Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 175 Swallow it

Bang, Syphilia's body was slapped on the ground by the giant ape's tail, and the violent force penetrated her body. Syphilia's internal organs were instantly severely injured, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help gushing out.


The blood mist flew instantly, and Syphilia's face instantly turned pale. At this moment, the mad giant ape roared again, raised his foot and stepped out, trying to trample Syphilia to death.

"Full air strike!"

The endless oscillating force attacked, and Syphilia used her trump card in a hurry. With this energy shot, the bright light illuminated the sky. However, when the "all-air strike" hit the giant ape, the effect was It was extremely small, and the giant ape let out a low roar, and the force of the stampede directly shattered Syphilia's attack.


The earth trembled suddenly, and the sturdy thunderbolt steel directly withstood the violent force of the giant ape.

Feeling that the giant ape who stepped on the bottom of the foot was not able to kill the prey, his mood became more violent. The giant ape waved his arms and let out a roaring sound. The terrifying sound wave immediately shocked Syphilia's eardrums slightly, and his body couldn't help but panic. A strong sense of nausea.

At this moment, the two frightening eyes of the giant ape were fixed on Syphilia, and suddenly he threw his fist at her. Seeing this, Syphilia quickly activated teleportation, his body flashed lightly, and then again. A condensed energy blade, ready to cut off the giant ape's tail.


The giant ape turned his head suddenly, the bloody mouth suddenly aimed at Syphilia, an energy ball formed in the mouth, Syphilia's pupils shrank suddenly, and she leaned her body in a conditioned reflex.

Whoops... The giant pillar of energy roared out, and the powerful energy cannon, enough to destroy a planet, swiped directly by Syphilia's side, and the fierce wind almost tore apart the battle suit on Syphilia's body. Although Syphilia escaped the attack, her body was also severely injured.

The addition of the two injuries immediately made her condition extremely poor.

You must know that Luo Lan, who is in the state of giant ape, has a combat power of 940,000 - even if the strength of Syphilia has grown after the ape transformation, it is only 200,000 combat power, and it is still incomparable with the giant ape Luo Lan. The opponent only needed one shelling to kill her.

The wind was blowing, and there was a depressing smell in the air. Syphilia stared at the giant ape with a pale face. In order to dodge the attack of the giant ape, she was now a little exhausted. Teleporting away to a place several kilometers away from the giant ape, Syphilia's silver teeth nibbled, and her face turned pale for a while.

"Bastard, it's getting more and more troublesome." Resisting the pressure from the giant ape, a coolness filled Syphilia's body.

He took out a fairy bean from his arms and stuffed it into his mouth. The energy contained in the fairy bean dispelled Syphilia's exhaustion at once, and his body returned to its peak state.

Just facing the powerful giant ape, Syphilia really has no good way.

"Try again if you can lose Luo Lan's tail. If it doesn't work, you can only destroy the moon and wait for him to automatically exit the giant ape state." Syphilia is a proud person, and she really doesn't want to unless she has to. take this means of evasion.

The white eyebrows were slightly condensed, and after Syphilia adjusted her state to the best, she attacked the giant ape.

When approaching the giant ape, the angry giant ape also saw Sephiria.

The giant ape curled its tail around its waist, which made Syphilia no chance to attack at all.

A fist slammed towards Syphilia at an incredible speed.


Syphilia went to block with her arms, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye radiated out, but the power of the giant ape was far higher than that of Syphilia, her body collapsed instantly, and her whole body was knocked out.


This time the damage was more serious than before, the battle suit on his body shattered instantly, and several bones were broken. But fortunately, the giant ape's movements after losing his mind were also greatly restricted. Although the power displayed was very powerful, it finally allowed Syphilia to survive.

"There is no other way, it seems that the only way is to destroy the moon." Syphilia wiped the blood from her mouth and used the fairy beans to recover her injuries with difficulty.

A pale energy ball condensed in his hand, ready to destroy the moon in one go. Aiming it at the moon, just when Syphilia was about to attack, she heard Lan Qi's panicked cry, and when she looked back, she found that the irrational giant ape aimed at Lan Qi this time. Lan Qi was flying in the sky holding the Dragon Ball.

The speed of the somersault cloud is faster than that of the giant ape, and Lan Qi is about to be swallowed by the giant ape.

"Bastard, why are you eyeing Lan Qi again?!"

The time was urgent, and Syphilia didn't have time to think more, so she took the time to shoot the energy bomb that was originally used to destroy the moon at the mouth of the giant ape.

With a bang, the energy bomb entered the mouth of the giant ape. The terrifying energy explosion caused the giant ape to suffer endlessly. I saw the giant ape jumping up and down in anger, slashing its palms through the void like thunder, bringing up bursts of frantic storms, a world-class storm. A storm forms on a space island.


Lan Qi screamed and dodged around with the red dragon ball in her arms, but in the bitter wind, the somersault cloud she was riding on was quickly washed away, and Lan Qi and the red dragon ball all fell from the sky.

The giant ape with a height of more than fifty meters is like a hill. When it opens its mouth, the mouth of the blood basin is like the entrance to the abyss.

Seeing this, Syphilia's body turned into an electric light and came to Lan Qi's side and caught her, but she could only watch the red dragon ball fall naturally, directly into the mouth of the giant ape.

Cough cough... After the red dragon ball entered the mouth, the giant ape began to cough dryly, and stopped attacking Syphilia and Lanqi.


A dragon roar suddenly sounded in the giant ape's mouth, and then a crimson energy rose up in the giant ape's body, which quickly overwhelmed the violent force of the giant ape itself. The crimson energy lingered on the surface of the giant ape's body.

The giant ape, who was still irritable, suddenly quieted down and stood there in a daze.

The divine light of reason reappeared in the blood-red eyes.

"What's going on?" Lan Qi asked with a trembling voice as she hugged Syphilia's shoulders tightly.

Syphilia carefully observed the situation of the giant ape, and said with some uncertainty: "After swallowing that red dragon ball, the giant ape seems to be starting to recover."

"That dragon ball was eaten, so there shouldn't be anything wrong, right?" Lan Qi asked worriedly.

"It seems that there should be no serious problem." Syphilia is not very sure, she can only take a step and watch it, but that red dragon ball was helpful to the cultivation of the giant ape before, so it shouldn't be particularly harmful!

Chapter Thirteen

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