Kalin Tower.

On the not-so-spacious training ground at the top of the tower, the big white-haired cat swayed lightly. It was obviously fat, but its movements were very flexible.

Suddenly, a flash of light appeared, and a petite figure suddenly appeared, and a tiny fist pressed against the front of Immortal Cat, and the moving figure of Immortal Cat paused, avoiding her body and dodging.

At this time, another figure appeared, a red-haired girl blocked the way of the cat fairy, and attacked with a dexterous body.

Immortal Cat's eyes suddenly opened, and her soft palm patted Su Nuo's body. The movement was very light and slow, but she was knocked out. It attacked the cat fairy again.

With the sound of "crackling", Kiki and Suno cooperated to attack. If they were fighting alone, they would definitely not be the opponents of the cat fairy, but the two of them joined hands and trained together for a long time. The cat fairy felt embarrassed.


The azure blue qigong wave condensed in the hands of the two women, the arms were pushed forward, and the two groups of energy with powerful momentum spewed out.

Immortal Mao narrowed his eyes and looked at it, turning a blind eye to the Qigong waves released by Qiqi and the others. When the qigong waves were about to reach in front of him, Immortal Mao's fat figure suddenly disappeared, and only two taps were heard after that. the sound of.


The figures of Qiqi and Suno were repelled by the cat fairy. The two flew straight for more than ten meters, stepped on the relief stone pillars around the top of the tower, returned to the ground with a rebound, and landed on the ground again. Paddled several meters.

The cat fairy stroked his whiskers and looked at them with satisfaction.

These two girls are not only pure in mind, but also extremely talented in martial arts. They have been in Kaelin Tower for more than a year and have received the guidance of the cat immortal wholeheartedly. Now their strength is not bad among the lower realm martial artists.

"Very good, your practice has basically entered the hall, and then you need to further practice the use of 'Qi', and these will have more professional people to guide you." Immortal Mao praised without hesitation.

"Many thanks to Immortal Kailin for your teaching." Kiki and Suno said shyly.

The cat immortal has guarded Kaelin Tower for more than 800 years, during which time it has trained an unknown number of martial artists. Its training level is much better than that of the turtle immortal. Thanks to this, the strength of Qiqi and Suno has also improved by leaps and bounds. In the original book, Sun Wukong, who participated in the world's first martial arts club for the first time, is not bad at all.

"Well, in the next few months, you will continue to consolidate your current strength, and at the same time have a good understanding of what 'qi' is. At that time, someone will take you to the temple to practice."

"Are we ready to go to the temple?"

"According to the previous standard, you are still a long way from going to the temple, but now the times are different, it is better to go up earlier, you must know that Bobo is better at 'Qi' practice than me, and he will guide you. It can make you grow faster." Mao Xianren said.

What the earth lacks most now is the strong, there is really no time to wait for the people in the lower world to practice climbing the Kalin Tower by themselves, or even climb the temple. In order to cultivate excellent powerhouses as soon as possible, Immortal Cat and Bobo are both willing to make changes. Immortal Mao is responsible for training Qiqi and Suno to the extent that they can use "qi", and then Bobo takes over to continue training and strengthen their strength.

"The next step is to stabilize the foundation. You don't have to stay on the Kalin Tower, go home and reunite with your relatives. After that, the practice of the temple will be a very serious matter."


"we know."

When Kiki and Suno heard the cat fairy talking about the temple, they nodded hurriedly.

After more than a year of practice in Kaelinta, they are no longer Wuxia Amon. It is natural to know exactly what the temple is. It can be said that... it is the dream of all martial artists, even if it is called "" The Turtle Immortal, the "God of Martial Arts", never entered the temple to practice.

The practice of "Qi" there is absolutely desirable.

Next, the two women took the somersault cloud, waved goodbye to the cat fairy, and went back to their hometowns. Kiki is going back to Liangjingshan to be reunited with her father, and Suno is going back to the Masruta area in the northern polar region...

A slightly different future from the original is slowly unfolding.


The cosmic starry sky with a dark red background, the stars are brilliant and sparkling, and each shining point of light may be a huge galaxy, because it is far away, it looks just a blurred flash.

On the channel that was constantly approaching the Galaxy Patrol Organization, a few rays of light shone, and I saw ten aircraft walking side by side. Through space, you can quickly cross a galaxy in the blink of an eye.

In the spaceship, Carrick II's short figure was hidden under the cloak. Besides the tall Dre, there were several people around him. They were Dre's friends, and they were all people who were unhappy with the Galaxy Patrol organization.

Dre said hello, and all these cosmic people rushed over from all over the world.

"This spaceship is really advanced. The speed is much higher than the one I'm using. At this speed, we can reach the headquarters of the Galactic Patrol Organization in the center of the galaxy in another month." The cosmic man, the name is Nez, the Zold star, with brown-red skin, especially big eyes, looks like a lizard.

Although he looks ugly, even a little ugly, his strength is not bad at all. The combat power of 160,000 is similar to that of Carrick II, and even Captain Ginyu is far from his opponent.

"Be careful, the Galactic Patrol may have noticed us."

Dre sat in the spaceship's chair, leaning back, with one leg crossed.

Nez laughed, with disdain in his eyes, "Even if they know about it, so what, are you still afraid of them? I can kill those trash of the Galaxy Patrol by myself."

"Hehe, they have a close relationship with the Galaxy Mercenary Organization. Maybe they have gathered a lot of experts to wait for us."

"So what? It's just a bunch of rabble. Which of us is not a master of the universe, no matter how strong the Galactic mercenary is, can it be as powerful as Lord Lu Lu?" , his eyes could not help but swept towards a figure on the side, with some eagerness in his eyes.

"Hahaha, yes, Lord Lu Lu is with us this time, the Galaxy Patrol organization is absolutely doomed!"

If the cosmic people in the spaceship are placed in a single planet or star field, they are the bosses of one side, with a strength of more than 100,000 combat power, but when it comes to Lu Lu, the eyes of these unruly cosmic people are all filled with awe. .

"Lord Lu Lu, it is an honor to be able to walk with you."

Carrick II had a flattering smile on his face.

"It's just too busy. I can't get used to the ants organized by the Galaxy Patrol." The cosmic man known as "Lord Lu Lu" said indifferently, with a sharp and cold voice. It was a white-haired cosmos person with pink skin all over his body, two purple tear lines under his blood-red eyes, and purple lines on his forehead. He had a very hot body, and he was actually a female cosmos.

Be aware that strong female cosmic beings are rare in the universe.

"Hehe, I hope that when the time comes, we will be able to appreciate the great power of the adults. That will be our honor." Carrick II smiled.

The basic principle of the universe is that the weak eat the strong. Carrick II's strength is good, and he is strong enough in his bones, but in front of the stronger Lu Lu, Carrick II has to restrain his emotions. The woman in front of her is from the Eastern Galaxy, known for her brutal methods, and destroying planets is nothing but commonplace to her.

Such a dangerous person, even Carrick II, needs to be handled with care.

"That's right, Lord Lu Lu shot, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Absolutely not to be missed."

The other cosmos in the ship complimented.

The hot pink woman Lu Lu laughed and sat on the chair of the aircraft with her legs crossed, her arms clasped, her two red eyes twinkling enchantingly, "Okay, don't make any noise, I want to be quiet for a while."

Lu Lu half-squinted his eyes, and the other cosmosmen also quieted down and whispered to each other in a low voice. Regarding this attack on the Galaxy Patrol Organization, because of the powerful Lord Lu Lu, all the cosmos people are very calm, and they look like they are going to win.

"Dre, Nez, after the Galactic Patrol is destroyed, we can definitely do a big job." Carrick II looked indifferent.

"As long as there is no wanted, then going to another galaxy can make a great career." Dre said with a smile, "It's a pity that one of my good friends has lost news, otherwise, we will be more sure of joining him."

"You mean Shawiza? I don't know what trouble he encountered, but he disappeared."

"Shawiza's strength is stronger than me, so it'll be fine." Nez didn't care, he was more looking forward to the battle with the Galactic Patrol Organization soon.


On the other side, the people of the Galaxy Patrol Organization have detected the movements of Carrick II and others. This group gathered with great fanfare, and it is difficult not to let people find the trail.

It's just that the group of people gathered together is really not something that the Galaxy Patrol Organization can withstand.

The Galaxy King summoned all the patrol officers at the headquarters and informed all the police officers of the seriousness of the situation, "The front line detected that Carrick II and others were heading towards the headquarters, if it was just Carrick and others, We may still have a glimmer of hope, but according to the investigation, the Lulu witch of the Eastern Galaxy is said to be in their team, and this is the life and death juncture of the Galactic Patrol Organization."

The Galaxy King's tone was solemn, and several slender arms stopped waving.

"Witch Lulu, isn't that guy always alone, why did he come with Carrick II?!" The rest of the police officers exclaimed.

"Oops, it is said that Witches Lulu's combat power is more than 1 million, and there are not many people in the universe that can compare with her."

"Hurry up and contact the people from the Galaxy Mercenary Organization, this time is a real big crisis!"

Looking at the panicked appearance of the police officers under his command, the Galaxy King frowned deeply. The Galaxy Patrol officers have no problem dealing with ordinary spacemen, but when they encounter a murderous villain like Carrick II, It's only for the sake of escaping, not to mention the Lulu witch.

"... Immediately announce the whereabouts of Carrick II and the others to the Galaxy Mercenaries, hoping that someone can stop them, otherwise, the Galaxy Patrol Organization that has been standing for many years will become a joke in the universe." The Galaxy King's tone was stern, After hearing the words, the patrolmen under his command responded loudly and began to pay close attention to the whereabouts of Carrick II and others.

At the same time, a piece of bounty about Carrick II and the others appeared on the mission platform of the Galaxy Mercenaries. As soon as such a large-scale bounty appeared, it attracted the attention of most people.

It's just that when they saw the existence of the witch Lu Lu among the characters offering the reward, they shook their heads and exited the mission platform.

That terrifying witch is not so easy to provoke.


"The Galaxy Patrol Organization is going to be embarrassed this time!"

Such thoughts flashed in the minds of different people, and then the matter had nothing to do with them, and they even watched with interest how the next situation would develop.

On a spaceship, Frieza laughed, watching the news that was constantly being communicated in the universe.

"Mr. Champeau, the whereabouts of Carrick II have been updated, tsk tsk, they actually headed towards the headquarters of the Galactic Patrol Organization... Otherwise, we will go there too, it will be very interesting!" Frieza is in a good mood Talking to Shang Bo, Shang Bo was stunned for a moment, and said, "A large organization like the Galaxy Patrol is said to have existed for countless years, and it cannot be easily provoked."

Frieza curled his lips in disdain and smiled, "It's just a rubbish of the outside, the organization is no longer the glory of the retro era, you must know that among the people who have entered the center of the galaxy this time, there is a man named 'Lu Lu'. Cosmic people, their days are hard!"

Shang Bo wondered: "Could it be the rumored witch?"

"It's her. According to rumors, her combat power is as high as more than one million!"

"What, her strength has really reached more than one million?! How can there be such a terrible guy in the universe?" Champo couldn't believe it. For Champo, whose strength is only more than 20,000, Captain Ginyu is like that. The strength of her is already very rare, let alone a Lulu witch with a combat power of more than one million.

Such a dreamlike combat power doesn't really exist, does it?

"It's just over a million, that's all." Frieza's expression remained unchanged, and he didn't care in his words.


When Shang Bo heard the words, he couldn't help taking a deep breath. The value of more than one million really scared him.

"By the way, Mr. Champois, didn't the Saifi faction just release a new combat effectiveness tester? Take it out and take a look." Frieza turned around in the small aircraft. Shangbo has heard about the new detector. The batch of goods just arrived. According to the propaganda, it can measure up to 10,000 degrees of energy, and 1 degree of conversion is 10,000 combat power, and 10,000 degrees is 100 million combat power. Think about it. I think it is impossible, there is no such powerful master in the universe.

Instructing his subordinates to fetch the latest detectors produced by the Saifei faction, Shang Bo held the square detectors in his hands.

"Most of these detectors are deceiving."

Shang Bo didn't trust the detector in his hand very much. He took a photo of himself, and the words "2.3 degrees" appeared. Hey, there is something! Another shot towards Frieza's aircraft.

Beep beep beep!

A "53 degree" display suddenly appeared in the lens!

I haven't saved the manuscript. Today's update is relatively late, and the two chapters are combined!

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