The wishing ability of Dragon Ball can be controlled by humans, which is undoubtedly a very beneficial thing for the stability of the earth. As the maker of Dragon Balls, Tenjin has witnessed several disasters caused by Dragon Balls in the hundreds of years in the temple, and he has also witnessed the greed of human beings.

Dragon Ball's wish-making ability expands human desires, and their greedy nature makes them constantly clash over Dragon Balls.

Fortunately, no matter how the ancient human beings fought, the damage to the outside world was limited, but in this era, it will not work. The large-scale scientific and technological weapons created by human beings can destroy human civilization several times. For this reason, the gods once doubted whether the dragon balls he made were the source of the disaster, and he also had the idea of ​​destroying the dragon balls, but because of his inexplicable kindness to the dragon balls, he never put this idea into practice.

Now Luo Lan has controlled Dragon Ball's wish-making ability through his own power, and on the one hand, it can be considered to solve the concerns of the gods.

Although the greed of human beings cannot be stopped, as long as the Dragon Balls are controlled and not used indiscriminately, no matter how big a disaster happens to the earth, it can be solved quickly.

"Maybe I should collect the Dragon Balls in the temple."

This idea flashed in the mind of the gods, but he was quickly rejected by him. After all, there are still many pure people like Sun Wukong on the earth, and the existence of Dragon Ball can at least bring them some hope.

Thinking like this, the sight of the gods began to drift into the distance. In the high-level atmosphere, the thin clouds and mists sometimes stretched and sometimes curled, constantly changing their shapes, and swaying with the breeze.


Nether Wasteland.

After the dragon disappeared, the seven dragon balls scattered around the world with a burst of light, and they will exist in the form of stones for a year after that, until the end of the adjustment period to return to the form of dragon balls.

Sun Wukong touched the wound at the slit of his tail, and a burst of pain made him bark, "My tail was cut off by someone."

Bulma said: "You don't know how terrible you were just now. If my brother-in-law hadn't arrived, we would have been trampled to death by you."

"Grandpa told me not to watch the full moon before, I forgot that today is the day of the full moon..." Sun Wukong scratched his head, and when he saw Luo Lan, a trace of doubt appeared on his face: "Have we met before? It feels so familiar."

Luo Lan smiled and said, "I saw you in Baozishan eight years ago. What about your grandfather?"

"It turned out to be you!" Sun Wukong remembered, and when it came to Sun Wuhan, Sun Wukong's mood was a little depressed: "Grandpa has passed away."

"I was trampled to death by you?"

"No, once my grandfather went to the house of Uncle Bull Demon King, then went to Wuxingshan once, and when he came back, he said he was going to die." Sun Wukong shook his head. Before Sun Wufan died, he could say that he had explained everything, except for telling him not to look at the full moon. In addition, he also asked him to go to the turtle fairy to practice.

So Sun Wufan went to the Wuxingshan Taishang Laojun?

This old man also has a side like a turtle fairy.

Luo Lan nodded, Sun Wufan's life and death can be said to be irrelevant to the plot, but it seems that he was not trampled to death by Sun Wukong, and it can be considered that his original reminder had some effect.

Afterwards, Luo Lan glanced at the crowd and said to Bulma that Taisi misses her a lot. After letting her play at the seaside villa, she immediately disappeared in front of everyone.

Luo Lan came and went quickly. Bulma witnessed Luo Lan's sudden disappearance with her own eyes. She couldn't help rubbing her eyes and shouted: "The speed is so fast, it disappeared all of a sudden, Wukong, can you see clearly?"

"I can't see clearly at all. It's not like moving speed. Bulma, your big brother is so powerful, I really want to compete with him."

At this time, Wulong said: "You must not be able to beat others. Before you became a monster, you were easily eliminated." Later, he told Sun Wukong about the matter after the giant ape transformation, "In short, you are not a match for others at all, he has a single finger. You can't move."

"Oolong, don't say a few words."

Bulma yelled at Oolong with an angry face, and a chestnut slammed down, "Wukong and my brother-in-law are of the same clan, and they will definitely become stronger in the future."

Sun Wukong was stunned for a moment, and after hearing what Wulong and Bulma had said, he recalled what happened in the form of the giant ape. Not only was his face not discouraged, but he inspired boundless fighting spirit, "It's amazing, so I want to fight him even more. Yes, but you are right, I am not his opponent yet, so I must practice hard."

"Are you planning to go to the Turtle Immortal to practice?"

Because there was no request for dragon balls from the turtle fairy, nor was it taken advantage of by the turtle fairy, so although I saw it once, Bulma still didn't know the nature of the turtle fairy, otherwise she would never rest assured that Sun Wukong would follow him to practice.

Sun Wukong nodded and said, "Yes, my grandfather asked me to go to the old grandpa Turtle Immortal to practice."

When it was time to part, Bulma had to go back to the class after the journey to find the Dragon Balls, and Sun Wukong had to go to the Turtle Immortal to practice.

When Sun Wukong summoned Somersault Cloud and was about to set off for the Guixian House, Bulma took out a contactor from his pocket and gave it to Sun Wukong, asking him to contact her when he was free, and to go out for adventure together in the future, Sun Wukong took a pat He folded the contactor on his chest, then rode on the somersault cloud and set off towards the east.

Looking at the faint golden line of the somersault cloud gradually disappearing, Bulma stroked her lavender hair and kept her eyes on it.

"Next time we meet, Goku may become stronger."

Muttering in a low, inaudible voice, a faint smile appeared on Bulma's pretty face.

Oolong pouted on the side: "It's already as strong as a monster, and it's too scary to get stronger."

Bulma glared at it immediately, Oolong shuddered, and immediately closed his mouth, Bulma, a woman who became ruthless, would shoot with a machine gun, plus she had a powerful brother-in-law, Oolong consciously I can't be bothered by myself.

"Hmph, I'm going back. I must ask things clearly when I get home. If it wasn't for the unexpected discovery of my brother-in-law's powerful strength, I don't know how long I would have been kept secret." Bulma thought for a while and took out a A jet plane is ready to go back to the western capital.

Dragon Ball's journey is over, and a lot has changed from the original.

Leping had already given up the idea of ​​walking out of the desert because of the successive blows from Sun Wukong and Qiqi, coupled with severe female phobia; and Qiqi had entered the temple early to practice, although the relationship with Sun Wukong was still relatively close, But it's just a sibling relationship.

The child's play-like engagement in the original book never happened.

For Qiqi and Sun Wukong, this result may be more appropriate, Qiqi will not be busy with his future life, and Sun Wukong can continue his practice wholeheartedly.

Because he was educated by Sun Wuhan since childhood, although Sun Wukong's mind is still very simple, he is not completely ignorant of the world as in the original work. But for Sun Wukong and Bulma at this stage, such changes seem to be trivial, and have little impact on them.

According to the agreement with the turtle fairy, Sun Wukong took the somersault cloud directly to the turtle fairy house in the East China Sea.

At the time of apprenticeship, a small boat was rowed from the sea, and a bald man named Kelin jumped off the boat. He also wanted to worship Turtle Immortal as his teacher. The test the Turtle Immortal gave him was to find a beautiful girl and accept him. . Since the blue-haired Lanqi was already taken away by Syphilia, Krillin did not pass the test of the Turtle Fairy.

In the end, under the persuasion of Sun Wukong, Immortal Turtle still reluctantly accepted Ke Lin as his apprentice, but he also gave a precondition that he should participate in the world's No. Lin Wenyan nodded hurriedly.

So next, Sun Wukong and Ke Lin's practice began.

The essence of Guixianren's training is hidden in daily life, and he pays great attention to the accumulation of basic aspects. Therefore, even if Sun Wukong's strength is already very strong, he will honestly carry out the training of sending New Year's milk and reclaiming land with Ke Lin...

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