Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 216 This is a happy life

The cooperation between the Saifi forces and the Frieza Legion slowly started. Not long after Champo visited the planet Sarada, a business section called "Planet Auction" started to be established on the not-too-distant planet Qingteng. attracted the attention of many wealthy people. Soon, the planet trading business, together with the cultivation of human seeds, became the characteristic industry of Ivy League.

Counting the Galaxy mercenary business that was built not long ago, the development of Qingteng Star has a tendency to surpass that of Tanger Planet in the same area. In fact, Qingteng Star, which is backed by Saifei's forces, has surpassed Tang in competitiveness. grid planet.

Naturally, the cooperation between Saifi's forces and Frieza's army also aroused the vigilance of some people.

The most powerful forces in the west of the Northern Galaxy cooperate with the invincible Frieza Army in the south. What are they going to do?

Countless crocodile-level characters in the universe were stunned after receiving this news, and immediately felt a sense of crisis in their hearts. Not to mention whether the Saifi forces or Frieza's army have any intention of going out of the Northern Galaxy, the threat from the cooperation of the two forces alone has made the nerves of the major forces sensitive.

The two forces that were already huge were combined, and the deterrence they produced was no small matter. At least within the scope of the Northern Galaxy, no one would be able to challenge their status.

"The sky of the Northern Galaxy is about to change!"

The leaders of many forces flashed the same thoughts at the same time, but to stop... they can only smile bitterly, whether it is the Saifi faction or the Frieza army, they are not able to challenge.

All they can do is to gather their own power and watch Saifei's power gradually grow.

The most affected are the other forces in the west of the Northern Galaxy. Now their leaders are unwilling to eat and sleep at night, for fear that one day their forces will be annexed by the other party. I just hope that the other party's eyes are not just staring at the Northern Galaxy, and it is best to go out.

A beautiful planet.

King Crude's retreat.

King Crude's tall body stood in front of the window, looking at the snowy scenery outside, the red cloak hung down naturally, holding a wine glass in his hand, leisurely savoring the fine wine inside.

"The race of Saiyans is sometimes very troublesome." King Kruder smiled calmly.

"Is the so-called Super Saiyan my father said, I have seen it, it is indeed different from the ordinary Saiyan, the tail is red, but in terms of strength... only a few million fighting power, it is easy to It can kill." Frieza stood beside King Kruder, his short body was only about the size of King Kruder's leg, and his eyes were full of disdain when he mentioned Super Saiyan.

King Crude pondered for a while, "The reputation of Super Saiyan has been circulating in the universe, it is better to be careful."

"No matter what, it's not my opponent." Frieza sneered.

"Also, the only people in the entire universe that need our attention are the God of Destruction Beerus and the Demon Buu, and the others are not our opponents." King Kruder has been in the Northern Galaxy for many years and has seen all the masters of the Northern Galaxy. Only two legendary characters, God of Destruction and Majin Buu, made him uncertain.

Among them, Majin Buu has been missing for many years, and only Beerus, the god of destruction, makes King Krud very afraid.

"Lord Beerus is indeed powerful." Frieza agreed.

"Then continue to cooperate with the Saifi forces. If they don't know each other, deal with them later." King Crude said.

"Hohoho, I don't think they'll have the guts to resist."

Frieza chuckled lightly, with an awe-inspiring aura all over his body. King Crude glanced at Frieza, a little surprised, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

And beyond the Northern Galaxy.

The Galaxy Patrol Organization is helpless to the development of Saifei's forces.

The patrolmen who had been sent to the Sarada planet were sent back by the other side without incident. The other side's development momentum is booming. The Galaxy Patrol Organization, which has already been "fading west", has no means of containing them. In addition, what happened in the Utu Galaxy, even if the Galaxy The patrol police organization has the idea of ​​limiting Saifei's power, but it does not have the ability.

In the latest news, even the witch Lu Lu has joined the Saifei faction.

After several thoughts, the Galaxy King negotiated with the people from the Galaxy Mercenary Organization, but the Galaxy Mercenary Organization did not intend to intervene in the issue of Saifei's forces. After the Galaxy King learned about the situation, he could only sigh helplessly. Take a breath.

The small sapling has grown into a towering tree, and it is difficult to hurt it by simple wind and rain.

"I hope the Saifi forces will not step into the darkness because of their cooperation with Frieza's army."

The Galaxy King whispered.

If Luo Lan knew what the Galaxy King was thinking, he would definitely sneer. For him, no darkness or justice is meaningful. He only wants the forces he created to survive. From a personal standpoint, the stability of the universe, the development of the Milky Way, and such macro-level matters have little to do with him. He is a relatively selfish person, and it is enough for him and the people around him to be at ease. , who can control the affairs of other planets.

He has no idea of ​​being the savior of the world, and living a comfortable life is more important than anything else. What's the point of taking the responsibility all at once, but not making him the king of the galaxy or the lord of the universe? !

This is the same for any Saiyan.

Take Sun Wukong as an example, he has never had such a noble idea of ​​saving the world. Every time he fights with the enemy, it is because of the character of the Saiyan, whether it is the battle with the Great Demon King Pic, or the android or the devil cloth. The starting point of Ou's battle was not to save the world. At that time, Sun Wukong thought more about avenging his friends or challenging the stronger. Even several crises were themselves caused by him.

To say that Sun Wukong is the savior, it is only in terms of results.

After Luo Lan traveled to the Dragon Ball world, he never advertised himself as a kind person. For example, as soon as he left Planet Vegeta, he robbed the locals' spaceships and energy detectors on the planet Mapa, and immediately robbed them after entering the earth. Gone the fairy beans of the cat fairy.

Totally egoistic.

And unlike the Monkey King in the original book, Luo Lan is definitely not comfortable with being plain, possessing great power, but living a life of hardship, which is not what he wants.

Sometimes it’s absurd to think about it. Masters like Sun Wukong and Kelin who have saved the world several times still have to work hard for their lives, but Satan, a guy who is keen on fame and fortune, picks up the achievements of others and enjoys the support and support of everyone. Praise. Can this kind of thing be tolerated? I don’t know if it’s because Guixian Liu has practiced too much, and their endurance is also extraordinary.

If Luo Lan encounters such a thing, he will slap him directly and slap Satan to death.

The strong must have their own dignity, and first of all, they must not be poor in life, not to mention rich clothes and good food, but they must not be as poor as Sun Wukong.

Therefore, after gaining a certain strength, Luo Lan united with Saifilia to establish the Saifie force. The development of the past 12 years has allowed him to gradually grow from a small Saiyan to a big man who leads a party of Xingyu.


With a huge force, he insists on exercising every day, and his strength continues to improve.

With a sister and a wife by their side, and there is no shortage of beautiful servants and maids, Luo Lan feels that this kind of life is the most fulfilling life.

It is worth mentioning that, a few months after the marriage, with Luo Lan's continuous efforts and the enhancement of Taisi's physique, Taisi's stomach finally reacted...

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