Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 221 Dragon Ball of the Golden Star

"Brother-in-law, I think you are hiding a lot of things from me."

In the past, I only thought that Luo Lan was the boss of a certain area, but now he has transformed into a terrifying power. That understatement attack directly destroyed the entire desert. Bulma can be sure that when Luo Lan defeated the giant ape Monkey King The power used is absolutely rare on earth.

This has too many problems.

Plus the politeness that Kiki and Su Nuo showed when they faced Luo Lan.

Her brother-in-law is definitely not as simple as the leader of a business group.

What's the history?

"You can ask your father this question when you go back, and he will tell you."

For Bulma's question, Luo Lan smiled calmly and did not want to hide it. Although Bulma's performance in the early stage was a bit off-line, after experiencing the adventure with Sun Wukong, her temperament has changed. Tell her at this time All the circumstances of the Brives family, it does not matter.

But these Luo Lan felt that it was better for Dr. Breaves to tell her, because it was a bit troublesome to explain, and Luo Lan was too lazy to explain.

Bulma pouted, picked up Sun Wukong and placed it on a flat place, "I'll definitely ask about it when I go back, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful, brother-in-law, and even Wukong is no match for you!"

Luo Lan smiled without saying a word. In Bulma's eyes, Sun Wukong is already a rare master, which is also closely related to her experience along the way, but for Luo Lan, Sun Wukong's strength is still far from enough.

Of course, Luo Lan will not underestimate Sun Wukong. Although Sun Wukong's current strength is still very weak, when he becomes an adult, especially when Dragon Ball World enters the cosmos chapter, Sun Wukong's strength will improve very quickly. The combat power has not jumped to the level of inhumanity like defeating the cosmic overlord Frieza. That kind of improvement is simply a hang-up. If he doesn't increase his strength as soon as possible before the plot unfolds, Luo Lan is afraid that he will be reduced to the role of a passerby.

Just like Piccolo, at the end of the cyborg arc, he already had the power beyond the average super saiyan, but in the later stage, he was still eliminated by the powerful people.

To be fair, with Luo Lan's current age of nineteen or so reaching close to 500,000 combat power, it is already very impressive, but he still can't stand the speed at which the powerhouses emerge in the later stage.

Of course, Luo Lan also has the blood of the Saiyans, and the time and place are not inferior to Sun Wukong and the others in all aspects. Luo Lan also doesn't believe it, it makes no sense that Sun Wukong and the others can't do it themselves.

However, haste is not enough, and the accumulation in the early stage is still essential. Luo Lan has rarely taken shortcuts since his cultivation, and did not go to Namek or the Realm of the King of God to develop his potential. The environment is nurturing, which has laid a solid foundation for him, just waiting for the day when he breaks into a butterfly.

Luo Lan vaguely felt that when his mimetic apeization took a step closer, it would be the time when his strength would grow by leaps and bounds.

Closer to home, at this time in the desert at night, the skyline glowed a faint blue color, a full moon hung in the sky, and occasionally there were a few sparse thin clouds blocking the moonlight.

Luo Lan used the Dragon Ball Radar to easily retrieve the seven Dragon Balls.

"Have you thought about what you want to make?"

Putting the dragon balls on the ground, the seven dragon balls flashed and extinguished continuously after they were brought together, and a low buzzing sound sounded.

Bulma shook her head, "I originally wanted to find a handsome boyfriend, but after this trip, I found that this wish was a little naive, so let's forget it."

"We don't have any wishes either. Teacher Tianshen asked us to check the situation in the lower realm. Now we have to go back!"

Kiki and Suno have pure and innocent hearts, and they don't have any strong desires. Shaking his head, he said goodbye to Luo Lan and the others after Sun Wukong's problem was settled, and then quickly returned to the temple on somersault clouds.

After Qiqi and the others left, Luo Lan nodded with a light smile, and moved her gaze to Dragon Ball again.

Oolong really wanted to make a wish, but Luo Lan just glanced at it and ignored it. This stupid pig used a precious Dragon Ball wish in the original book to ask for a girl's underwear. Although there was a reason for it, it successfully destroyed Pilav and their ambitions, but it can also be seen that the pattern of Oolong is really not high.

Luo Lan naturally wouldn't give it the chance to make a wish.

After pondering for a while, he said: "The dragon balls have been collected, it is a waste not to drop them, why don't I use them as an experiment!"

"Brother-in-law, what do you want to do?" Bulma was a little curious.

Luo Lan smiled and said, "I want to see if I can strengthen Dragon Ball's abilities."

With that said, Luo Lan raised his right arm, and a dark red flash lit up from the arm, accompanied by a dragon roar, a looming dragon began to appear.

Since swallowing the red dragon ball, Luo Lan's right arm has been gathering the power of a red dragon, although this power has never had any bad influence on Luo Lan in his daily practice, and even sometimes To promote the generation of energy in the body, but not knowing the specific source of the red dragon's power, Luo Lan was still a little worried.

Not afraid to speculate with the worst malice, Luo Lan thought it would be better to figure out the power of the red dragon.

Now that the Dragon Ball on Earth is right in front of you, you can just use it for testing. What will happen if you infuse some of the power of the red dragon into the Earth Dragon Ball? The quality of the red dragon's energy is clear at a glance.

At most, the Dragon Balls are scrapped, so let the gods do it again.

"Strengthen Dragon Ball's abilities?"

Bulma looked at Luo Lan blankly and couldn't believe her ears, but when she saw the red light on Luo Lan's arm, she was speechless.


With a light snort, Luo Lan pointed her finger at the seven dragon balls on the ground, and a bright red color shone. Along with a golden light, Luo Lan transferred a part of the power of the red dragon to the seven dragon balls, and at the same time conducted the transmission. There is still a small part of the vitality.

Suddenly, a dragon roar sounded in his ears, and he seemed very excited. After that, the feeling of spiritual connection emerged spontaneously. In front of Luo Lan's eyes, a green dragon seemed to appear. The dragon was slender, mighty and holy, and every scale was crystal clear. Kind, and soon the green dragon roared, a red light emanated from his body, and the green scales gradually turned dark red.


Luo Lan's consciousness suddenly flickered, as if the mirrored world was shattered, and his eyes returned to the seven dragon balls. At this time, he found that the dragon balls on the ground were a little different. After absorbing the power of the red dragon, the size of the Earth Dragon Ball has not changed, but the bright red stars inside have become the color of bronzing.

"Dragon Ball's stars have become different, golden stars." Bulma said in surprise.

Luo Lan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, it didn't become a Black Star Dragon Ball like GT World, otherwise it would have to be sealed or destroyed."

The dragon ball of the golden star, which contains the power of dragon and vitality, should not be harmful.

Picking up one of the dragon balls and playing with them in the palm of his hand, a feeling of spiritual connection reappeared. Luo Lan could conclude that he had a certain ability to control the dragon ball, so he put down the dragon ball with confidence and said to Bulma.

"Bulma, summon the dragon and take a look."


Ps: There is only one chapter for the time being today.

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