Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 238 Preparations for Planet Sarada

A vast sea of ​​stars not far from the planet Sarada, the stars shone with a white halo.

Suddenly, a cluster of dazzling light flashed by, especially eye-catching, close observation, is a long tail swaying behind the spaceship, that is the fleet led by Slagu, is moving aggressively at a course speed exceeding the speed of light. keep getting closer.

Because the fleet had no cover at all during their voyage, probes on the planet Sarada quickly spotted them.

After the monitoring system of Sarada planet detected a strange energy in the fleet, it immediately reported the news to the monitoring hall of the headquarters. After processing the signal, the monitoring hall of the headquarters did not dare to delay and forwarded the information to the defense force. and special forces.

"The energy intensity is 70 degrees?"

"No, the signal is very unstable, and the strength of the intruder may be higher."

All the soldiers who received the alarm felt troublesome for the first time. The monitoring system of the Sarada planet has been established for some time. It has been monitoring a few stars near the Sarada planet in the past few years. There are few mistakes, but now The signal detected by the system fluctuated high and low, and seemed to be affected by some kind of energy.

There is absolutely no problem with the monitoring system, so the cause of the unstable signal may be the problem at the signal source.

Soon, the people from the Queen's Guards also rushed over. Lu Lu and Sonori looked at the images from the surveillance hall and saw that the style of the spaceship was actually a spaceship sold by Qingteng Star, and they would arrive at Sarada in a few minutes. planet.

"A spaceship we made ourselves?"

"Check the source of the spaceship."

"It's been found. It's the batch sold to Frieza's Army."

"Could the Frieza Army turn against us?"

"Contact Champo from Frieza's Army!"

Herz gave the order with a calm expression, and at the same time, just in case, he also sent a message to Luo Lan and Syphilia who were far away on Earth. If Frieza really wanted to fall out with them, then only Luo Lan was the one who wanted to fall out with them. Lan and they have the ability to deal with it.

Here, before Frieza could answer, a ray of light flashed in the monitoring hall, and the silhouettes of Luo Lan and Syphilia had teleported over from the earth.

As soon as Luo Lan appeared, he asked, "Are you sure who the other party is?"

Herz shook his head: "Not yet, it is being verified, it may be someone from Frieza's Army."

Luo Lan nodded and looked at the energy detected on the big screen with a sullen face. The energy data was increasing as the other party kept getting closer. It was 70 degrees just now, but now it has risen to 110 degrees, and it continues to rise. middle.

His face sank, and Luo Lan said: "They can't be allowed to enter the planetary range where the Sarada planet is located."

Sephiriya said directly: "Lu Lu, you go with us to intercept the spacecraft."

Considering that the opponent's energy is at least 1 million combat power, only Lu Lu's strength in the Queen's Guards can come in handy. Others, even after the improvement of the Spirit Tree Fruit, are still not the opponents of million-level energy masters.

"Okay!" Lu Lu looked up at Syphilia and nodded.

At this moment, the liaison personnel also got in touch with the Frieza Army's Chambo and the others, and the result was that they had sold those spaceships to a group of people in the southeastern part of the Northern Galaxy called the "Slagu Army".

Not to mention whether the news of Frieza's army can be believed, but Luo Lan's attention was attracted by the other party's name.

"Slagu Legion?!"

Hearing this, Luo Lan's face became solemn.

He had heard of the name Slagu, and it was the name of a big villain in the theatrical animation.

That Slagu himself is a Namekian who survived the Namek climate catastrophe. In the theatrical version, he led his subordinates to invade the earth. After knowing the Dragon Balls on the earth, he fought with Sun Wukong and others in order to restore his youth. , and was finally defeated by Sun Wukong, who transformed into a super saiyan.

According to the setting, Slagu's fighting power is extremely strong, and he is a fighting-type Super Namekian.

Luo Lan didn't know whether the Sun Wukong who fought with Slagu was the Sun Wukong before going to Namek, or the Sun Wukong after returning from Namek, so it was not easy to judge Slagu's strength.

However, in the theatrical version, Sun Wukong doesn't seem to be able to transform into a Super Saiyan. Most of them may be before going to Namek, but the settings of the theatrical version have many contradictions with the original comics, and they cannot be on the timeline. calibration, so there is not much reference value.

"No matter what Slagu's strength is, it's a big trouble anyway."

With this judgment in mind, Luo Lan did not allow the other party's spaceship to enter the range of the Sarada planet.

"Hertz, you immediately organize people to transfer the personnel on the planet Sarada, the special forces and the Guards will cooperate at any time, there is not much time," Luo Lan said, and said to Syphilia: "We will go to space to carry out Intercept."

"Okay." Syphilia looked cold.

Herz wondered: "Is it necessary to transfer everyone?"

Luo Lan said solemnly: "It may be a hard battle next, in short, act as soon as possible."

Slagu's power is absolutely terrifying. Luo Lan doesn't know if he can stop it by joining forces with Syphilia, so he has to prepare for the worst.

Hertz saw something in Luo Lan's cautious eyes, and his face suddenly froze.

How strong is Luo Lan's specific power, Hertz has not fully experienced it, but in short, it is very powerful. For all these years, he has been the patron saint of the planet Sarada, and even he felt troubled, then that Shira The Ancient Legion may be really terrifying, and it may not be as strong as Frieza, but it is definitely not something that the planet Sarada can withstand.

After a brief explanation, Luo Lan glanced at Syphilia, and the two quickly locked onto the powerful aura in the universe.

"Slagu Legion, looks very powerful, but I want to know."

Syphilia's face was cold, murderous aura surged between her brows, her aura suddenly swelled, her body flashed, and with Luo Lan, she disappeared in a teleport.

After Luo Lan and Syphilia left, Hertz took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Let all the soldiers gather, prepare everything according to what Luo Lan said, the special forces and the personal guards. Let's cooperate together, Lu Lu, please help to keep an eye on it."

"In addition, activate the space defense of the Sarada planet, and the super weapons in the asteroid belt and the space corridor all begin to charge. As long as the enemy enters the area of ​​the Sarada planet, no matter what, just destroy it."


"I see."

Lu Lu and the other fighters nodded in response.

Soon, the crowds began to act, and in outer space, the space dock that was originally docked near the asteroid belt began to change shape, and countless small meteorites changed their orbits according to certain rules, and the huge asteroid belt suddenly formed the first asteroid. A line of defense that made the Sarada planet like an iron wall.

On the inner periphery of the Sarada planet, the silver-white space corridors with two interlaced rings are also running, clusters of faint blue arcs are flashing, and particle weapons and high-energy weapons have begun to charge. Once the enemy's figure enters the attack range, it will immediately launch a frantic attack.

If it is a general cosmic force, entering this layer of attack circle must be back and forth.

But Hertz understood that if the other party really couldn't intercept Luo Lan and the others, then no matter how powerful these technological creations were, it would at most buy a little time for the evacuation of the personnel.

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