Sun Wukong scratched the back of his head and said, "Grandpa told me that I won't grow up until I am an adult."

Bulma said: "I know, because it's a Saiyan..."

I used to think that Saiyans were the most powerful race on earth. Later, after experiencing the adventure with Sun Wukong, Bulma's cognition was broken. Then he asked Dr. Brives, and then he realized that his family was actually related to the universe. There are innumerable connections between the big forces in the gang, and her brother-in-law, Luo Lan, is actually the boss of the big forces outside, and she doesn't know how many planets she has.

It is said that there are several holiday planets!

His brother-in-law is so capable, and Wukong is his clan, and he will definitely be very powerful in the future! Bulma was convinced of this.

"Hey, Wukong..." Wulong also stepped forward to say hello.

"Oolong." Sun Wukong smiled happily.

"Wu Kong, you guys are in a hurry. You must not have arranged a hotel yet. Why don't you stay with us? I've packed a whole floor, and then I'll treat you to delicious food." Bulma turned a set of keys, as an almighty The second lady of the capsule company, she is quite generous.

"Okay!" Of course Sun Wukong didn't refuse. The two hadn't seen each other for a while, so they had a lot to say.

"That's disturbing."

Turtle Immortal and Ke Lin met Bulma at the banquet after Taisi gave birth to Luo Fei, and they knew her identity. For such a daughter of gold, it was nothing to pack a hotel on the next floor. It's no surprise that the entire hotel was bought.

"By the way, my sister and brother-in-law are also here. Wukong, you must perform well. When the time comes, I will ask brother-in-law to guide you." Bulma is more concerned about Sun Wukong. Knowing that he is focused on honing his martial arts, he thought about finding some for him. doorway.

When Sun Wukong heard this, his eyes lit up immediately: "I will work hard."

Next, under the leadership of Bulma, a few people came to a well-decorated hotel. Naturally, this kind of hotel cannot be compared with the five-star hotels in big cities, but on the small island, this kind of hotel is already the best.

There, Sun Wukong met Luo Lan and Syphilia. Luo Lan and Syphilia were originally cultivating on the Sarada planet, and they came here only after being invited by Tais and Bulma. The mere number one martial arts club in the world can't get into their eyes at all.

But anyway, it was a grand event after the plot started. After thinking about it, Luo Lan decided to come over and have a look.

As soon as they met, Sun Wukong couldn't hold back his eagerness to fight, and wanted to challenge Luo Lan. After Luo Lan agreed, he couldn't wait to launch an attack. In the face of Sun Wukong's attack, Luo Lan's face was indifferent, his body did not move, he just stretched out a finger and flicked outward.


Sun Wukong's body immediately froze, and it flew out like a cannonball.

Luo Lan's strength was well controlled. After Sun Wukong flew upside down and hit the wall, he was not injured at all.

"'s amazing!" Sun Wukong's eyes widened after being repelled, and he wanted to challenge, but quickly frowned, "I can't beat you, but I will definitely surpass you in a few years."

Luo Lan looked at Sun Wukong deeply and said with a smile, "I'm looking forward to it."

Ke Lin walked to Sun Wukong: "Wukong, this little brother is so powerful, I can't see how he did it at all."

"Brother Luo Lan is very strong." Sun Wukong's tone was serious.

Turtle Immortal said: "If you lift weights lightly, return to your basics, maybe the advanced realm of martial arts is like this, Wukong, Kelin, you have to study hard... You are really amazing men, when did such a strong person appear on the earth!"

Immortal Turtle's eyesight is higher than that of Ke Lin. Although he has not gone through the cultivation of "breath martial arts" in the celestial world, his hundreds of years of experience have also made his realm more profound. A few understated actions let him see Luo Lan's attitude at a glance. Extraordinary. This is exactly the martial arts realm he has dreamed of for hundreds of years!

"Take a good rest, the next martial arts meeting will not be easy."

Ignoring the Turtle Immortal and the others, Luo Lan glanced at Sun Wukong with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then prepared to go back to rest with Syphilia and Taisi.

At this moment, two gusts of wind swept away, and two graceful figures appeared in front of the crowd. Luo Lan couldn't help but paused, and when he fixed his eyes, he found out that it was Kiki and Suno.

These two girls are beautiful and their faces are still a little immature. Although they are still young, they have already begun to have beautiful faces.

"Lord Luo Lan, Lord Sefilia." After Kiki appeared, she first greeted Luo Lan and the others elegantly and generously, and then said hello to Immortal Turtle.

"Kelin, she's Qiqi, your senior sister, as for the other..." Turtle Immortal looked at Su Nuo, this young girl has powerful strength in her body, and her strength is not inferior to Qiqi at all.

"My name is Su Nuo, and I will practice with Qiqi." Su Nuo said shyly.


The Turtle Immortal showed such an expression as expected. If she could practice with Qiqi, then her teacher was naturally a god. Of course, the Turtle Immortal had to show respect to the disciples of the gods. At this time, Immortal Turtle took on the attitude of a martial arts master, and did not look like an old man at all.

"Qiqi, I'm going to trouble you during the martial arts meeting," said Turtle Immortal in a low voice.

"No problem, I will try my best to give them some experience." Kiki nodded.

"Interesting, Immortal Turtle did not come out to participate in the martial arts meeting, but instead invited Qiqi and Suno." Seeing this situation, Luo Lan was a little interested, rolled her eyes, and said to Lan Qi who was beside her: "Lan Qi , do you want to participate in the competition?"

Blue-haired Lan Qi tilted her head and said softly, "If it's another me, I might be interested."

"Then go try it."


Lan Qi answered in a low voice, and then went to the registration office to register.


The next day, the martial arts meeting officially started.

The first stage of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Club requires an internal primary selection. All contestants will compete in the first round of knockouts in the martial arts hall. After the top eight finalists are determined, the official competition will be held on the open-air arena.

At this time, the No. 1 Martial Arts Club in the world is very weak like the Martial Arts on Earth. There are only more than 140 players participating in the competition. In this era of entertainment, very few people are willing to seriously practice martial arts. Among these contestants Many of them are still amateurs, and probably less than a third of them have actually gone through martial arts training.

Compared with the grand-scale fighting competitions and boxing competitions, the number one martial arts club in the world is already a bit of a misnomer.

There was not much time in the internal elimination round. By noon, the top eight players had already been born. They were: Sun Wukong, Nan Wu, Ke Lin, Lan Fang, Ji Lang, Qi Qi, Lan Qi, and Suno.

As for the barbarian in the original book, it was unfortunately eliminated in the qualifiers. Another player, Le Ping, never walked out of the desert at all, and was still doing his desert prodigal son in a remote area.

The quarter-finals of the Martial Arts Club were held in the open-air plaza, and there were quite a few spectators watching the excitement. Luo Lan strode forward, a burst of spiritual power spread out, and directly controlled the people in front to spread out, occupying the front desk of the martial arts field. The best positions, Turtle and Bulma were taken care of, and also got better positions.

With an enthusiastic opening remarks from the blond host, it was the martial arts competition that began.

The first game is Sun Wukong versus Nanwu.

The reason why Nan Wu participated in the competition was to get a bonus to relieve the drought in his hometown, but it was a pity that he met Sun Wukong in the first game. The result is self-evident. Nan Wu was quickly defeated by Sun Wukong, and the turtle fairy seemed to see it. He took the initiative to help Nan Wu solve the plight of his hometown as in the original novel, so that Nan Wu returned to his hometown with gratitude.

The second game is Kelin against Lanfang.

Lan Fang is a charming woman with light purple curly hair. Being able to make it to the top eight shows that she is not weak. She is best at using "undressing tactics" and using her charm to gain an advantage, but in fact she is not weak. Lanfang's temperament is not much like that of Bulma, and he is a kind-hearted person. At the beginning of the fourth game of the original book, Sun Wukong did not play, and everyone looked around. In the end, Lanfang was the first to find him and notify others. .

Like Bulma in the early days, he is a not very serious person.

But then again, there really aren't many serious characters in the early stages of Dragon Ball.


The sound of gongs and drums sounded, and the game began.

Facing a woman about ten years older than him, Kelin didn't have much resistance, and Lanfang was the best at using his charm. After taking off his coat in front of Kelin, Kelin immediately Can't move.

Luo Lan stood in the audience watching, and said to Taisi: "That Lanfang is exactly the same as Bulma, isn't he a relative?"

"of course not."

Taisi took a sip, and she didn't have a good air. Although she has purple hair, Bulma is different from Lanfang.

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