Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 172 Blonde Lanqi is about to urinate

"Yo, cat fairy, there are other people on Kaelin Tower!"

When Luo Lan carried the blonde Lan Qi to the Kalin Tower, the cat fairy was giving instructions to the two girls, and a clear voice made the cat fairy stop.

"It turned out to be Mr. Luo Lan, long time no see." Immortal Mao greeted politely, looking curiously at the blond girl on Luo Lan's shoulder.

Luo Lan put down the blonde Lan Qi, "This girl's name is Lan Qi, she is my sister's student."

"It turned out to be Miss Syphilia's student!"

Immortal Cat's face froze upon hearing this, it is not easy to become a student of Syphilia, so she looked at Blonde Lanqi carefully, and she really felt an aura that surpassed that of ordinary people on earth. It's just that this girl's aura is very cruel, and she really has her own apprentice!

This blond girl is not a kind person either.

"What's the matter with the two girls behind you?" Luo Lan saw Kiki and Suno. The two girls were cute, but at this time, there should be no one else in the Kalin Tower. Could it be because he What did you do to change the mind of a cat fairy or a god?

"Oh, their names are Kiki and Suno, they are the children sent by the gods to practice." Immortal Mao said without any concealment.

"Qiqi, Su Nuo, this is the little brother Luo Lan, a very great master." The cat fairy vaguely introduced Luo Lan's identity to Qiqi and the others, so as not to accidentally offend the other party.

Kiki, Suno?

Hearing the names of the two girls, Luo Lan froze for a moment, and a gleam suddenly flashed in her eyes.

"It turns out that this black-haired girl is Qiqi, the girl who was supposed to be Sun Wukong's wife, and the other red-haired girl is Su Nuo, Su Nuo, isn't she the little girl who rescued Sun Wukong in the snow in the original book! Later, she lived in seclusion in the Masruta area with the android No. 8."

"Interesting, these two girls who have something to do with Sun Wukong are actually on the Kalin Tower, and they are also practicing with the cat fairy!"

Luo Lan looked at Qiqi and Suno, and all kinds of thoughts flashed in his mind.

And then looked away from Kiki and the others...

No matter what the reason for Kiki and Suno appearing on Kaelin Tower, it actually has no effect on him. It should be said that with the improvement of his own strength, Luo Lan has been able to deal with the changes of the plot very calmly, and will no longer be like the previous one. Like the one who has passed through, he needs to rely on foresight at all times to save his life.

"Hello." Kiki greeted politely.

"Hello, big brother." Su Nuo also said hello.

Luo Lan nodded to the two of them, then said to Immortal Mao, "I'm here to get her a somersault cloud this time."

Hearing the words, Immortal Mao saw through the mind of Blonde Lanqi at a glance, and said, "With this girl's mind, it is unlikely that she wants to ride the somersault cloud..." Although she said so, Immortal Mao still honestly invited her. A somersault cloud, after all, Luo Lan's terrifying strength is there, there is no reason to hate each other for trivial matters, and besides, there are still many places on earth that need to rely on each other!

After the blonde Lan Qi was put down by Luo Lan, she kept looking around, and she was not happy when she heard the words of the cat fairy.

No matter what the somersault cloud is, she said stubbornly: "This young lady can't sit on that somersault cloud, it's just a joke! Where is the somersault cloud, it's this golden thing... Hey, how can a cloud be? Sit down, you're joking!"

Immortal Cat shrugged and said to Qiqi behind him, "Qiqi, jump on the somersault cloud and show this young lady a demonstration."

"Okay, Kaelin-sama!"

Kiki nodded obediently, jumped out of the second floor of the Kalin Tower, and landed directly on the soft somersault cloud, and then walked around the sky with the somersault cloud in front of the blonde Lanqi.

"It's really possible to sit on people, what's the reason for this cloud?" Blonde Lanqi's eyes were fixed, and she shouted as if she had found a baby, "It's great, I like this thing, hurry up and let me try it. a bit."

After Qiqi jumped off the somersault cloud, she gave up the position to the blonde Lan Qi, Lan Qi laughed and jumped up directly.


Blonde Lanqi frowned, she didn't feel any strength, and then her feet were empty, and her whole body fell from the golden clouds of somersaults.


"You're going to die, please help, this thing is not reliable at all!"

The tragic screams were getting farther and farther, and soon they were no longer audible.

"Aren't you going to save her?" Looking at Luo Lan, who was still motionless, the cat fairy asked strangely, and Luo Lan replied, "It doesn't matter, it's a long way from here to fall to the ground, so let her learn a lesson."

"Oh." Since Luo Lan had said this, Immortal Mao naturally had no objection. In fact, he also saw that Lan Qi's reckless personality just needed some tempering.

About five minutes passed, Luo Lan estimated that the blonde Lan Qi was about to fall to the ground, so a teleport disappeared in full view of the public.

Thousands of meters above the ground, the blonde Lan Qi’s tears splashed and she let out a tragic cry. Because she shouted for too long, the girl’s crisp voice became a little hoarse. The cold wind blew against her cheeks, and Lan Qi, the blond hair, was cold all over her body, and she almost fainted.

"Ah~~~" shouted long and mournfully, and fell for five minutes, especially as her body continued to fall, and when she was about to fall to the ground, Blonde Lanqi suddenly regretted it. Jump from the sky.

"Hold the qi in your body and gather it on the surface of your body, so that you can gain the power to float." Luo Lan suddenly appeared beside the blonde Lan Qi and taught her to use the qi in her body.

But at this time, Lan Qi, the blond hair, was dazed for a long time, and she cried and said, "I can't use it."

"Help me!"

Luo Lan glanced at Blonde Lanqi, shook her head and reached out to support her body. After a period of buffering, their bodies floated in the air several hundred meters above the ground. Blonde Lanqi trembled, like an octopus. Locked Luo Lan's body tightly.

"You can let me go."

"No, I'm scared!" the blonde Lan Qi shouted, and suddenly her body couldn't stop shaking. Lan Qi stopped shouting and screaming, "That... I want to pee..."

It's really a lot of things. You treat yourself as Bulma, you will urinate when you are hung on a tree, and warn: "Hold on, or I will throw you down."

"Don't, I know."

"Before doing things in the future, think about it with your head. Blindly being reckless will make you suffer sooner or later. If I didn't catch you this time, you would have fallen to your death." He pinched the fair face of the blonde Lanqi, sternly. issued a warning.

"I see."

Blonde Lanqi's cheeks were flushed, and she nodded embarrassedly, feeling that she was embarrassed this time.

Luo Lan looked at her writhing appearance, not knowing how much she heard, and slowly put her on the ground. After her feet were on the ground, the blonde Lan Qi sat on the ground with her buttocks, her whole body was still shaking.

When the blonde Lan Qi came back from the toilet, she saw that her cheeks were still a little red, and her personality seemed to have softened a lot.

chapter Ten

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