distant horizon.

"Luo Lan, how should we deal with that guy?" Syphilia came to Luo Lan's side.

Luo Lan said: "That altar should be the opponent's weakness. I will hold him back later. You can take the opportunity to find a way to destroy that altar, but you must be careful and don't destroy the planet together."

"Yeah." Syphilia nodded. After her transformation into a giant ape, she has a combat power of 140,000. With such strength, it is reasonable to say that it can be vertical and horizontal in the universe, but now Luo Lan is fighting against that battle phantom. In front of her, this little power... can only be enough to protect herself!

This was not something she could accept anyway.

So holding this breath, Syphilia vowed to give the other party some color to see.

Luo Lan didn't know Syphilia's inner thoughts, and after a brief communication with Syphilia, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, the giant ape, which was more than 20 meters high, was burning with arrogance, and the energy of up to 740,000 values ​​began to boil. The atmosphere tumbled violently, and a super-large energy storm appeared on the planet of cultivating people.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Lan launched the "Vientiane Fist" and "Void Replacement Technique", only to see a dark red light shining on his brown fur, the whole person was like a star burning with hot flames, waves of energy. , spread out in all directions.

The whirlwind rolled up, and Luo Lan's figure suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already in front of the phantom of the Altar.

The fist punched forward, and the violent power lingered on the tip of the fist, sparkling.

This is a very terrifying attack. Because it incorporates the boosting effect of "Vientiane Fist", the power that erupts is far more than 740,000 combat power. Energy can destroy a world.


This punch broke the air and surpassed the speed of sound. If it was hit by this punch, even a massive planet would risk disintegrating instantly.

Syphilia's eyes widened. After the giant ape transformation, the two blood-red eyes stared at each other, and her hands were gathered together, and she was also gathering super-large attacks.

The crystal lustre jumped between the fingers, and the light was extremely brilliant.

That is the "full air strike" developed by Syphilia himself!

An attack that disturbs the air, causing strong vibrations.

"Full Air Strike" is an upgraded version of "Air Strike". It is a trick summed up by Syphilia's many years of battle. Once used, the violent energy will have a strong penetrating power, and with violent vibration, it will pierce, While injuring the enemy, you can also use the shock to smash the enemy's internal organs.

Because it is more destructive than ordinary qigong attacks, this move is also Luo Lan's favorite move.

Of course, Luo Lan also has his own unique trick, that is, the "Starry Sky Cannon". When used, it is like a gathering of stars. The powerful attack presents a splendid color like the galaxy, and the attack ray is spiral, which looks like a rotating galaxy. Penetration and destructive power are no worse than "full air strike"!

At this time, the attack that Luo Lan made was the "Starry Sky Cannon"!

It is said that it is a qigong wave attack, but it is actually more like boxing, but seeing a dazzling starlight lingering on the tip of the fist, you can attack from a distance or a close attack, a close attack is a fist, and a long attack is an energy cannon!

But at this time, in the face of the attack that Luo Lan had been brewing for a long time, the phantom of the Alta's battle had no intention of dodging at all, and he directly slammed his fist and collided with Luo Lan's attack. Mushroom clouds rose from the ground.

Luo Lan only felt that the fist had received a huge force, as if his hand was hitting a steel plate, and the violent back shock made him feel uncomfortable.

"Cough cough!"

Luo Lan coughed a few times, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and the hair all over his body was blown aside in the fierce impact. The fist in the form of a giant ape was obviously bigger than the opponent's body, but it was still blocked.

At this moment, Luo Lan's body suddenly flashed and disappeared like a ghost.

In the whistling wind, Luo Lan's body kept flashing, and the huge body brought bursts of strong wind.

One punch, two punches, three punches... The violent attacks continued to collide violently with the spiritual bodies of the Altas.




Endless power roared out, and a strong impact, like a sharp blade, constantly shaved off the solid ground. As the collision continued, the ground sank again and again. Soon, the plateau with an altitude of several thousand meters turned into a negative-elevation basin, and a circular depression with a diameter of several hundred kilometers appeared.

In the middle, there is a lonely stone pillar, which is the area where the altar was originally located! As the surrounding soil was completely destroyed, only the place protected by the energy of the altar was preserved and turned into a high stone pillar.

Luo Lan frowned, and continued to entangle with the phantom of the Altar, vomiting blood again and again, and attacking with slash and axe again and again.

Syphilia looked at it with disgust, obviously her normal state was stronger than Luo Lan, but after the giant ape, she couldn't compare to the other party at all.

"Come on, take advantage of this now, and quickly destroy the altar!" Luo Lan's spiritual voice transmission entered Syphilia's eardrums.

Syphilia's face turned cold, and the attack she had prepared was released.

"Full air strike!"

Immediately, intense fluctuations spread out with a rumbling sound, and soon covered the battlefield where the three were. But in order not to destroy the entire planet, whether it is Luo Lan or Syphilia, they are very restrained when they release their tricks, and the attack range is always only by the enemy's side.


A ray of light flickered, and the atmosphere instantly boiled.

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