Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 167 The Dust Settles

"Big brother!"

With a tragic cry, Luo Lan turned her head and saw that Sidir's other two brothers were also being ravaged by Syphilia, with 200,000 combat power against 170,000 combat power lives, although it was impossible to do as easily as Luo Lan. , but killing the opponent is absolutely no problem.

Coupled with Sephiriya's exquisite skills and explosive methods, the outcome of the battle was already doomed.

It should be said that the two brothers were handed over to Syphilia to deal with, just to make her happy, and if she intervened, it might cause the other party's dissatisfaction.

Thinking of this, Luo Lan looked at Hertz, the giant ape-turned Hertz's combat power increased to 120,000, and the huge size shuttled among the other Babu people, spitting out energy cannons, one by one, quickly wiped out with the Babu.

"It seems that this war will soon come to an end. Although there is a little accident, the ending is as expected. I just didn't expect that the Babu people are also a cosmic race that can transform, which almost caused a lot of losses."

Looking at the battlefield where violent explosions were constantly taking place, Luo Lan narrowed his eyes to find the whereabouts of the last Lord Babu. His thoughts spread to the entire Super Dragon Ball. Suddenly, a ray of light flashed in his eyes, and he moved to the top of a palace in an instant. .

"The so-called Lord Babu is here, so let's disappear with the palace!"

"This is the end of provoking the Saiyans!"

Looking coldly at the palace below, Luo Lan gathered his hands together, and a group of blue qigong waves condensed between the huge palms. Soon, the strong energy exceeded the extreme value of the detector. The equipment exploded and caught fire, and the corridor was filled with a strong and pungent smell.

In a deep room, Mr. Babu stared blankly at the picture on the screen with his thin face.

His lips moved slightly, and he shouted in disbelief: "No, it's impossible, Sidir and the others are not opponents. Our family has been standing in the extreme west for thousands of years, how could it be defeated... The mere Saiyans, the mere Saifi forces, It's obviously just a small force that has just risen..."

The stiff face looked at the screen, which showed a giant ape condensing energy waves.

Lord Babu lost his eyes.

Boom! !

Exciting energy descended from the sky, like a big sun suddenly falling, a sky-high arrogance suddenly rose on the horizon, and the bright light poured down, even standing in outer space, it can be clearly seen clearly.

"Hahaha... Wrong, wrong, the Babu family has to be removed from the universe because of provoking the Saifi forces... I'm not reconciled, curse you, the Saifi forces will go to hell sooner or later. ."

Complaining with blood, Lord Babu roared loudly with a ferocious expression on his face, and endless remorse suddenly emerged in his heart. If he had known this, he would not have provoke Saifei's forces, but survival in the universe is so cruel, a mistake The decision is likely to ruin the future of a civilization.

No matter how unwilling Mr. Babu was, he was finally turned into ashes in a sea of ​​hot and sticky energy.


Everything in the palace was submerged in the ocean of energy. In the space, the fleet of Saifi's forces detected an astonishing energy. After aiming the camera at the energy source, they immediately saw a big sun rising from the horizon. Due to the overall light transmission of Super Dragon Ball , this splendid light is directly transmitted to all parts of the planet.

"My God, this is the power of Lord Luo Lan. Even if it is so far away, it makes people tremble."

"Lord Luo Lan's power is so powerful."

In the fleet, the Saiyan warriors were horrified to feel the energy transmitted from the distant starry sky.

Luo Lan looked down indifferently, with a pressing aura lingering all over his body. After confirming that the so-called Lord Babu was completely dead, a faint smile appeared on his face, and then he joined the battle to clean up the remnants of the Babu Legion.

At this time, the battle was coming to an end, and in the destructive expedition of Syphilia and Herz, the Babu Legion had already collapsed. When it was about to be cleaned up, many Bab Legion cosmos simply disarmed and surrendered.

The battle continued for a while and finally ended.

Looking at the vast orange-red land, Luo Lan summoned the cosmos of Saifei's forces to take prisoners of war, and asked the Lis people to count the losses of the war. From this day onwards, the entire Far West region will also be brought under the rule of the Saifi forces.


At the same time, in several other galaxies far away from the Babu galaxy, the special forces and Sonori's men were also cleaning other strongholds of the Babu Corps, and they did not encounter other Babu people during the whole process.

Because the source of the Babu people's power is the sun, and the Super Dragon Ball has the function of gathering and amplifying the energy of the sun, so all the Babu people live on the Super Dragon Ball, which has now been taken away by Luo Lan.

In the process of occupying other galaxies, Sonori and the others also met investigators from other forces. These investigators seem to be specifically watching the battle between the Saifi forces and the Babu Army. After all, the two sides in the battle are from the west of the Northern Galaxy. The great power of , naturally attracts the attention of others.

After seeing Sonori's fleet, the investigators hurriedly turned around.

Since they already knew the news of Sai Fei's overall victory, they also needed to quickly send the news back and stay on the battlefield. It was no longer necessary. In case of a misunderstanding with Sai Fei's forces, it would be even more unwise.

"There is news from Luo Lan that the Bab Legion has been uprooted, and now the extreme west is our territory. He asked us to receive all the planets as soon as possible." Thorne read the news from the headquarters.

"Tell them that we have already started receiving." Sonori laughed happily when she heard the news.

"By the way, ask them what to do with Wozfu Planet, which is also a planet under the Babu Legion. It seems that the Lis tribe has a bloody feud with them!"


Hearing this, Thorne sent the question to Luo Lan, and he replied soon after replying, with only one sentence - "cooperate with the Lis clan to retake the planet of Wozf"

Sonori rubbed her chin and snorted twice, and suddenly waved her hand, "Little ones, go to battle with my mother, the mere planet of Wozf, it will take only a few days to fight!"

As a result, a part of the Saifi forces' fleet sailed majestically towards the Wozif planet under the deployment of Sonori. Halfway through, Ebony, who learned that Luo Lan was going to rescue the Lis tribe, had red eyes, please order to follow Along with Sonori and the others, Luo Lan readily agreed.

Next, with uncontrollable excitement, Ebony led nearly 100,000 people from the Lys clan and accompanied Sonori to the Wozef Planet.

Another fierce war started in another starry sky, but compared to the battle that took place on Super Dragon Ball, this war was almost negligible.

Under the siege and interception of fighting robots and war fortresses, the planet Wozfu was quickly conquered. Watching the captive tribesmen regain their freedom, Oolong's eyes were filled with tears of excitement, and the Lis tribe finally can be rebuilt.

In contrast, the entire Bodo clan suffered a disaster...

Ebony is full of hatred for the Bodo people who have banned their own group for more than a thousand years!


chapter Five

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