Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 269 The Simple Broly

After the destruction of Wampa, the space island left the star field where Wampa was located and began to fly towards the place where the planet Sarada was located. At the speed of the space island, it only took about ten minutes to travel from Wampa to the planet Sarada. time of day.

Not long after the voyage started, Luo Lan explained the situation of the Sarada planet to Paragas, and entered the training ground alone to practice. Syphilia did not care about Paragas very much, and explained a few coldly. In other words, after leaving an auxiliary intelligent robot, he also went to exercise.

Soon only Paragas was left in the huge square.

Paragas stood in the empty square, looking at the vast sea of ​​stars that were constantly receding on both sides, and did not regain his senses for a long time.

What happened today is so unbelievable, I just left Wampasing?

In retrospect it was like a dream.

After 19 years of loneliness and abandonment on the Wampa star, and now suddenly leaving, Paragas actually has some discomfort in his heart. Standing in the same place and sighing for a while, he glanced at the fast-moving space island, and Paragas picked up Broly, who was still asleep, and walked towards the interior of the space island.

Soon a squat, round robot appeared beside Paragas.

"My Lady Queen asked me to familiarize you with the environment of the space island, please come with me." The voice of the intelligent robot was very clear and sounded like a child.

"Oh...Okay." Paragas had never seen such an advanced robot before, and nodded stunned.

Under the leadership of the intelligent robot, Paragas is familiar with the environment of the space island. The space island is said to be an island, but it is actually more like a city. There are various landforms and infrastructure in the area of ​​10,000 meters. Very complete. The whole is constructed of thunderbolt steel as the skeleton, supplemented by high-strength alloys, which can withstand the impact far beyond the destruction of the planet.

Of course, because it was built for cultivation, most of the facilities on the island are relatively simple.

At the center is a huge training field, surrounded by various trial fields that simulate different environments. The basic gravity of these training fields is similar to that of the Sarada planet, with 15 times the gravity.

The super-strong gravity was exerted on Paragas, and Paragas was caught off guard and stumbled, the whole person squatted on the ground, and the big beads of sweat shot out directly.

"The terrifying gravity is much stronger than Star Vegeta."

Paragus gasped, feeling every bone in his body rattle. Living on a planet like Wampa for a long time, Paragas' resistance to high-intensity gravity continued to weaken.

"The gravity of the space island is driven by the core gravity engine. Except for the leisure area, all cover the standard 15 times the gravity. Of course, it is calculated separately in the training ground. Dozens or hundreds of times the gravity are possible." The beautiful voice of the intelligent robot sounded.

Paragas nodded silently, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. It is indeed the car of Lord Queen and Lord Luo Lan. Even the gravity in it is no trivial matter. The reason why the two adults are so powerful must be hard training.

For the strong, Saiyans have never lacked respect, and Paragas has been completely convinced.

At this moment, under the influence of the strong gravity on the space island, Broly opened his eyes in a coma and looked at a completely different environment from before, Broly asked: "Father, where are we? "

"Broley, you're finally awake."

Parajas saw Broly wake up with a smile on his face, and then said excitedly: "We have left Wampa and are now on our way to Sarada planet."

"Salada...planet, where is that?" Broly looked confused, with a childlike innocence beneath his handsome exterior.

Paragas said: "That is the hometown of the Saiyans. I thought that the Sarada planet had been destroyed, but Queen Saifi and Lord Luo Lan said that the Sarada planet still exists, so they will not lie to us. We Finally got out of that hellish place."

So he told what happened after Broly lost his mind. Broly was stunned after listening, and then lowered his head with guilt.

"Sorry, I lost my mind again."

Paragas laughed, in a very good mood: "It's okay, Lord Queen and Lord Luo Lan said that your talent is very good, the only thing you lack is the control of power, it's all my fault, I shouldn't restrict you Grow up." He said and took off the metal device worn on Broly's neck.

"After arriving at the Sarada planet, the two adults will specifically instruct you to master the power, so you must study hard!"

Broly opened his eyes and nodded vigorously.

"I will try to learn to control the power in my body." Broly looked sincere, and couldn't help but be curious about Roland and Syphilia.

Paragas nodded, as long as Broly didn't lose control, he was an obedient good boy.

Next, let Broly take a tour of the space island under the guidance of an intelligent robot.

Broly lived in Wampa since he was a child. He had never seen such a magnificent building as Space Island on that barren and desolate planet. He was quickly attracted by the strange facilities on Space Island. He wanted to touch the surface of the facility with his hands, but I was worried about accidentally destroying it, and the careful appearance was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, which was very interesting.

Compared with Broly, Paragas is much more knowledgeable, but after visiting the entire space island, he was still shocked by the advanced modern facilities and solid structure of the space island. He tried to hit a steel cylinder with his strongest energy attack, but after the powerful energy dissipated, not only was the steel cylinder not deformed, but not even a trace was left.

To know that his attack is more than enough to destroy even a large city

"A giant fortress made of the strongest thunderbolt steel in the universe, this kind of generous..."

Paragas was completely shocked. The preciousness of Thunderbolt is well known in the universe. This space island is so large and large, I don't know how much Thunderbolt is consumed.

Saifi's power is too rich.

"Gulugulu~" Paragas frowned a little embarrassedly with a hungry stomach. Broly was not hungry because he was fed a fairy bean when he was recovering from his injury.

"The two of you, please come with me, the meal is ready." The intelligent robot is extremely intelligent. After hearing Paragas' stomach growl, it took the initiative to lead them to the meal.

When Broly and Paragas arrived at the dining place, tables and tables of sumptuous dishes had already been set up there. Paragas saw the delicate and delicious dishes, and swallowed involuntarily, and was immediately struck by the aroma conquered.

"Father, what are these things? They smell so good."

"It's all delicious, come and eat."

Paragas' expression was excited, and he quickly ate together with Broly. The taste of the mouth was so fragrant that he felt that the whole taste buds were revived.

"Father, what is this transparent liquid? It's so comfortable to drink." Broly took a sip of a glass of transparent liquid.

"That's clear water."

"This creature I've never seen before, it smells so good."

"That's barbecue."

"It's delicious... If only I could eat something that good all the time."

Broly and Paragas ate and drank the sea and drank, their mouths filled with food, expressing emotion while eating, accidentally choked, and hurriedly poured precious water.

After a big meal, the stomachs of the two were finally filled, and Broly lay on the ground contentedly, with an expression of enjoyment on his innocent face.

"So full, I've never felt so comfortable."


Paragas had the same sigh.

When was the last time I had such delicious food, 19 years ago? No, even in Vegeta's time, I never had such delicious food. And Wampasing, let alone, life there is really not easy.

Involuntarily, Palagas burst into tears, leaving behind moved tears.

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