Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 160: Luminous Objects

In the eyes of the native Brala, the black shadow that appeared in the sky was a sign of the devil's attack. After a few seconds, the shadow fell, and it was a dark body with light blue gems inlaid between its eyebrows. How did Brala's clansmen ever see such strange monsters, each of them slumped to the ground in fright, constantly reciting the name "Master Babu".

These machines are the battle robots that Saifi forces first sent to various planets. At this time, these battle robots are examining the Bralar clansmen crawling on the ground, constantly scanning for threatening life.

Brala's clansmen were naturally ignored, and there was no threat to such primitive natives.

Just then, the robot's scout eyes detected a threatening signal, the source of which was the temples emitting strange energy fields.

The blue gem between the eyebrows suddenly lit up with a burst of crystal light, and a light blue particle beam shot out. After destroying the temple, it continued to sweep along the distant mountains.

Boom! !

The dazzling fire light rose up, the energy flow swept across, and the entire mountain was directly razed to the ground.

These particle beams are all high-energy particles, and the full power is equivalent to 5,000 combat power. Now the beams that are randomly lased have thousands of energies.

At the same time, thousands of combat robots were simultaneously releasing energy in different directions. For a time, the dense energy converged in the sky and exploded in different places. The momentum was huge and spectacular.

Such a large-scale indiscriminate attack immediately forced out the people of the Babu Legion hidden in the dark. These strange-looking cosmic people came to the battle robot, their faces full of fear.

"Where did the technological creation come from, it has such a terrifying power." The cosmos of the Babu Legion had a gloomy face.

"Master God, save us, the devil... the devil has appeared."

"Go away!" The universe rudely pushed Bralar's clan away.

"Identify the threat, target Babu Corps soldiers, combat power 1600, open full combat mode!!"

The center of the robot's eyebrows lit up, and the full power mode started.

"What's the situation?" Seeing the strangeness of the robot in front of him, the cosmos of the Babu Legion felt bad for a while, but soon his mind fell into darkness. Before he died, he saw a cluster of blue rays moving towards him. Blaze over.


A huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the entire continent trembled suddenly.

"No, back away quickly, and quickly inform Lord Babu that there is an enemy invading the headquarters galaxy..." The other cosmosmen reacted, but at this time the hunting of the battle robots had already begun.

The war machine is like a ruthless meat grinder. All life is not important in their eyes. Soon, dazzling bright spots will light up on the third planet of planet Babu, and the continental plates will suffer huge bombardment one after another. The entire primitive world suddenly entered a state of doomsday.

"Ahhhh!!!" The gust of wind blew, and also frightened the people of Brala. These primitive natives fled everywhere in panic, and some knelt down and worshiped stupidly, crying and screaming, Ring into a piece.

The war continued for a long time until all the rebels on the planet were killed.

"The threat has been removed."

The cold and old-fashioned electronic sound rang, and the battle robot checked the situation on the planet and determined that there was no threat. After a while, the detector transmitted the signal back to the expeditionary force outside the starry sky.

In outer space, outside the Bab star system, Luo Lan's main force is stationed outside the "Oort cloud" of this galaxy.

When the battle robot's signal came over, a cold smile appeared on Luo Lan's face. For both sides of the battle, the life and death of the enemy were completely out of his consideration, and he couldn't control the death of the innocent. so many.

There is indeed the existence of the underworld in the Dragon Ball world, and those who do many evils will be punished after death, but he cannot make the Saiyans lose their decisiveness to kill because of scruples about the underworld. Who can manage so many things after death, as long as you reach the divine realm in the future, the so-called life and death is actually a matter of adding an aperture.

"The planets near the Babu planet have been cleaned up. It's really strange that no particularly powerful masters have been found on it?" Herz shook his head in confusion.

"It's not that there are no masters, it's just that those masters are not enough to see compared to battle robots."

Luo Lan said lightly.

Herz froze for a moment, then smiled, "I've forgotten the horror of those battle robots."

How can he measure other planets with the current standard of Planet Sarada, you must know that the strength of Planet Sarada has long surpassed that of Vegeta. If the high-energy weapons or super-energy weapons of the swarms were fired collectively, even in the heyday of Star Vegeta, it could not be resisted at all.

How many advanced planets like Vegeta are there in the universe?

Quantities are always scarce.

"Technology has developed to this point, and the power is far beyond imagination!" Herz chuckled lightly. The reason why he felt that it was easy to conquer was because his own side's strength was too strong.

Dr. Brives' inventions are all black technology, and the existence of battle robots has unreasonably raised the overall combat power of Saifei's forces by several grades.

"Master, according to the information transmitted by the probe, this Babu galaxy is actually rich in blue oysters." Ebony exclaimed while looking at the detection report.

"What is a blue orb?" Syphilia looked over.

Ebony Road: "Lan Li stone is a rare and precious ore. Although it is not as precious as thunderbolt, it is a good material for making battle suits. The battle suits made with it have better ductility and impact resistance. , more reliable than the popular battle suits on the market."

When it comes to science and technology, Luo Lan and Syphilia are both laymen, but the simple truth is still understandable. Ebony means that the minerals on these planets can make more high-quality battle suits.

"Occupy it, develop it!" Without any hesitation, the plundering mind occupied Luo Lan's brain.

Syphilia's eyes lit up, and it was indeed a match made in heaven, and her thoughts were similar to Luo Lan's.

"Hey, master, from the picture, this galaxy actually has two stars, but according to the data, the Babu galaxy should only have one central orange dwarf star! There is actually a smaller orange-red luminous body! "

Ebony picked up a photo taken by the probe.

"Show me the photo." Luo Lan said.

Wu Mu immediately handed the photo to Luo Lan's hands. Luo Lan looked at the two luminous objects on the photo, stared at one of the smaller orange-red stars, and frowned deeply.

"What's the matter, is there something wrong?" Syphilia leaned over, and a fragrance wafted over.

"I feel that this luminous object in the picture is a bit familiar." Luo Lan stared at the photo.

"It's just a small star."

"No, this is not a star, but a glazed star. The reason why it glows is because it is too close to the star and reflects the sunlight!" Luo Lan reacted, and seemed to have vaguely guessed what the glowing object was.

Thank you for the 10,000 starting point reward of "Zhongyi"!

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