Luo Lan and Syphilia silently came to the dark-haired boy who was sleeping soundly. Looking at the boy on the bed, Luo Lan narrowed his eyes and looked at Syphilia: "It's Saiya. Man, wearing a Vegeta-era battle suit."

"It actually escaped the disaster of Star Vegeta's destruction, but this Saiyan is so weak, even Kakarot on Earth is stronger than him."

Syphilia's face was cold, and her Xianbaisu hand condensed a faint energy to hit the black-haired boy at will. Too much energy could kill him.

"Oh, it hurts!"

The Saiyan boy jumped up from the bed with a scream, saw a man and a woman suddenly appear beside him, and exclaimed, "Who are you, why are you in Bai Lanxing?"

"We should ask you, shouldn't the Vegeta Saiyans be destroyed? How can you survive? You are the son of exile, but you seem to have some connection with the outside world!" Luo Lan He looked at the young man in front of him lightly. The young man looked thirteen or fourteen years old. He was not tall, and he looked white and pure, and he didn't look like he had suffered.

Looking at the electric kettles and generators of the surrounding modern facilities, it is definitely not something that the young man in front of him can get.

"Ah, you are also Saiyans!" The boy saw Luo Lan's tails wrapped around their waists, with surprise on his face.

"I was indeed exiled, but I have an older brother who has always been secretly taking care of me." Speaking of which, the black-haired boy introduced himself: "My name is Tabor, and my brother's name is Vegeta. , If my brother knows that there are other Saiyans in the universe, he will be very happy."


The name sounds familiar.

Luo Lan was stunned for a moment, looking at the young man in front of him.

Vegeta does have a younger brother, who was sent to Star Vegeta by King Vegeta shortly after birth. Could it be the boy in front of him? Vegeta is the prince of Star Vegeta, and his portrait is widely circulated on Star Vegeta. If you look closely, the boy in front of him is indeed a bit like when Vegeta was a child.

"Your brother's name is Vegeta, are you the son of King Vegeta?"

When Syphilia heard the boy reveal her identity, her slender eyebrows like willow leaves twitched slightly. She didn't have a good impression of King Vegeta, after all, as a genius-level female Saiyan comparable to Vegeta, her existence was on the list of King Vegeta very early.

If it weren't for the appearance of Luo Lan and a series of encounters with Star Vegeta later, her future might not be ideal.

Excellent women on Planet Vegeta often become tools for the royal family to continue their bloodline.

Seemingly feeling the bad attitude of Syphilia, Tabul couldn't help shrinking his neck, "Yes, but my combat effectiveness is too low. In order not to embarrass the royal family, my existence is not recorded in the file at all..."

Syphilia glanced at Tabor and snorted coldly, "King Vegeta had the foresight to send you away in advance. If it wasn't for this, you wouldn't be able to survive at all!"

"This sister, you seem to be very dissatisfied with my father. Are you also an exiled Saiyan? But you obviously look very powerful."

Tabor's strength is not strong, and he can't feel the power of Syphilia, but the aura of the king of Syphilia is not trivial, even his brother Vegeta doesn't seem to be that strong.

"I'm not the son of exile." Syphilia looked indifferent.

"The person in front of you is not small, she is the queen of the Saiyans of the Sarada planet, Queen Syfi!"

Luo Lan has already confirmed Tabor's identity, and he is still the second prince of Star Vegeta, but now that Star Vegeta no longer exists, his identity as a prince is naturally meaningless. The only person in the universe who is qualified to be called the Saiyan King is Syphilia.

"Queen Syfi?" Tabor was a little stunned.

I don't know when another queen appeared.

Wait, Sarada planet?

Tabor reacted.

"Hasn't the planet Sarada been destroyed a long time ago, how could it still exist... Could it be that the legend is false, the Saiyans did not actually exterminate their clan, so only the Saiyans on Planet Vegeta disappeared."

"Naturally the Saiyans did not exterminate their families." Syphilia looked proud, and the continuation of the Saiyans was the credit of her and Roland.

"Great, I have other clansmen."

Tabor is one of the few Saiyans with a mild temperament, and his first reaction after hearing Syphilia's words was excitement.

Luo Lan glanced at the equipment in the cave and said, "These things are all prepared for you by Vegeta, I can't see that guy still cares about you."

"My brother has been taking care of me. He told me not to leave Bai Lanxing, saying that it is dangerous outside."

Tabor nodded. Although Vegeta's face was gloomy and cold every time he came, he could feel the other party's concern for him. My brother must be cold-hearted and unwilling to show his concern under the guise of pride.

"It's really dangerous for a combat power like you to walk outside, even non-combatants are better than you!"

Syphilia shook her head with a cold face. The weak 105 combat power on the opponent made people feel astonished. You must know that Saiyans are a fighting nation. It is also a well-known powerhouse on ordinary planets. It is rare for someone like Tabor to have royal blood, but to be so weak. It is no wonder that King Vegeta wants to send him away, and he doesn't even want to keep a record.

Tabor's face blushed a little when he heard Syphilia's words, but he couldn't refute it, so he had to lower his head. As a Saiyan, his fighting talent was indeed too bad.

Luo Lan touched Syphilia and told her to stop hitting Tabor.

Syphilia snorted and stood silently to the side.

Luo Lan: "There aren't many Saiyans out there. It's not the way for you to be here alone. Would you like to go to the Sarada planet with us?" Tabor has the blood of the Saiyan royal family flowing in his body. Can enhance the heritage of the Sarada Saiyan.

"Can you tell me about the planet Sarada?"

Legend has it that the Saiyans of Planet Vegeta were first relocated from the planet Sarada, and Tabor was curious about the mother planet that gave birth to the Saiyan family.


So next, Luo Lan chatted with Tabor about the situation of the Sarada planet. He didn't mention the origin of the Saiyans on the Sarada planet, but only talked about the development of the Saifi forces in the past few years. When he knew that the Saifi forces represented by the Saiyans on the Sarada planet were actually the superpowers of the Northern Galaxy, especially the level of Saiyans on the Sarada planet, Tabor's eyes were full of shock.

Ordinary soldier!

Elite fighters!

Super Soldier!

The unprecedented level division is completely different from Vegeta's lower-level warriors, intermediate-level warriors, and upper-level warriors.

It turns out that the Saiyans represented by the Saifi forces are actually so strong that Saiyans with a combat power of more than 10,000 can be called "elite warriors", and those with a combat power of less than 10,000 can only be regarded as "ordinary warriors". The higher-level warriors brought it over, at best, they were just "ordinary warriors".

And the powerful defense forces, special forces, the Queen's Guard...

Even, there are more than 100,000 "special soldiers" on the planet Sarada!

More than 10 combat power, this is in the Vegeta era, I can't even think about it.

The shocking news one by one taught Tabor, a Saiyan with a combat power of only over 100 points, full of shock.

Not to mention the outrageously powerful super fighters, even the number of elite fighters is enough to crush Star Vegeta! As expected of the origin planet of the Saiyans, compared to the planet Sarada, Planet Vegeta was hit to the point where not even a slag was left.

Involuntarily, Tabor was overwhelmed with excitement, and he could not wait to go to Sarada planet to take a look.

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