With the decision to end the battle as soon as possible, Syphilia's movements became more and more violent.

Facing Syphilia's more violent attack, Demoness Lulu's expression suddenly sank. If it was only Syphilia, Demoness Lulu would definitely give the other party some color, but now, Demoness Lulu did not continue. The mind to fight.

The seductive cheeks looked at Syphilia, and the corner of the eye glanced at Luo Lan on the other side, feeling a little terrified in her heart.

That pale red figure, although she didn't do anything, just stood there, like a big mountain standing in front of her, endless oppression arousing her nerves, making her unable to fight with all her heart, for fear that the opponent would suddenly take action.

"These two Saiyans are too dangerous, especially the man, who is really unfathomable. If you continue to stay in front of them, something will definitely happen." With such a judgment in her heart, Witch Lu Lu began to fight and retreat, moving towards Leave in the direction of the Utu galaxy.

Seeing this, Syphilia saw through the opponent's intentions, her pale eyebrows wrinkled, and her subordinates attacked more decisively. The body suddenly flashed, blocking the path of Witches Lu Lu, and the sharp attack directly hit the opponent.

"Shockwave all day!"

The cold voice did not fluctuate, and after just a few words, a faint blue brilliance came out.

The sound of Ling Lie breaking through the sky sounded, and the shock wave shattered the air throughout the day, and the whirlwind brought up was as sharp as a blade. This is Syphilia's trick to press the bottom of the box. After Luo Lan's transformation, the power is even better than before. Although he did not use the full power of this trick due to the hasty use, it is enough to stop the witch Lu Lu from leaving. .

Only a loud bang was heard, the energy shock wave drowned the witch Lulu, the mushroom cloud that rose up rushed into the sky, and a small part of the energy spread out, and together with the storm generated by the explosion, it swept away everything in a radius of 10,000 meters.

Chi Chi Chi!

The energy turbulence continued to spread, gradually blurring the vision. The galactic mercenaries standing far away watched Syphilia's battle with shock, and had to use their energy to resist the constant storm.

Syphilia's eyes flickered, her breath locked on the energy of Witches Lu Lu, and her figure flashed, rushing directly into the energy storm.


With the sound of beating, hundreds of attacks were launched in just one second, the energy whirlwind rose from the ground, the ground continued to collapse, and the continental plate directly collapsed into several pieces. Syphilia's attacks became fiercer and more brutal each time, and she saw her palms slashed across the air, clenched into fists, and then pushed outwards violently.

"Star Cannon!!"

A dazzling light lingered on the tip of the fist, and the sparks of steel-like collisions shone.


Violent impact!

"Ah ah ah, hateful Saiyan!" The angry roar resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the figure of Witches Lu Lu flew out, hit the ground, and directly drew a huge moat with a length of one kilometer. The battle suit on her body had collapsed, covered with meandering cracks, and the white hair on her head had also been burned in the explosion. A few mouthfuls of blood were spit out from her mouth, and Witches Lulu looked at Syphilia viciously.

However, Witches Lulu's strength is stronger than Filia's after all. Apart from looking a little embarrassed, she did not suffer fatal injuries.

"It's tenacious!" Syphilia's face turned pale, and she was panting heavily.

Witches Lulu gave Syphilia a grim look, let out a low growl, and began to fight with Syphilia. Another collision, the shocking force is transmitted to the body through contact, Syphilia's skills are very strange, always amplifying the attack force several times at the moment of physical contact.

The damage caused by this is also great.

"Full air strike!"

Pom... Pom Pom!

The air tumbled and squeezed continuously. In an instant, large swaths of air oscillated, like glass, shining with crystal flashes, shattered piece by piece, and began to fall. Every piece of glass that fell was a cyclone that was compressed to the extreme, and countless cyclones splashed out in all directions.

When Witches Lu Lu saw this, her face suddenly changed, her pink skin was cut open one by one by the cyclone, and the piercing pain gathered in her brain, making her dizzy.

Seeing this, how could Syphilia give up such a good opportunity, struggling with the intense consumption of her body energy, her body flickered like a streamer, and she clenched her fists and came to the front of Witches Lulu!

Bang, an iron fist hit Witch Lu Lu on the body.

Witches Lulu arched her body, and her huge force penetrated her body, forming a ring of shock waves behind her. Witches Lulu retched and roared heart-to-heart, suddenly bowed her body, and grabbed Syphilia arm.

Syphilia's face was shocked, and before she had time to react, the attack of the witch Lulu was already on her body. came out.

Two rounds of battles ended in a lose-lose situation.

Lava flowed on the vast ground, the pungent smell filled the air, and the surrounding wind was blowing, and any remaining branches and leaves were crushed into pieces by the terrifying aura.

Everyone present has been shocked by the battle between Syphilia and Lulu Witch, and they stared blankly, unable to speak.


"It seems that Syphilia can't take down that woman for a while!" Luo Lan paid close attention to the battle between Syphilia and Witches Lulu, and if they continued to fight, they would only lose both. He raised his head and glanced at the deep starry sky. The throbbing in my heart is getting stronger and stronger, and I don't know what danger is constantly approaching.

Can't wait any longer.

Luo Lan sighed secretly, and then her figure flashed and came to Syphilia's side. Seeing Luo Lan coming over, Syphilia sighed regretfully.

"I've had enough fun, but unfortunately I still can't beat her."

Luo Lan nodded and said calmly, "Leave it to me next." After speaking, her tall and straight body was placed in front of Syphilia. Syphilia glanced at her and consciously gave up her position.

Luo Lan looked at Witches Lu Lu, and a faint golden light shone in the depths of her dark eyes.

Witches Lu Lu breathed for a while, looking at the handsome man standing in front of her, the omen of danger kept pouring into her mind.

"No, this man is going to shoot." With bad thoughts in her heart, Witch Lu Lu didn't dare to stay in front of Luo Lan, and her body couldn't help but retreat. leave in outer space.

"It's a wise choice to retreat without a fight. It's a wise choice to choose to retreat after knowing that you are invincible. It's a pity that I won't let you escape." Luo Lan looked at it coldly, and knocked out the energy attack released by the witch Lu Lu with a knife. , with a bang, the energy attack was directly discounted, falling on the distant horizon, and a group of scarlet rays of light suddenly rose.

As if the sun had just pierced the horizon, the entire sky was dyed bright red.

He glanced at him lightly, his face expressionless.

call out!

A sonic boom that pierced the air, dust flew underfoot, and the ground sank suddenly, cracking open and twisting cracks. But seeing a thick wave of air swaying in place, Luo Lan's body suddenly disappeared and reappeared, already in front of Witches Lu Lu.

Witches Lu Lu looked shocked, her pupils shrank, her face full of disbelief.

At this moment, Luo Lan clenched his fists, leaned forward, and punched out! !


A powerful punch slammed out, hitting Witches Lulu's abdomen directly!


Witches Lulu's face was pale, her internal organs were severely damaged in an instant, and her lower body almost instantly turned into a cloud of blood and scattered, but Witches Lulu's energy was as high as more than two million, even if she lost half of her body, she still lived tenaciously, but her His body was twitching constantly, and his face was full of pain.

It's so strong, it can't be resisted at all!

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