Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 158 Set sail

"Master, during this time, our clan has built a total of 3,400 humanoid combat robots, of which 2,200 are equipped with high-energy particle weapons, 1,200 are equipped with super-energy annihilation weapons, and there are also 150 Battlestars and 78 military fortresses. 1,030 fast-transport spaceships and 16,000 personal aircraft."

"In addition, there are 210,000 people in our clan. Except for some of them who need to stay on the Sarada planet and the Ivy planet to maintain order, 70% can be called into battle."

Ebony seriously reports all the resources that can be mobilized.

Because this is a war against the Babu Legion, as a member of the Lis clan, Ebony put in the greatest energy. More than a thousand years ago, it was because of the intervention of the Babu forces that the Lis tribe became the slaves of the Bodo tribe, and it is no exaggeration to say that it was a revenge.

Luo Lan listened carefully to Ebony's report, and when he learned that there were thousands of combat robots and high-energy weapons, his face showed a satisfied smile.

These weapons are far more important than the strength of individuals in large-scale battles. After the war begins, whether it is Saiyans or other cosmic people in the Saifi forces, they will not be the main force of the battle, but will play a role in cleaning the rear. It will be these lifeless fighting machines that will really strike.

"Let's go on the notice, let everyone gather, and target the extreme west of the Northern Galaxy - the Bab Legion!" Luo Lan issued an order on behalf of Syphilia.

This time, it is not only to declare his strength to some ill-intentioned people, but also to avenge the dead Saiyan warrior.

"As ordered!"

Ebony and the others froze and answered loudly, looking at Luo Lan with fiery eyes. After a series of orders were issued from the headquarters, the entire Saifei faction was mobilized.

On the planet Sarada, all Saiyans except some really young children, whether they are adult Saiyans or minor Saiyans, put on combat uniforms and prepare to board the plane; on the planet of cultivators, all the trainers It has also been withdrawn, leaving some researchers alone to continue to monitor the situation there; only the trade on the Qingteng star continues, but if you look closely, you will find that there are more patrol robots on the Qingteng star, and the sales are Among the commodities, the number of seeds, ships, and weapons for cultivating people has been reduced.

The large-scale mobilization of personnel and materials from a major force like the Saifei faction naturally attracted the attention of the surrounding planets. Some planets that have interests in Saifei's forces sent people to inquire about the situation. For example, Aiboa from the Lanna star sent a message asking if he wanted help, but Luo Lan naturally refused.

In this war, they don't need to rely on anyone's strength.

In addition to the friendly races such as the Lanna Stars, some civilizations that have a competitive relationship with Saifei's forces are of course staring at this matter, to see if they can find an opportunity to attack. However, Luo Lan and Saifilia are of course guarding them, so one Most of the combat robots were deployed around the forces. As soon as those cosmic civilizations saw the battleships and fortresses armed to the teeth, their hearts began to beat, and they could only regretfully give up the opportunity to take advantage of the fire.

"Tsk, the competition between Saifei's forces and the ancient Bab Legion is a rare show!"

"Let's keep an eye on the situation over there!"

"The Saiyans, the fighting nation, are said to be a relatively ancient nation in the Northern Galaxy. I haven't heard about them for a long time, but I didn't expect them to appear again."

The cosmic predators looked greedy, like sharks smelling blood, wishing they could absorb some blood during the war between the two.

It's just that the names of Saiyan and Saifi forces discouraged them, and they could only stand and watch from a distance, but don't think that they would give up like this. As long as they have the opportunity, they want to pounce on them more than anyone else and take a bite.

Soon, the news that the Saifi forces were going to fight the Babu Army seemed to have grown wings, and was quickly passed on to the west of the Northern Galaxy, and even had a tendency to spread to the west of the Northern Galaxy.

Some strong men living in seclusion in the west of the Northern Galaxy heard such news, with a disdainful smile on the corner of their mouths, "If it is an ancient Saiyan, you can also take a look, the current Saiyan... not worth mentioning."

There are also some things that have nothing to do with hanging up high, Quan should watch a good show and pass the time.

"Interesting, there hasn't been a war of this magnitude in the west for a long time."

"Oops, those Saiyans are just restless..." The patrol police "Fassger", who is monitoring several star areas in the west of the Northern Galaxy, sighed, driving an advanced aircraft, monitoring Saifei The situation on the side of the force.

In such a large-scale cosmic war, I don’t know how many lives will be buried in the deep space!


On the day the war was launched, groups of warships lifted off one after another, and they were assembled in the asteroid belt. The warships filled the sky like wasps all over the starry sky, and it was dark from a distance.

In the light cyan disc spaceship, Luo Lan sat beside Syphilia with a grim expression, and the high thrones stood side by side, like two kings in the group. Luo Lan was wearing a lavender battle uniform, while Syphilia was wearing a well-fitting purple uniform. The style was the one that Luo Lan had given her before, but it had undergone a high-tech transformation from the Liz tribe and was equipped with a battle uniform. effect.

Luo Lan glanced at Syphilia and nodded towards her. Syphilia stood up, and the arrogant image of Pingting appeared in the command room of all the battleships.

Facing the three-dimensional rendering of the Syphilia projection, all the cosmosmen who participated in the war held their breath.

Syphilia glanced around with a cold face, and ordered, "Let's set sail!!"


The order was issued to each warship, and a total of 1258 large ships set sail at the same time, including 150 space fortresses, 78 military fortresses, 1030 fast transport ships, and more than 10,000 aircraft inside the spacecraft, all of which were ready.

I saw a crystal bright light suddenly lit up in the starry sky, like fireworks blooming, and the light of all the spaceships joined together, illuminating the entire asteroid belt. With a rapid vibration, all the spacecraft reached superluminal speed, and in the blink of an eye, they left the space dock.

The target - the northern galaxy's extreme west!

The starry sky in the universe is as vast as the sea. The area to the west of the Northern Milky Way alone contains countless star systems. Counting the vast void between the star system and the star system, the journey is even more light-years.

It may take years for an ordinary spacecraft to traverse a star region. For example, the spherical aircraft used by Vegeta in the original book took a year to travel from an alien planet to the earth.

Luo Lan definitely didn't have so much time to spend halfway through, so these spaceships that followed Luo Lan to battle were the latest super-high-speed spaceships, and it only took a few days to cross a star area.

According to the computer simulation, it only takes twenty-five Earth days for their entire army to arrive at the Bab Legion's station.

During this period of time, Luo Lan and Syphilia, as well as all the Saiyan warriors, were soaked in the training room. Twenty-five days were not long or short, but they could improve their strength. a piece.

The sun and the moon alternate, time passes.

In the blink of an eye, twenty-five days have passed, and the army of Saifei's forces has sailed through countless star fields and finally came to the door of the Babu Legion.

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