Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 256: Half a Year

Seeing Neilu's figure gradually disappearing into the sky, Luo Lan turned her eyes away, looked at Namek in a quiet environment, and said to Syphilia: "It's over, let's leave, anyway. It’s a good harvest this time.”

"More than a good harvest, my strength has more than doubled, which is worth my years of practice."

A smile appeared on Syphilia's face. She was a proud woman. In addition to the Saiyan's pursuit of strength, her usual hard work had unknowingly turned into a way to avoid getting too far away from Roland. Luo Lan's progress has always made her catch up with her. Now that her normal strength is on par with Luo Lan again, she is in a good mood.

"So, it is suitable to develop potential now. If you come early, you will not have much power to improve, and if you come late, the Great Elder may not be able to develop too much power."

In terms of efficiency, it has only doubled the combat power, which is definitely not comparable to the increase of Kelin and Sun Wuhan, but purely quantitatively speaking, the increase in combat power of more than one million is definitely a lot! If the main body combat power is stronger, it is still unknown how much the elder can develop.

In short, both Luo Lan and Syphilia were very satisfied with the results of this trip.

"By the way, our strength has increased so much all of a sudden. It's best to find a quiet place to practice for a while, and then master the strength of the body as soon as possible." Luo Lan suggested.

Although the power obtained through the potential development of the Great Elder seems to be self-cultivation, there will be no sense of stagnation, but it is not a simple matter to fully adapt the power obtained from the skyrocketing to the battle. How to use it effectively This newly added power is what they need to pay attention to in their next cultivation.

Hearing Luo Lan's words, Syphilia nodded in agreement. For her, who was devoted to her cultivation, submerged cultivation was a normal thing.

In fact, she had been eager to test her strength for a long time, and Luo Lan's proposal was exactly what she wanted.

So the next two people launched teleportation. According to the star map provided by Saifei's forces, Luo Lan and the two came to a planet near the Western Galaxy.

This is an extremely harsh environment with gravity as high as 200 times. Of course, the so-called harshness is only for ordinary life. With the current strength of Luo Lan and Syphilia, this gravity is of course not worth it. Mention, the two entered the gravity planet and quickly adapted to the environment here.

The gravitational planet is actually a metal planet, which seems to be formed by the remnants of the explosion of the star, so the planet is very desolate, and even the basic atmosphere and life do not exist.

"Start practicing!"

Luo Lan moved his hands and feet, and suddenly his 2.8 million combat power became active, and the surging power gathered a thin layer of arrogance on his body.

Syphilia stood not far from Luo Lan, and was hit by the air wave that broke out from Luo Lan. The purple battle uniform skirt began to fly up without wind, her fingers stroked her hair, and her eyes suddenly became focused and serious. , an equally majestic energy rose up, squeezing with Luo Lan's aura.

chi chi chi...

The two air waves were not equal to each other, and the ground cracked with meandering cracks. In the next second, the silhouettes of Luo Lan and Syphilia disappeared at the same time, and the lightning-fast attack began.

For any race known for fighting, the best way to master power is to fight! Through constant battles, they discovered their flaws, and then corrected and repaired them. Both Luo Lan were martial arts masters who were well versed in this way. After a short fight, they found a lot of problems, and then gradually corrected them during the battle.

The hearty battle made the two of them very excited. Before they knew it, their movements became more and more flexible, and the fighting intensity became more and more intense.

Soon, the aftermath of the battle radiated to the entire planet, and I saw that the metal planet began to shake violently, the solid earth was impacted by energy, and the metal melted into liquid under high temperature and pressure, like the end of the world.

Fortunately, there is no life on this planet, otherwise, you must be scared to death by the power of the two.


Time unknowingly passed half a year.

In the past six months, Luo Lan and Syphilia have completely mastered their powers, and through constant battles, their combat effectiveness has been improved.

In a metal basin, the maroon rust was mottled and unclear, and there were iron bumps protruding upwards everywhere.

In the center of the basin, the traces of rust disappeared, and all the rust was smoothed out by the tyrannical energy.

Luo Lan stood quietly on a silvery gully, and the body was burning with rolling waves of air. Suddenly, the arrogance on Luo Lan's body rose straight up, and a large amount of qi condensed together, like a roaring dragon, mercilessly swallowing everything around, and high-purity energy melted everything around.

After a while, the breath gradually calmed down, and a huge pit of 10,000 square meters and more than ten meters deep appeared below Luo Lan, and around the giant pit, the destruction zone that stretched for about several kilometers showed a circle. shape.

"3 million combat power, about 60 million combat power in the transformed state."

The corners of Luo Lan's mouth rose slightly, and her face was full of confidence.

Even if he was asked to fight Frieza one-on-one now, Luo Lan's heart was not at all timid. It is said that Frieza's ultimate combat power is 120 million, but in fact, Frieza's real combat power is only about 60 million, and the 120 million is Frieza's extreme anger state. The muscle form, the strength can not last long.

If I gather all my strength for a sneak attack now, I might be able to kill Frieza... Rolan thought to himself.

Immediately shook his head, Frieza is working well with him now, and killing Frieza is not in his own interests.

This is a change in Luo Lan's mentality, and his strong strength makes him full of confidence.

In the past, he had to choose to cooperate with Frieza because of his lack of strength, but now he has enough strength and can wrestle with Frieza, but he is not so anxious to make changes. If Frieza is killed, although Northern Galaxy will respect itself in the short term, in the long run, the Saifi forces will only gradually become the target of everyone, and resistance forces will definitely spring up like mushrooms after a rain.

The real bosses are all gentle and refined, and it is obviously better to let Frieza's fierce guy bear the cannon fire in front, and make a fortune in a muffled voice in the back.

Luo Lan is not in a hurry now, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, secretly accumulating strength, and even when the opportunity comes, maybe he can break through to become a Super Saiyan. At that time, Frieza at this stage was even less worth mentioning.

"It's better to maintain the status quo, first find a way to break through the Super Saiyan!"

Thinking of this, Luo Lan gradually restrained his momentum.

At this moment, on the other side of the distant planet, another shocking energy rose up, Luo Lan sensed the qi, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

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