Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 263 Broly's Strength

"King Vegeta is dead, and the Saiyan family is under my full control." Syphilia frowned and looked at the Palagas father and son in a flat tone.

"A new ruler, queen?" Palagas repeated.


"Could it be that King Vegeta has been usurped? Hahaha, that guy also has today..." Paragas laughed, his face suddenly turned cold, "You think this trick can deceive me, although King Vegeta is Terrible, but not many Saiyans can kill him!"

There are only five warriors with a combat power of more than 10,000 on Star Vegeta. These masters are all loyal to King Vegeta. Although the strength of Syphilia and others in front of him looks good, but the combat power of the mere less than 10,000, they have no ability to fight. King Vegeta was cast down from the throne of the ruler.

Paragas is full of disgust with King Vegeta, but has to admit his dominance over Planet Vegeta.

"The planet Vegeta that you know has been destroyed by Frieza, and I am the queen of the planet Sarada." Syphilia's tone was still flat, facing a "low" warrior like Paragas, her performance Be patient enough.

Paragus sneered in his heart.

The planet Sarada has long since been destroyed.

It was even more confirmed in my heart that the two of Zephyria were sent by King Vegeta to hunt them down.

Thinking that King Vegeta has persecuted their father and son for so many years, and still refuses to let them go, a deep hatred arises in Paragas' heart. Immediately his face became ashen, and he yelled at Broly next to him:

"Broly, kill them!"


Broly was curiously looking at the two people in front of him who seemed to be of his own kind. Hearing the roar of Paragas, he couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and then he let out a low voice, and a pair of dark eyes flashed with icy lightning.

The violent power suddenly erupted.


The ground beneath his feet collapsed into a huge pit for no reason, and the stones sped out at an accelerated rate. Broly rushed out from Paragas, his body disappeared in the flash of lightning, and he reappeared and came to Luo Lan and He. Syphilia's side.

Facing Broly's sudden attack, Syphilia watched calmly, with a flash of excitement in her eyes, and shouted at Luo Lan, "This guy let me try."

Luo Lan was already ready to shoot, but after hearing Syphilia's voice, she decided to give her the chance, and her figure teleported away from Broly's attack range.

Syphilia's normal combat power is also close to 3 million, and there should be no problem against Broly.


Broly's sturdy figure appeared on top of Syphilia's head, clenching his fists and attacking him overwhelmingly.

The ferocious wind was blowing, like a sharp blade cutting the ground, and hitting the face was even more painful.

The corners of Syphilia's mouth rose slightly, and she covered her chest with both hands to block Broly's violent blow.

Peng... kacha!

The ground suddenly collapsed, and the violent force attacked Syphilia's body. The giant force was transmitted to the ground through the body. The area of ​​thousands of meters suddenly seemed to be attacked by a huge meteorite that fell from the sky, and it cracked in all directions. 's cracks.

"Huh? What a powerful energy!"

A violent storm blew, and after Syphilia blocked Broly's attack with her arms, her body actually went numb, which made her excited, who had been expecting a fierce battle.

The momentum on his body rose suddenly, and a terrifying energy that was not lost to Broly suddenly erupted.


Broly was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and roared as if provoked by Syphilia. His robust body gradually became larger, and his aura also rose. Soon his body grew to about two meters and five meters, with a range of several meters. The inside was covered with flaming flames.

"Shhh!" Suddenly, the violent energy erupted, and a swirling airflow was swirled around Broly.

The two terrifying energies squeezed each other and immediately started to attack.

Suddenly, the figures of the two disappeared at the same time and appeared together in the next moment.

Syphilia exerted force on her feet and came to Broly in an instant. The violent force of her feet caused a shock wave to penetrate the air.


Syphilia aimed at Broly's chest with a violent kick. Although Broly didn't have much combat experience, he instinctively felt the danger in Syphilia's attack, and his eyes were fixed on Saifilia. Filia kicked the kick, and the whole body fell backwards. With both hands on the ground, he performed a backflip. After escaping Syphilia's attack, he was ready to fight back, but at this time, Syphilia's figure disappeared. .

"Ah!" Broly shook his head.

"I'm here!" A crisp voice sounded in my ears, and Syphilia's figure appeared in mid-air, sending out a qigong wave with both hands.

Wow... Broly turned around suddenly, just in time to meet Syphilia's qigong wave, the surging energy hit Broly,

But seeing Broly roar, the strong roar was deafening, the sound wave collided with the qigong wave, and the terrifying energy instantly turned into a turbulent energy flow, and then disappeared into a sparse smoke.

Broly's body is unprecedentedly strong, or he was born to fight. If Syphilia is a genius among fighting nations, then Broly is a genius among geniuses. After a short contact, Syphilia found that Broly was growing all the time, and it was only his combat experience that limited him.

"This guy is simply a born warrior."

Feeling Broly's terror, Syphilia felt the pressure faintly, but this was something she couldn't be more excited about, who regarded battles as fun.

"Let me see where your limit is?" The pretty face showed a frenzy, and Syphilia's attack became more severe.

The momentum is like a dazzling star, stirring the world-shattering energy.

Facing the powerful attack launched by Syphilia, the inexperienced Broly was in the stage of being beaten, but as the battle continued, Broly's fighting consciousness gradually awakened. Suddenly, a burst of attack suddenly erupted, and between the lightning and flint, his arms slammed together, offsetting the heavy blow brought by Syphilia.


Syphilia's attack came to an abrupt end, the force of the recoil caused her body to retreat a few hundred meters back, and Broly was hit by a single blow and flew down like a cannonball.

"Hahaha, come again!"

Pom Pom Pom!

The collision continued.

Both of them are terrifying masters with a combat power of more than 2 million. At the beginning of the battle, the turbulent and violent energy stirred the entire Wampa star to the ground. All the monsters on the planet sensed the terrifying impact, and they shivered and hid. Don't dare to come out of the cave.

"Ah, that woman... actually can draw with Broly! No, Broly is not his opponent, how is this possible?!"

Paragas looked at Syphilia and Broly who were constantly colliding in the sky, and put his hands in front of him to resist the storm from the sky.

Rubbing his eyes, he couldn't see the battle at all.

As a father, he knows how strong Broly is. Since Broly was five years old, Paragas has not been his opponent, so Paragas determined that Broly was five years old. At least it exceeded 10,000 combat power at the time, and it has been getting stronger in recent years. While Palagas is excited, he also feels fear.

Fortunately, Broly has always listened to his words, and the occasional loss of control has not caused too much danger.

But now, the guy who calls himself the Saiyan Queen can actually beat Broly?

Apart from Broly, who among the Saiyans has ever had such a master. Even King Vegeta, whom he hates, is not even qualified to carry shoes!

Could it be that what that woman said was true, that she was really the queen of Saiyans? Paragas' heart began to shake.

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