Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 247 Hope and Despair

"Slagu, it is absolutely impossible for you to leave the Sarada galaxy today."

"Damn, why is that Saiyan always entangled!!"

While attacking backwards, Slagu flew towards the Sarada planet, with an angry roar from his mouth. He didn't know that Luo Lan could lock his breath, and even if he fled to the ends of the earth, he would be able to find him.

However, Luo Lan's figure flashed and appeared beside Slagu like a ghost. He raised his arm, firmly grasped his hand into a fist, and beat him down at Slagu condescendingly!

"go to hell!"

A punch with enormous power fell, and a ray of light suddenly lit up at the tip of the fist, and a powerful blow slammed into Slagu's head. In an instant, the void seemed to be shattered with crystal cracks. A ring of energy shocks spread out horizontally.

Kacha, under Luo Lan's powerful attack, Slagu's head was completely deformed, two eyeballs protruded outward, and the force penetrating the body made a mess of his body. After a short pause, Slagu was His body suddenly accelerated and flew straight out like a missile that had just been launched.

Leaving a bright trail in the void.

Boom! !

After smashing several solid meteorites, Slagu's body still didn't want to stop until it rushed into the atmosphere of the planet Sarada.


Luo Lan teleported again, maintaining the same speed as Slagu.

Lift your feet.

Kick down hard.

Although the Mimic Super Saiyan is not a real Super Saiyan, but with a 20-fold increase in strength, the astonishing 24 million combat power is not something that Slagu can resist.

call out!

A few strands of energy shocks spread out, Slagu let out a heart-piercing scream, blood continuously spurted out of his mouth, and his body was directly embedded in the continental plate. Shake vigorously.

At this time, Slagu regretted it. He really shouldn't have come to the Sarada galaxy to find trouble with the Saifi forces. If there is a chance, he hopes that he has never met a Saiyan.

Suddenly, Luo Lan paused, his body floated in the void, and his golden eyes stared at Slagu without a trace of emotion.

He opened his palms, condensed a football-sized energy ball, and threw it at Slagu suddenly.

Slagu struggled with his body and barely opened his eyes. Looking at the not-so-big energy ball, he felt the majestic power contained in the energy ball. the brain.

To die.

If you are hit by him, you will definitely die!

He wanted to escape, but found that a strange spiritual force was acting on him, and his body seemed to be frozen, unable to move half a minute.

"How could this king be defeated so easily by you!"

With a distorted expression, he let out a mad roar, and Slagu looked like a madman. Regardless of his body's ability to withstand, he began to overdraw the strength in his body. At this time, he had no choice but to resist Luo Lan's bombardment.

This kind of behavior of overdrawing the body is very risky, and the body will collapse completely if you are not careful, but at this time, Slagu seems to have no other way but to do so.

Pong... Whoa!

There was a violent collision sound, like the sound of glass breaking. Slagu held up the energy to block most of Luo Lan's attacks, but at the last moment, the surging energy broke his protection, and a ray of sharp energy penetrated through. , hit Slagu's chest directly.


Immediately after that, several bursts of energy burst out, like a bullet that had just been fired from the barrel, with a scalding temperature, it drilled into Slagu's chest at once, and the blood immediately sprayed out.


Blood spurted out of his mouth, Slagu looked at the pierced chest in disbelief, and then his body was shocked. The excessive overdrawn strength made him taste the bad results, and the backlash finally began.

Originally, the Nameks were a race full of vitality. They only needed a little sunlight and water to synthesize their own energy to survive, but now Slagu seems to be a doll with air leakage. Part of his body begins to become dry and flat, and his face is distorted. Zi was a lot older, and there were sunken wrinkles on his brows.

According to Slagu's age, at this time, he was already an old man, and he was able to stay young because of the powerful strength in his body.

"No, why did this king die here?!"

Slagu is not at all the opponent of Luo Lan, who has transformed into a super Saiyan, and the strength of the two is not on the same level.

If Slagu had a young body, he might have a chance to escape from Roland's hands, but now, how can the old and frail Slagu be the opponent of the young and strong Roland. In just a few hits, it was like a lost dog, completely losing its former heroic appearance.

"Dragon Fist!!"

The blood-red dragon soared into the sky, and it walked majestically through the void.

Luo Lan used his final blow to end Slagu's life. When the whole dragon with a majestic momentum passed through Slagu's body, the scorching energy stirred up and directly burned all of Slagu's body. cell. After the phantom of the dragon penetrated, not even a single residue was left.

The dignified cosmos-level powerhouse came from a long distance, but finally paid the price of his life for his ambition.

He took a deep breath and glanced at the utterly destroyed planet Sarada. Large tracts of land had turned into deserts, grasslands had turned into swamps, and the continuous mountains were also swept away by the aftermath of the energy shock. The two rings in the sky The silver-white space corridor is distorted, and it is very difficult to restore it.

However, it is not easy to keep the Sarada planet in the battle, and the space corridor will be repaired slowly in the future.

"Syphilia..." Luo Lan murmured in a low voice.

As if sensing something, the body suddenly disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already in the orbit of the previously destroyed planet.

In the messy starry sky, there are irregular stars of different sizes scattered everywhere. Luo Lan narrowed his eyes and carefully observed each star. Suddenly, a bright flash caught his attention, and Luo Lan's eyes suddenly snapped. The bright, icy cheeks reappeared like a spring breeze.

The body jumped forward, and the distance of thousands of meters seemed to disappear all at once.

Luo Lan came to the side of the bright light and hugged her tightly. There was a figure in the light, and the graceful figure was very soft. It was Syphilia who disappeared with the explosion of the planet before.

"Great, you are resurrected."

Syphilia's mind was still in a muddy state. For a while, her mind seemed to have entered another dimension. That icy feeling had only been encountered during the near-death experiment on Planet Frye before.

"I'm... dead once?"

"Yes, thanks to giving you a chance to be resurrected before, otherwise you will have to go around hell." After seeing that Syphilia was safe and sound, Luo Lan's expression relaxed.

"Ah, Luo Lan, why did your eyes turn golden?" Syphilia looked at Luo Lan's eyes and asked in surprise.

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