Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 261 Wanpa Star

In a remote galaxy in the Northern Milky Way, the thick nebula dust is like a thick curtain blocking the light from the distant star field, making the entire starry sky look dull. Through the scattered asteroid field, a yellowish planet floats lonely in the void.

Wampa star.

A place far away from traces of civilization and abandoned by cosmic civilization.

The bad natural environment is not suitable for life to live in. The entire planet is in a strong storm for half of the time. Even when the storm subsides, the monsters and creatures that exist everywhere on the planet often threaten the safety of life. As long as you are not careful, these monsters will die. They will emerge from unknown corners and open their mouths wide at their prey.

Click click.

The ground undulated up and down and made a trembling sound, and a group of spider-like reptiles burrowed out of the ground. The sharp limbs like steel tongs plunged into the rock. The solid rock seemed to become soft at this time. Tofu.

Chi Chi... After the spider creatures passed by, the earth became a mess.

This spider creature is the predator of Wampa. Its sharp claws are as sharp as knives, and its powerful attack power is frightening. Moreover, such monsters have always appeared in groups. In the face of them, even if the combat power exceeds 5,000 Soldiers can only run away.

At this time, hordes of spider monsters were dispatched collectively to hunt down another monster on the Wampa star-Baya, who was covered in green hair and had a huge body.

Baya lives in a humid and warm sinkhole, and spends half of its life in a dormant state. Only when it is attacked or hunted will it stick its head out and attack. Baya and spider monsters are natural enemies. They feed on each other and take each other as prey. The harsh natural environment has created two ferocious and terrifying creatures.

goo goo goo...

The black spider monster spit out its mouthpiece to absorb nutrients from Baya's body. This Baya was provoked, and the terrifying head protruded from the sky pit, and then opened its bloody mouth full of fangs and bit down on the spider. The battle of the monsters began, and the ground rattled with their fight.

Suddenly, as if sensing some kind of danger, the two monsters stopped at the same time and swept towards the same location.

On a raised rock ledge, a young man with his upper body exposed leaned forward, staring at the Baya monster and spider monster in front of him.

This young man was tall and sturdy, with a scar on his handsome cheek, and his black hair fluttered in a mess, exuding a pressing aura from his divine gaze.

The young man's name is Broly, a Saiyan who wandered from Vegeta to the planet Wampa 19 years ago.

When the Baya monster and the spider monster stopped fighting at the same time, a ray of light flashed from Broly's eyes, and a fierce look appeared on his face.

call out!

A whirlwind quickly spread out, and the rock ledge under the feet was suddenly hit by a huge force. The solid rock instantly shattered into small stones, Broly's body jumped out instantly, and the lightning bolt came to the two monsters. in front of you.

Then he clenched his fist and smashed it into the head of one of the spider monsters.

With a bang, the spider monster's eyes flashed with gold stars, its huge head slammed into the ground, and the ground collapsed in an instant.

When the other monsters saw this situation, they were frightened by Broly's power, and they moved their bodies and retreated in horror, and the birds and beasts dispersed.

Broly glanced at the fleeing monsters, and did not intend to continue chasing them. Looking at the spider monsters he had killed, he nodded.

"Today's lunch should be enough, my father is still waiting for me to go back."

With that said, Broly interrupted the spider monster's arthropods, carried the monster's claws with transparent dope, and walked towards the cave where he lived.

Returning to the simple cave where he lived, Broly put the hunted food on the ground, looked around, but did not see his father.

"Where is my father? It's very dangerous for him to be outside alone."

Broly was a little anxious. After looking around for a while, he found his father Paragas near the wreckage of a spaceship. At this time, Paragas was beating against the wreckage of the spaceship, studying the spaceship. Structure.


Broly flew to Paragas and landed.

Paragus glanced at Broly and sat down with a look of decadence.

"It's been 19 years, and I can't fix the spaceship at all. It's all to blame for that hateful King Vegeta. If it wasn't for him, why would our father and son be reduced to this, Broly, you have to remember, if there is a chance in the future, we must Vengeance on King Vegeta!"

Paragas' eyes were full of resentment, and when he spoke of King Vegeta, he gritted his teeth.

He was originally a high-ranking member of Star Vegeta, with a combat power of 7,200, he was a commander-level figure, but 19 years ago, when King Vegeta saw Broly in the parenting department, everything changed.

King Vegeta had a deep fear of their father and son. In order to prevent Broly from threatening his son Vegeta's status in the future, King Vegeta banished Broly to the remote Wampa star and left it to fend for itself. . With the bad environment of Wampasin, how can a young child who is still in the cultivation stage survive, so when Palagas, the father, got the news, he immediately grabbed a spaceship and chased after him.

However, Paragas had bad luck. The spacecraft happened to catch a big storm when it landed on Wampa. There was a problem with the spacecraft's power system. Their father and son were trapped in Wampa for 19 years.

"King Vegeta, that hypocritical waste, if Broly lived on Planet Vegeta, he would definitely be the god of war of the Saiyan family!"

Paragas glanced at his grown-up son, and being abandoned like this was simply disrespect to the Saiyan bloodline, and his resentment against King Vegeta was even stronger in his heart.

"Father, the food for lunch is ready, let's go eat it."

"Yeah." Paragus nodded, then returned to the cave with Broly.

Swallowing the bitter and sticky yellow jelly-like substance on his hands, Paragas' face was full of tangle. Even after eating this disgusting food for 19 years, it was still difficult to swallow. On the other hand, Broly had never eaten it. A good thing, but I am not so picky about the food in my hands, and I still eat big mouthfuls.

"Ah..." Paragas sighed and closed his eyes to eat.

At this moment, a "beep beep" sounded from the pocket of Paragas' waist.

This measurement detector is the only technological product that Paragas has that can still operate. It belongs to the oldest detector of Vegeta. Because Frieza had just taken over King Kruder's army at that time, it was just a simple detection. device, but no communication function.

For the only equipment that can still be used, Paragas has been carefully keeping it. In order to know the news of the arrival of the outsiders at the first time, Paragas set to filter the signals of monsters on the planet and the energy responses of his father and son.

The detector has not shown an energy response for more than ten years.

Taking out the detector in the pocket, it shows two relatively strong energy responses.

"8400, 8300!"

"Two strange energies appeared on Wampa?"

Suddenly, ecstasy appeared on Paragas' face, and his cheeks began to shake with excitement.

"...It's great Broly, finally an outsider has arrived at Wampa, they must have a spaceship, and we can hopefully leave."

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