Sarada planet.

Returning here after a year, the scene on the planet has not changed much. Since the Saifi forces collectively dispatched and wiped out the Babu Army a year ago, the territory of the Saifi forces has more than doubled. Occupy the territory of the western third of the Northern Galaxy.

Today, the popularity of Saifei's forces is at its peak. No force dares to touch their bad head. Even some large-scale forces, because of the existence of the universal capsule technology and combat robot technology, do not know what they are thinking in secret, but on the bright side Rush to cooperate with Saifei forces.

The products sold by Qingteng Star are no longer a single seed for cultivating people. It should be said that with the continuous expansion of the trade of Qingteng Star, the proportion of the profit of cultivating seeds in the total share has become smaller and smaller.

Everything has made the Saifi forces develop in a stronger direction. Now the factor restricting their growth is the population problem. The number of Saiyans in the headquarters of the Sarada planet is too small. Even with the participation of foreign warriors, the core of the Saifi forces is. Being a Saiyan doesn't change that.

It is worth mentioning that among the nine places in the Queen's Guard, the number of Saiyans has accounted for five, and the combat power is between 30,000 and 40,000. To be able to make such a big breakthrough is that Saiyans are full of energy. Due to the constant competition, despite the fact that the number of Saiyans is only about 2,000, the number of masters is quite large.

In addition to the five Saiyan warriors who joined the Queen's Guard, the number of elite warriors among the Saiyans has reached 16.

That is to say, in the entire ethnic group, there are already 21 people with a combat power of more than 10,000, which was unimaginable in the time of Star Vegeta.

For this reason, Sonori, Prey, and Thorne also felt tremendous pressure. In order not to be kicked out of the Guards, the three of them practiced hard.

this day.

The sun is shining and the wind is light.

The return of Luo Lan and Sefilia did not disturb many people. Under the service of the Vine girls, they quickly returned to life on the planet Sarada. Among them, Blonde Lanqi was probably the most excited. She walked out of the earth for the first time, and suddenly came to the base camp of the great forces of the universe, and she could boast for a long time when she said it.

In addition, this is the planet ruled by her teacher, and Blonde Lanqi suddenly felt that this place was like a country she had conquered.

Syphilia saw Blonde Lanqi's twitching appearance, and directly adjusted the gravity bracelet on her wrist. When 2.5 times the gravity was applied, even if Blonde Lanqi's combat power was close to 100, her complexion changed. got pale.

"Honestly cultivating on the planet, I'm not taking you out this time to let you travel."

"Wow~" The blonde Lanqi was extremely sad, her green eyes suddenly misted, and she looked pitiful.

"Don't worry about her, if the blonde Lanqi is half as good as the blue-haired Lanqi."

"Forget it, you and Taisi stay at home first. I'll go to the sub-god world to see the situation of Arris and the others." Ignoring the pitiful eyes of Blonde Lanqi, Luo Lan chuckled and teleported away. sub-divine world.

After Luo Lan left, Syphilia returned to her usual queen's temperament. She glared at Blonde Lanqi with a stern look. Blonde Lanqi immediately slapped her lips and calmed down, and then followed the girl from the Vine clan. After she was busy, Syphilia nodded in satisfaction after seeing this, and tidy up the room with Tais.

Luo Lan's room was very large. In the past, Sefilia and Luo Lan often slept together, but now that Taisi is added, the layout of the room also needs to be changed.

The next morning.

Asita took a few children for a walk on the street. When she passed by Luo Lan's house, she happened to see Syphilia coming out of the room. Only then did she know that Syphilia and the others had returned.

"Syphilia, when did you come back?" Ashita asked.

"Just came back yesterday." Saifilia said lightly.

"So that's the case, it seems that you have completed your cultivation." Asita knew that Luo Lan and Syphilia were practicing on the space island on the other side of the earth. Since they came back, they must have succeeded in their cultivation.

Suddenly, Asita let out a startled snort, and saw the abnormal peach red that appeared between Syphilia's brows, her eyebrows frowned slightly.

As a person from the past, she could see the physical condition of Syphilia at a glance. The faint blush and the temperament of melting ice and snow exuded from her body were obviously nourished by love. Then look at Syphilia's body The shape and complexion are no longer Yun Ying's unmarried body.

Suddenly a bold guess flashed in Ashita's heart.

A long time ago, she wondered if the relationship between Syphilia and Luo Lan was too close, not quite like normal siblings, and she wondered if she should remind Syphilia, but it was only because of Syphilia. Leah and the others went to the space island and temporarily forgot about it. Now, looking at it, they really have a relationship.

Frankly speaking, with her strength and status, there is really no Saiyan on the Sarada planet who can match her. It’s not that Asita can’t understand Syphilia’s thoughts, but she still feels it is necessary to let them pay attention.

"Syphilia, has something like that happened between you and Luo Lan?"

"Did you see it?" Syphilia asked in surprise.

Asita showed a look that really did, and said, "I know that there are no male Saiyans who can make you look good, but after all, the relationship between you and Luo Lan is there, so it's best not to show it. , especially to use contraception..."

"Wait, you may have misunderstood. I don't have any big problems with Luo Lan."

Syphilia frowned and interrupted Asita's words, she understood it, and dared to feel that Asita always thought that she and Luo Lan were brothers and sisters, so she had to remind herself to pay attention to the influence, but in fact she and Luo Lan were close to each other. Not siblings. This is to blame when he arranged the identity for Luo Lan at the beginning, in order to save trouble, he hung up a name.

Afterwards, he explained the situation, and after listening to it, Asita realized that she had misunderstood.

"So that's the case, then there's no problem." Ashita breathed a sigh of relief, ashamed of her unnecessary worries.

"Hertz should know about this." Syphilia frowned.

"He didn't tell me."

Asita shook her head, blaming Herz for not making it clear, so she misunderstood.

Syphilia snorted, but didn't pay much attention. She glanced at the four children around Asita, three boys and one girl. The youngest was over four years old, and she was very cute. Touching the heads of a few children, Syphilia asked Asita to inform Hertz that she wanted to know about the recent situation of the Syfi forces.

Ashita nodded.

About an hour later, Hertz, Sonori and others came to Luo Lan's house.

Instructing the Vine girls to prepare tea, Herz, Sonori and others reported the recent situation. Syphilia and Taisi sat on the left and right of Luo Lan, while Lan Qi wore a blue-haired The image appeared and helped prepare snacks with the Fuji girl.

Herz was puzzled for a while as to why Luo Lan suddenly grew up.

As far as he knows, Luo Lan should be only 17 years old now, and there is still a period of time before he reaches adulthood. Is it because his strength has grown, his body has also grown up?

Asking this question, Luo Lan smiled lightly, explaining that there is a cultivation place in the temple of the earth that can speed up the flow of time, and he has stayed in that spiritual time room for two years.

After listening to Hertz, he suddenly realized that there is actually a place like the spiritual time house in the world, but Hertz only sighed about the specific role of the spiritual time house. After all, the gravity and cultivation inside the spiritual time house The environment is just the same, and it can't compare to the training room on the Sarada planet. The only thing that can be praised is probably the ability to accelerate time.

It's just that for Hertz, who has not yet encountered the incident of burning his eyebrows, it is meaningless to enter the spiritual time room to cultivate, but it is relatively shortening his life.

"You have cultivated in that time house for two years, what did you gain?" Sonori asked with interest.

A year ago, when Luo Lan and the others conquered the Babu Army together, their combat power had already reached an astonishing 90,000. Now they should be stronger.

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