Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 190 Breakthroughs in all aspects

The Spiritual Time House is undoubtedly a miracle. The time inside it flows faster than the outside. It is unclear who built it. In short, the building of the temple is full of mystery. Maybe there were some strong people on the earth in ancient times; or, which cosmic god passed through here and left this miracle.

On the large square of Nuoda, it was all white.

At a glance, the empty world is boundless, and it is white.

Standing in front of the golden resting hut, the hourglass on both sides kept leaking green sand, and it was exactly one year when it leaked one round.

An artificial moon hangs in the sky, and Syphilia sits quietly in the moonlight to practice. Without the blessing of the red dragon ball, her practice progress is not very fast, but because she is in the spiritual time room, she is not particularly anxious. , This kind of mentality is exactly in line with the practice concept of earth martial arts, which makes her practice more smooth.

At this time, Syphilia's eyebrows were tightly knitted, and her fair eyebrows were oozing with crystal sweat because of the hot temperature around her, and a faint red light floated on the surface of her body. If you look closely, you will find the depths of Syphilia's eyes. Gradually shining a faint red light.

Has entered the state of cultivation.

boom! !

The pale red air wave burst out suddenly, and the cold and fierce wind swept up the fine dust floating on the square. With Syphilia as the center, a thick air wall spread out. Syphilia's energy keeps rising.

Luo Lan sat not far from her, and after feeling the breath of Syphilia, she looked back at her with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"Syphilia's qi has increased, slightly more peaceful than the giant ape form, but still extremely violent."

Given such a judgment, Luo Lan's mimetic ape fusion combines the power of Dragon Ball, with a domineering breath, but it is very peaceful. Syphilia's current power is too violent in comparison, like a human-shaped wild beast, and its vigorous power seems to be squeezed. Break everything.

This kind of power is not easy to control, if it can be controlled, then it is not far from mimicking ape.

"Help her!" With a thought, Luo Lan immediately came to Syphilia's side, pressing her fingers against the opponent's forehead, and a red ape-like force was transmitted to Syphilia's body through her fingers.

Syphilia's breathing became deep, as if she was asleep, and her breath became very long. After a while, Syphilia raised her beautiful eyes, and a cluster of blood-colored red light flashed past, and her breath became a little calmer.

"Thank you." Syphilia took a breath.

"Thank you for what I said to you, it should be." Luo Lan chuckled, wiping the sweat from her cheeks, "It seems that you will master the mimicry soon, I wonder if your mimicry will be the same as mine. ."

"I haven't mastered the power of the perfect form of the giant ape - I can't maintain a ten-fold increase at the same time when the giant ape is transformed. The mimicry should be worse than you, but as long as the normal power goes up, it will not be weaker than you." Sai Fei A smile spread on Leah's demure face.

The greatest help to Saiyans by mimicry ape is not the increase in combat multipliers, but the rebirth of physical fitness. Syphilia was a high-level warrior when she was on Planet Vegeta. Once she became a mimetic ape, the power of the giant ape was applied to her body, which was enough to make her bloodline even more pure.

At that time, the training speed will be greatly improved, and there is not necessarily no hope of catching up with Luo Lan.

As an independent and proud Saiyan, Syphilia has always been full of self-confidence. Even if she is temporarily overtaken by Luo Lan, she will surpass her.

Seeing the boundless confidence in Syphilia's eyes, Luo Lan laughed, "I hope you will master the mimicry form as soon as possible, then we will be able to compete better, you are a little weak now, even if I don't change, it's normal. Power can almost overwhelm you."

Syphilia sneered, full of confidence, "It won't make you complacent for too long."

"I'm waiting for you!" Luo Lan's eyes showed a smile, this is the Syphilia he knew, always so domineering.

Next, the two of them had a discussion under normal conditions. This kind of discussion is often carried out. Luo Lan will suppress the qi in the body according to the power of Syphilia. This kind of reflection, after careful study, will always improve yourself and make up for your shortcomings.

Time goes by.

Every day, Luo Lan and Syphilia were growing, and more than a year passed quickly.

Luo Lan, who was approaching adulthood, finally grew up quickly, and now she has grown into the adult form of mimicry.

The harvest is also huge is Syphilia. After so long of hard work, and Luo Lan constantly instilling her mimetic perception, Syphilia finally got her wish and completed her leap from normal to mimetic ape.

The majestic Syphilia floated in mid-air, exuding a domineering energy all over her body, her crimson tail curled around her waist, and her slender figure was slender and slender, but it was also a mimic ape. There are some differences with Luo Lan.

The tail is also red, this has not changed, but if you look closely, you will find that the depths of Syphilia's pupils are exuding a reddish luster, not the golden light like Luo Lan's.

Red light?

Feeling the violent force from Syphilia, Luo Lan guessed that Syphilia's form might be closer to the ancient Saiyans, and he himself was mutated because of the influence of vitality and Dragon Ball power. form.

"My mimetic ape, only increased my power five times."

Syphilia was already prepared for this, and her mood was considered peaceful.

"It's not bad, it's much stronger than the previous giant ape, then improve the power of normality, and then reach the Super Saiyan as soon as possible!" Luo Lan didn't need to comfort Syphilia, and set a goal for her directly.

"Don't worry, I won't lose to you again." Syphilia smiled confidently, her powerful strength filled her with fighting spirit.

"Ha ha!"

Luo Lan smiled lightly at this. Syphilia is now like Vegeta in the original novel. She was at an advantage at the beginning, and she has to keep chasing after herself. Being in the second place is already more tragic. I hope she will not suffer from it in the future. It's good to hit. But even if it is his own sister, Luo Lan will never show mercy.

If you want to conquer her, you must first suppress her in strength.

This is determined by the character of the Saiyan.


The environment of the spiritual time house is not very harsh for them. The difficulty is that it is difficult to suppress the boring, weak will and lack of concentration are prone to hallucinations. In the original book, Sun Wukong entered the spiritual time house for the first time, and he couldn't stand it after a long time. .

But Luo Lan gets along with each other, and they are a man and a woman, so the boring days are not so boring. The so-called male and female partners are not tired, especially when there is some ambiguity between the two from time to time, such days are not so boring. Don't have a flavor. Even after a certain practice was over, while Syphilia was exhausted, this beautiful sister was finally won by Luo Lan.

And Syphilia, whose relationship was already ambiguous, also acquiesced to this result.

It's just that Syphilia is the queen of Saiyans. Even if she is arrogant and arrogant, she will take the initiative. It's a pity that the ending disappointed her very much. She is the one who loses every round.

Syphilia, who had made a big breakthrough in her practice, was restrained everywhere in front of Luo Lan, and it really taught her that she couldn't lose face. In comparison, Luo Lan can be said to have made great breakthroughs in all aspects. Not to mention the improvement in strength, he has achieved what he has always dreamed of.

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