Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 169 New Ideas

space island.

After Luo Lan returned from the battlefield, he threw himself into cultivation, sitting on the ground made of thunderbolt steel and thinking hard. He tried to use different methods to feel the difference between the humanoid state and the giant ape state, so as to establish a connection between the two forms. bridge. But the difference between a humanoid and a giant ape is so great that even if Luo Lan's comprehension is good, it is impossible for him to complete his cultivation immediately.

Cultivation is like this. It is normal to encounter bottlenecks. Now, Luo Lan has a feeling of being trapped on a cliff and in a dilemma.

The end point is clearly in front of him, and he can cross it with just a little step, but it seems that there is an obstacle blocking his way all the time, which is particularly uncomfortable.

With a long sigh of relief, another attempt ended in failure.

Luo Lan frowned, "No, it has been proven to be a feasible method in consciousness cultivation. Once it comes to reality, there will be various minor changes due to macroscopic differences, and this change is enough to change the result."

The spiritual world is different from the real world. One is purely mental simulation without physical factors, while the other has to consider the influence of various external factors.

Just like producing a new car, the theoretical design is always different from the actual production. Not only the aerodynamics of car production, but also the cost and safety issues must be considered, and various factors are often added together. , When the finished product came out, it was already beyond recognition compared with the drawings at the beginning of the design.

This is the kind of problem that Luo Lan is encountering now. Even if the perfect solution in consciousness cultivation cannot be realized in reality, it is useless.

"Where is the problem!" Luo Lan looked up at the moon, the flawless full moon was as gentle and delicate as jade, and the bright moonlight shone on her body, constantly irritating the thick half of her tail behind her.

Glancing at Sephilia, she was sitting quietly with her eyes closed, her whole body covered with a hazy dark red light, which was the luster emanating from the energy of the giant ape.

"It seems easier to induce the power of the giant ape directly in the humanoid state..." Thinking like this, Luo Lan quickly shook his head again. If he wants to integrate the power of the giant ape in the perfect form into the human body, he must do it in the form of the giant ape. Cultivation is the most direct and essential way to get in touch with the power of the giant ape.

Although the method like Sefilia seems convenient, the final strength will be reduced.

If Syphilia also had the perfect giant ape form, she would not choose to experience the power of the giant ape in her human form.

"There is a long way to go!" With a long sigh, Luo Lan rested for a while before continuing to practice.

At this moment, a beautiful figure came running not far away, the blonde Lanqi was walking in a slack, humming hummingly running hard, the sweat had soaked through her thin shirt, the whole person was panting, her body was constantly shaking, and she looked like she was always on the move. It looks like it might fall down.

"Uuuu, I really can't run..." Blonde Lanqi hunched over and shouted aggrievedly. She was punished by Syphilia for carrying twice the gravity. She had to run around the space island every day. Just to kill her.

"Go and take a rest." Luo Lan's voice reached the ears of Blonde Lanqi.

"Little brother, you are so nice." Blonde Lan Qi heard this, and she was instantly grateful. If it weren't for Luo Lan's current form of a giant ape, she couldn't help but give him a big hug.

"Oh, Blonde Lanqi is also a very pure person, but her personality is a little rude."

Looking at the blond Lan Qi lying on the ground gasping for breath, Luo Lan smiled, and felt more and more that the blond Lan Qi was actually very similar to a Saiyan. They were both strong and domineering in character. Any discomfort would be shown directly on her face. Such a person's heart is often very pure. If Blonde Lange's power can be stronger, he will think Blonde Lange is a "Super Saiyan"!

Speaking of Lan Qi's appearance as a "Super Saiyan", Luo Lan couldn't help but think of her transformation ability, then frowned slightly, and a flash of light seemed to flash in her mind.

"Little brother, why are you staring at me all the time?" Blonde Lanqi shivered.

"It's okay, just stay there."

"Oh!" Blonde Lanqi snorted, secretly adjusted the gravity bracelet on her wrist to 1x gravity, and then crept out to be lazy.

Anyway, brother Luo Lan said that she can rest now, so the teacher should have no reason to blame her. Blonde Lanqi thought this in her heart, but when she turned around, she saw Syphilia glanced at her indifferently. She was so frightened that she quickly hid her hands behind her back. Only slightly relieved.

Alas, this kind of life is becoming less and less domineering than the gangster Jiang Yang, and then, a hint of helplessness flashed on Qingxiu's face, and she ran to the side to "paddle".

Luo Lan smiled slightly, and after the blond Lan Qi ran off to be lazy, she concentrated on thinking about the inspiration just now.

Speaking of it, whether it is a giant ape transformation or a super saiyan transformation, it is a transformation ability. It stimulates the body through a certain method, so that the body obtains a power far beyond the normal state. It is a means of life-saving evolved in the process of biological evolution to ensure the safety of one's own life.

As a result, it gradually evolved into a means of fighting.

In the universe, there are not many cosmic people with the ability to transform. As far as Luo Lan knows, apart from the Saiyans, the Champo family on Frieza's side, and the Babu family who fought before, all of them have changed. A race of physical abilities.

Thinking of the Babu people he encountered in the previous battle, Luo Lan's brows slightly wrinkled.

Babu people are a kind of cosmic life that loves sunlight. Under the sunlight, they can exert more power than usual. The reason why they settled on Super Dragon Ball is because Super Dragon Ball can concentrate and enhance the sunlight. Brings an unexpected boost to their transformation.

The benefits of Super Dragon Ball to the Babu people are not just focusing on the sun, but it seems to have a greater role in itself.

The sunlight focused by Super Dragon Ball has a different nature?

After all, the reason why Dragon Ball is discovered by Dragon Ball Radar is because it itself releases a strange radio wave.

Sunlight, Super Dragon Ball... Strange radio waves, several irrelevant words lingered in Luo Lan's brain, and a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Babu people can rely on the 'reflex' of Super Dragon Ball to get a more powerful source of stimulation. Speaking of Babu people's transformation is a bit similar to giant ape, so does this mean that Super Dragon Ball can also stimulate giants? Ape power?"

"If the Super Dragon Ball also has an effect on the power of the giant ape, can I use the Super Dragon Ball to practice and then adjust the state of the giant ape!"

Luo Lan's eyes lit up, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that this was a feasible idea. Super Dragon Ball is a super wishing ball made by the dragon god Sarama, with incredible abilities, and its function may not only be reflected in wishing.

Of course, even if this idea is feasible, there are still two things for Luo Lan to consider: First, the moon is not as huge as the sun. If the Super Dragon Ball is used to focus on the full moon, the moonlight is likely to be scattered by the Super Dragon Ball, and the transformation cannot be achieved. The second is that the Super Dragon Ball is located on the side of the Babu Galaxy, and it is impossible to move at all.

And as far as he knows, the Babu galaxy has no moon at all, and if an artificial moon is used, the luminosity will only drop lower.

Chapter VII

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