Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 182 Planting fairy beans (20 more!)

The Asia God Realm is a pale red space. Because it borders the Realm of the King of God, the level of the space is also very high, far exceeding the realm of the realm of the King of God. It is surrounded by golden clouds, floating between the clouds. A few small planets, all the scenery is very similar to the realm of the king and the gods.

On a rolling, endless grassland, the sky is pale red.

On a low slope, Luo Lan's figure appeared there without warning, staring in all directions, because the planet was relatively small, and the horizon in the distance obviously showed a curved shape.

"This is a place close to the realm of the realm of the realm, so be careful in everything, and don't attract the attention of the realm." He took a breath of the vitality wafting in the air, and suddenly a refreshing fragrance came out, as expected of a god star, There is a strong vitality in the air. Luo Lan roughly estimated that the environment here was even better than the seventh floor of the God-making Star he once stayed in.

When choosing the God Realm, Luo Lan chose the space close to the Realm of the Realm without hesitation, and the Destruction God Realm simply gave up.

You must know that the Destruction God Realm is the place where the Destruction God Beerus sleeps, and its energy is essentially different from that of the King God Realm. More importantly, there is an unfathomable master there - Angel Weiss, Luo Lan really doesn't want to deal with Weiss and the others in advance at this time!

In comparison, the Realm of the Realm is a little safer. Although the power of the Realm is terrifyingly strong for him, the Eastern Realm is responsible for the creation of the gods, even if they are discovered, as long as they don’t invade directly. In the realm of the realm of the realm of the king, it is relatively easy to talk.

In order to find such a divine star that is close to the realm of the realm of the realm, Luo Lan also took a risk.

"If you can practice on this divine star, the effect must be very outstanding. Unfortunately, it is too close to the realm of the realm of the realm, and the release of too strong energy may be noticed by the god of the Eastern realm and Jabeet!"

Dongjie Wangshen is okay, he can talk better, but Jabeet has a more old-fashioned thinking and does not look down on human beings. When the original Middle Eastern Realm God brought Sun Wufan into the Realm of the Realm of the Realm, Jabeet always held an objection. . If he was told that there were outsiders approaching the "Holy Land", he would probably take action directly.

After some thought, Luo Lan regrettably gave up the idea of ​​​​cultivating on this divine star, and immediately restrained the breath on his body to a minimum, because he was in a normal state, using the breath of the earth to restrain, Luo Lan's breath reduced to a very weak level.

In the different dimension space, he took out a hoe and smashed it to the ground, ding, as if metal collided, the crisp sound was accompanied by the fire, and the hoe was directly smashed into a corner.

"The soil here is quite hard, and it deserves to be a divine star." Looking at the place where the hoe smashed, Luo Lan smiled, and directly condensed it into a set of sharp rays with qigong waves.


The energy ray swept along the ground, and the soil of Shenxing was immediately overturned.

At this time, Luo Lan took out a few fairy beans from the different-dimensional space and planted them. Then, he found a water source on the star of God, and took the lake water to water it.

After doing all this, Luo Lan clapped his palms and glanced at the land he had worked so hard to cultivate. Whether he could grow fairy beans or not depends on the situation behind.

After a teleport, Luo Lan left the sub-god world directly.

space island.

Seeing Luo Lan disappearing and appearing suddenly, Syphilia's graceful figure floated to Luo Lan's side, "Where did you go just now?"

Luo Lan explained the evolution of his teleportation ability and the discovery of the sub-god world.

After hearing this, Syphilia's beautiful eyes lit up, and she said with some regret, "The realm of the gods you mentioned is definitely a good place to practice, but it's a pity that you can't go there to practice." Regarding what Luo Lan said about the realm gods , Syphilia doesn't know how powerful it is, but even Luo Lan is so afraid, it should be very powerful.

"I have already planted immortal beans in the sub-god world. Whether I can harvest or not depends on the environment there. As for cultivation, I can find another place in the future, but I'm not in a hurry."

"You're right." Syphilia nodded, she didn't even master the ape transformation, and she couldn't be too ambitious now.

After letting Syphilia continue to practice, Luo Lan began to sit down and think about his own problems. He didn't think of the "teleportation" of Adrat and the "transfer" of Medamore, and then use his vitality. After being motivated by the power of Dragon Ball, he actually had the ability to travel through space at will, similar to Jabeet.

But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense. Jabeet's "teleportation" is actually the gift of the gods and the apprentices of the universe, and now he can use his vitality and a small amount of Dragon Ball power to obtain similar abilities. There seems to be no surprise.

Maybe you can rely on this ability to leave the seventh universe and go to other universes to experience!

Thinking of the magnificent scenes of other universes, Luo Lan's mouth couldn't help revealing a smile. After imagining it for a while, he quickly put aside the reason for teleportation evolution for a while, and began to think about what Syphilia just said.

Find a place to practice.

It is true that the sub-god world is too close to the realm of the realm of the gods, so it is not suitable for cultivation in the past. So is there any other place in the universe?

So next, Luo Lan aimed at this, and began to use his teleportation ability to explore the state of the seventh universe.

But I don't know if it's because Luo Lan's power is still rough, or it really doesn't exist. In the area that Luo Lan can observe, there are only a few large areas, the Realm of the King of God, the Realm of Destruction God, and their The subordinate space of , below is the realm king space and the underworld and hell under their command.

No other hidden place was found.

Luo Lan stopped searching, put her finger on her chin and thought, "Maybe my strength is not strong enough, I can only sense some large-scale spatial veins, and I can't sense the details."

"Forget it, since that's the case, let's talk about it later." Luo Lan was not in a hurry, after all, even if he couldn't find such a place, it wasn't that he couldn't become stronger.

In the days that followed, Luo Lan observed the growth of the fairy beans in the Yashen Realm, while practicing on the space island. What was gratifying was that the fairy beans in the God Stars of the Yashen Realm had already sprouted, and the top buds of the plants had sprouted. It has been broken out of the ground, indicating that the environment of Shenxing is indeed suitable for the growth of fairy beans.

If there is a harvest, Luo Lan will not be short of fairy beans in the future.


in the top space of the universe.

In the center of the psychedelic and hazy mysterious space, there is a rhombus-shaped star floating. On the rhombus-shaped star grows a huge and dry giant tree. There are no leaves on it.

The only noticeable thing is that there are several temple-like buildings on the upper floors of the tree trunks.

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