Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 249 Make a Wish

Next, Sephiria led Lu Lu, Darles, and the Queen's Guards towards the Slagu forces at the edge of the northern galaxy, and it was no accident that there would soon be a bloody storm there.

Syphilia and Lu Lu's shots have always been vicious, and the Slagu Legion is naturally not their opponent. After destroying several planets, the entire area on the edge of the galaxy near the Eastern Galaxy has also fallen under the control of Syfi's forces.

After conquering the Slagu Territory, the territory of the Saifi forces expanded again, showing a spoon shape as a whole. The big head was the headquarters of the Saifi forces in the west of the Northern Galaxy. There is a narrow strip in the middle that borders the Frieza Legion.

However, because the Frieza Legion is not an interstellar force that dominates the planet, and the Frieza Legion is cooperating with the Saifei faction, it is also happy to resell the planet it has laid to the Saifi faction, so there is nothing between the two. conflict of interest.

In Frieza's heart, there are just a few planets that he doesn't even care about, and he doesn't even bother to rule.

The great strength gave Frieza full confidence—when he really needed those planets, he could get them back at any time—with his fingertips—which allowed the Syfi forces to pass through his jurisdiction.


When Syphilia led the expedition to the Slagu Legion, Luo Lan teleported back to Earth. At this time, the 21st World No. 1 Martial Arts Club on Earth had ended. From Taisi's mouth, Luo Lan Know what happened a few games after he left.

In the fourth game of the quarter-finals, Blonde Lanqi defeated Suno, the heir of the gods, and advanced to the semi-finals.

In the next four finals, Sun Wukong first had to compete with his fellow apprentice brother Ke Lin, and finally made it to the final easily, and in another match, Jin Jin Lanqi defeated another heir of the gods by a narrow margin. Gigi; in the final, Sun Wukong meets the blonde Lanqi.

Compared with the original work, Sun Wukong's strength is much stronger. The combat power of 190 is stronger than Tianjin Fandu in the 22nd Budo Fair, but unfortunately, his opponent is the blonde Lanqi, who has been trained by Sefilia. The strength is a world of difference compared to the original.

The final result is that the blonde Lanqi won and won the championship of the 21st World No. 1 Martial Arts Club, while Sun Wukong was the runner-up.

"Where did Lan Qi go?" Luo Lan looked around and saw Lan Qi's figure.

Taisi waved her hand and said, "I ran away after receiving the bonus, saying that I wanted to be cool."

Luo Lan rolled her eyes, this silly girl really doesn't have a long memory, her so-called chic must be going to be a robber!

When a robber has any potential, she can do it if she wants to. Her teacher is the famous Queen Saifi. As a disciple, she has to pull up a team to go out in the universe... After despising the blonde Lanqi in her heart, Luo Lan didn't care about her, because he knew that after the blonde Lanqi turned into a well-behaved blue-haired Lanqi after sneezing, she would definitely come back in a somersault.

Sure enough, when Luo Lan and Taisi had just returned home and it was getting dark, Lan Qi with blue hair came back.

Even the ingredients placed in the big and small bags on the somersault cloud, Lanqi Lanqi stopped by the market to make a purchase.

"Luo Lan, it's time to eat, I'll prepare!" Lan Qi put on an apron.

"Go ahead, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back soon." Luo Lan smiled at Lan Qi, took the Dragon Ball Radar from the room, and then teleported away.

An island surrounded by the sea.

Luo Lan's figure appeared on the highest mountain peak on the island. Facing the gentle sea breeze, Luo Lan pressed the Dragon Ball radar and looked around according to the radar's display. Finally, he found a sparkling light in a stone crevice on the island. Dragon ball studded with golden stars.

For Luo Lan, who has teleportation ability and Dragon Ball Radar, the difficult process for others to find Dragon Balls is as simple as drinking water. It didn't take long for Luo Lan to collect all the Dragon Balls on the earth.

Put the dragon ball in an open area, and then recite the spell to summon the dragon. Due to the transformation of the red dragon a year ago, the earth dragon is extraordinarily large. The red dragon body is powerful and its abilities become more powerful. Once Sex can fulfill two wishes.

The first wish that Luo Lan made was to restore the destroyed environment of the Sarada galaxy.

The second wish was to give Syphilia another chance to revive, but the Earth Dragon replied that it could only revive the same person once, so this wish could not be fulfilled.

Luo Lan was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he finally realized that the Earth Dragon Ball was made by the gods.

Compared with the Dragon Ball of Namek, the advantage of Earth Dragon Ball is that it can revive multiple people at one time, but the disadvantage is that each person can only be resurrected once; while the Dragon Ball of Namek has strong ability and can revive people many times, but one. A wish can only resurrect one person. Only after the Namekian Dandy served as the god of the earth in the later period, did Dragon Ball be overturned and fundamentally changed the wishing rules of the Earth Dragon Ball.

Since there is no way to continue to give Syphilia the chance to revive, Luo Lan gave this opportunity to herself.

As a cluster of magical power entered his body, Luo Lan had a wonderful experience.

"Is this a chance to be resurrected?"

I searched for the Dragon Ball power that had just entered the body, but I couldn't find it for a long time. It seemed that the power was hidden in the rules after entering the body. Only when he died once, that power would work.

"With a chance to be resurrected, it will be more secure now. By the way, you have to get a healthy body, otherwise it would be a pity to die young at such a young age as Sun Wukong." After getting the chance to be resurrected, Luo Lan's thoughts began to diverge, and he even thought of using Dragon Balls to stabilize his appearance, but Saiyans were originally a race of youthful youth, and such an idea was forgotten by him as soon as it appeared.

"Lord Luo Lan, your wish has come true, then see you again."

The huge red dragon nodded respectfully towards Luo Lan, not at all arrogant when facing other people. After saying this, the dragon let out a long groan, and its body turned into seven flashes of light and scattered all over the world.

After watching the dragon disappear, Luo Lan smiled faintly, and then teleported away from the place where the wish was made. Next, he will spend some time in retreat to study his golden pupil transformation state.

He feels that this transformation has a lot of potential to tap.


King space.

The King of the Northern Realm looked at the Sarada galaxy with a puzzled face, and rubbed his eyes to make sure that the planet that had been destroyed before had completely recovered.

"Hey, those planets have recovered as if time has flown backwards. Even the legendary Lord Realm Kingshen doesn't have such ability!" The Northern Realm King was full of doubts, and the two tentacles on top of his head traced back to the source and probed for the real The reason, in the end, let the discovery problem lie on earth.

"It turned out to be Dragon Ball!"

"The planet called Earth, the god on it is actually a Namekian... It should have escaped during the climate catastrophe more than 300 years ago. Fortunately, it did not become an evil guy like Slagu."

The King of the Northern Realm is a little fortunate. Dragon Balls are the sacred objects of the Namekians. If the people who make Dragon Balls have evil thoughts, then the Dragon Balls made will not be good things.

Of course, the premise is that such a Dragon Ball can really be made.

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