Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 163 Babu people (, please order first)

In the quiet and deep space, the majestic Saifei fleet drove into the area where Super Dragon Ball was located, getting closer and closer to Super Dragon Ball in a blink of an eye.

The curved field of vision became more and more straight, and at the back, it suddenly turned into a flat earth.

The spaceship landed on the surface of the Dragon Ball, and after it stopped, the hatch opened, and several figures came out first. Then came the hordes of fighting teams, some of them Saiyans or some strange-looking cosmic beings.

These spacemen wear protective equipment, and their arms are strapped to launch tubes that emit intense energy. The strength is not strong, but it can clear some losers on the battlefield. On the other hand, the members of the Lis clan drove armor made of special materials. Hundreds of thousands of Li clan people lined up neatly and obeyed the instructions.

Even if the Lys clan's own combat power is not high, but controlling the mecha can also exert a strong combat power.

Looking at the flat land with no end in sight, Luo Lan and Syphilia stood side by side, with Hertz and the powerful Saiyan warriors standing beside them. Under the feet is a transparent crystalline earth with an orange-red color. Because the sunlight is reflected through the lens, the temperature is dozens of degrees higher than in the universe.

"The people of the Babu Legion are somewhere in Super Dragon Ball." Syphilia's voice transmission.

"The detector shows that the opponent's men and horses are gathered in a place 100 kilometers north, and there are 120,000 energy points. Haha, there are a lot of people. The most powerful ones have a combat power of 70,000."

"Seventy thousand? Even if I don't turn into a giant ape, I can kill them." Syphilia's voice was cold, with disdain on her face.

"I'm not as powerful as you, and I'll become a giant ape in a while!"

Hertz chuckled lightly, and his expression became very relaxed after learning the enemy's combat strength. His combat power is 35,000. Even if the giant ape is limited by the power of the giant ape, there should be no problem with reaching 120,000 combat power.

"Everyone, the battle is about to start. This war is not what we want to happen. As the operator of Ivy League, the Saifi forces are willing to do business with all the cosmic people, but some people's greed exceeds our bottom line. ."

"The people of the Bab Legion took the lead in provoking us, causing the five Saiyan warriors and their accompanying staff to be attacked on their way home. The Saifi forces do not allow such a thing to happen. We are here to avenge them. Let all the forces know and provoke the fate of our Saifei forces!"

"The enemy is hidden a hundred kilometers away. Soldiers, show your strength and kill all the enemies!"

"Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

"Kill kill kill!"

A deafening sound rang out in the contactor, and whether it was a Saiyan warrior or a cosmos of other races, they let go of the sound and roared.

The Ebony Lis tribe and the Babu Army are even more enmity, and their eyes are blood red at this time, and they can't wait to go up and fight the other side desperately.

Luo Lan looked at everyone with satisfaction, and after looking at Syphilia, coldly announced the start of the battle.

"Now, the whole army strikes!"

Immediately, following an order, all the cosmosmen took action, and their silhouettes rose into the air, turning into countless flashes; the mechas blasted into the sky with fiery flames, and everyone pointed towards the detector. 100 kilometers away.

"Let's go, I can't wait to meet the so-called 'Master Babu'!"

Syphilia's cheeks curled into a sneer.

"Then let's go!"

Luo Lan shrugged casually, and then went to the battlefield with Hertz.

The cosmic people under Saifei's forces consisted of the original Sonori Adventure Group and the cosmic people who joined later. Each of them has a combat power of 1,000 at least, and a distance of 100 kilometers is a matter of seconds for them.

Soon, the fighters who first arrived at the enemy's base camp started the battle. All the fighters had high-energy launchers tied to their hands. Even if they couldn't compare with the high-energy weapons and super weapons of battle robots, the power was terrifying. The sound came quickly.

This is a huge battle. Both sides of the confrontation are large-scale forces in the region. Hundreds of thousands of troops are intertwined, and soon it seems that two torrents are rushing together, and it is impossible to tell who is from the other!

I saw that the spacemen of Saifei's forces kept firing the energy cannons in their hands, and the crystal and bright energy beams kept shooting from the energy cannon barrels of their arms.

For a time, the rays of light were radiant, the heat wave was pressing, and the sound of the explosion was incessant.

A ruthless energy column runs through the battlefield. The opposing legion has never seen such a powerful energy weapon, and there is a trend of rout in a short period of time. On the other hand, the people of the Liz tribe are even more brutal, and they seem to want to vent all the pain of being enslaved for more than a thousand years.

They drove alloy mechas to swept around the battlefield. The Bab Legion spacemen were uniformly wearing combat uniforms with sun patterns. Once the Lis people saw the Bab Legion people, they ruthlessly pressed the mecha weapons. From the launch port, energy beams with the thickness of one arm were sprayed out, and a huge mushroom cloud rose up.

The ruthlessness of the war was revealed, only the screams and screams were heard continuously, accompanied by a deafening roar, the living life was quickly swallowed up.

The war continued, people fell continuously, and others stepped on the bodies of their companions and enemies and continued to charge. The battle between the two sides intensified and was extremely tragic. The sound of artillery shelling and painful mourning kept coming, even if you were at an altitude of 10,000 meters, you could hear bursts of roars fighting with your life.

The ground shook violently, but because the surface of Super Dragon Ball was extremely solid, such shaking was just an air wave caused by an energy shock.

When the battle was in full swing, tens of thousands of meters above the battlefield, more than a thousand figures were closely watching the battle below. These people were wearing brown combat uniforms, their skin was orange, and their mouths were full of sharp fangs. , with a black horn on the top of his head, it is the Babu people at the core of the Babu Legion.

"Fight, fight, it's better to be more intense. The harder they fight, the more delicious the soul we suck."

"Unfortunately, after such a battle, our forces will be greatly damaged!"

"What is the power of the mere faction? When our strength is improved, places like Saifei's power will be our territory."

"I heard that Queen Saifei is very beautiful. I don't know how flesh and blood are, but it must be delicious."

The Babu people feed on flesh and soul. The natives in the Babu galaxy are the fruits they cultivated, and they can be picked whenever they need it. It's so stupid.

However, if you eat the souls and flesh and blood of those natives, sometimes you have to try it. Those Saiyans are very good prey.

It's on the shelves, the first chapter, please order it first! Ask for a monthly pass!

Thanks for the 12,000 starting point coins of "Push Fat Fat"!

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