Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 291 The Treasure of Planet Zin

The sky was bright, and the brilliance of the morning sun had just poked out of the horizon.

The day begins on the planet Sarada.

It was a little chilly in the morning in the Saiyan residential area. A few palm trees that formed shade were filled with light mist. The sun rose, and the warm light sprinkled mottled marks through the leaves. The leaves were blown by the wind. Makes a pleasant rustling sound.

On the training ground, young Saiyans got up early and practiced boxing under the leadership of the leading instructor.

These Saiyans are about seven or eight years old, and they are not very old, but everyone's face is full of seriousness, and they don't need much discipline, and they all sweat consciously. An instructor led thirty or forty children. This class-style teaching and training drew on Luo Lan's previous life experience. Although there were many shortcomings, it was perfectly suitable for training Saiyan children.

Under the shade of greenery, a child with a tiger's head and a big head squatted behind a stone, watching the training of those Saiyans with small eyes curiously, dancing and dancing, and practiced boxing and feet together.

With a snap, the pink fist hit the stone, and the gravel splashed, and the half-human-high stone was directly smashed into pieces by his small hand.

The flying powder smoked the child's face, and the child immediately patted the dust on his body unwillingly.

At this time, a pair of fair arms picked him up from behind, feeling the temperature on the other side, the child raised his head and looked at the other side with black eyes, and giggled, "Sister Lan Qi..."

"Run out before breakfast and go back with me." Lan Qi held Luo Fei in her arms and said in a gentle voice.

Luo Fei broke free from Lan Qi's embrace and floated in mid-air, "Sister Lan Qi, I also want to practice martial arts. They look so majestic in boxing, can you teach me martial arts..."

Lan Qi stroked her blue hair and smiled, "Sister is not good enough to teach you. How about asking Brother Luo Lan to teach you after breakfast?"

"But the other sister Lan Qi is very capable, let her come out and teach me!" Luo Fei fluttered her eyes, Lan Qi puffed out a laugh: "She is scared when she sees you, how dare she come out."


"I'm not afraid of being beaten by you."

"how come……"

Speaking of the story of Blonde Lanqi and Luo Fei, Blue-haired Lanqi wanted to laugh. I remember that when Luo Lan and Taisi brought Luo Fei back from the Asian God Realm two days ago, Blonde Lanqi's personality just came out. Hearing that Luo Lan wanted to find a teacher for her son, Lan Qi's eyes lit up, indicating that she could be a good teacher.

Luo Lan glanced at her, and for some reason she actually agreed. This time, the blonde Lan Qie was delighted. She immediately patted her chest and said that she would teach Luo Fei well. Her original intention was to slap Luo Fei A sense of accomplishment, but this commitment has serious consequences.

Blonde Lanqi didn't know that Luo Fei was a young child, but the energy in her body was not low. As soon as she fought Blonde Lanqi, she was immediately stunned. She wasn't even a three-year-old's opponent, so how could she be taught? It's embarrassing to say it.

Thinking about how she also practiced under Syphilia, she had to endure hard.

The result is self-evident. As an adult, the blonde Lan Qi was beaten by Luo Fei to the point of autism. In the next few days, she ran into Luo Fei and did not dare to come out.


He led Luo Fei back to the residence. The breakfast at home was ready. Taisi gently wanted to feed the child, but Luo Fei pursed his mouth and grabbed the spoon to eat by himself. Taisi thought that Saiyans were originally Relatively precocious, young enough to take care of himself, so put him on the bench and let him eat by himself.

It is said that it is breakfast, in fact, it is still mostly meat. Saiyans are a fighting nation, and their natural intake of energy is very large. Luo Fei alone ate more than Taisi and Lan Qi combined.

After a breakfast, Luo Fei burped his stomach there.

Luo Lan also finished breakfast, wiped the oil stains on the corners of his mouth with a tissue, and was about to start training Luo Fei, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. At this time, someone from the Sarada Planetary Communication Department came and said that it was a Galaxy Patrol named "Jake". to come and find him.

"That guy Gak is coming to Planet Sarada for the first time, right?" Taisi adjusted her makeup.

"It must be nothing good."

Luo Lan was almost certain.

Speaking of Jake, this guy has no great skills, but his escape skills are top-notch. No matter how you look at it in the Galaxy Patrol organization, he is a soy-sauce existence, but he has a strong sense of justice. The characters of Frieza, the God of Destruction and even the King of All.

Life is as hard as Xiaoqiang.

At the beginning, Gak came to Earth to hunt down Sun Wukong on the order of the Galaxy King, and finally failed to complete the task due to various accidents. In general, Sun Goku survived, thanks to Gak's carelessness.

Since he is a good friend with Taisi and has a good relationship with the Dr. Brives family, Luo Lan is also familiar with him.

"Since you're here, then go see him, I hope it won't cause me any trouble..."

Luo Lan shook her head and said to Lan Qi, "Lan Qi, you take Luo Fei to Eve Liwei and let them train first." Eve Li Wei used to be a member of the special forces, and now she is a relative of nine queens One of the members of the guard, the strength is at the forefront of the Sarada planet.


Lan Qi nodded and went out with Luo Fei.

After Lan Qi and the others left, Luo Lan and Taisi also left the room, and the two walked towards the spaceship park on the outskirts of the city, where the large spaceship landed, and Luo Lan’s own space island was also docked there. , has a special defense force soldiers to guard.

The spaceship was parked not far from the place of residence, and at Luo Lan's speed, they arrived there not long after.

I saw a small aircraft parked there on the spacious berth. A purple-skinned spaceman looked around there with his hands on his hips. His two huge eyes were like eggs. Except for the shirt with the logo of the Galaxy Patrol, what else was there on his body? also did not wear.

"Jack, why are you free to come to Planet Sarada?" Taisi greeted Jake.

"Tais, I'm here to ask you for help."

"What happened to you again?"

"What's wrong, I've been hit this time..." Jake was unhappy and straightened up and argued.

"What the hell is going on?" Luo Lan interrupted Gak's chatter.

"Ah, Luo Lan..." Jake saw Luo Lan, stood up straight and saluted.

"It's like this..." Jake began to tell the reason why he came to the planet Sarada.

It turned out that the matter started after Luo Lan and the others left the Galactic Patrol Headquarters. At that time, the Galactic King told the patrolman named Myers to deal with the matter of the treasure of the Zin planet. The spaceman peeped secretly, but he did not expect that the treasure of the planet Zin was stolen shortly after the Myers Patrol had just accepted the mission.

So the Myers Patrol's mission turned into a treasure hunt for Planet Zin. At this time, Gark happened to know the news and felt that it was time to show his strength, so he volunteered to carry out the mission with the Myers Patrol.

"...In short, the Myers Patrolman and I worked hard to recover the treasure, but at this time there was a problem in the star area under the Myers Patrolman's jurisdiction, and it was time to rush over, so I returned it. Treasure to Zin Planet..."

"Unfortunately, when I was docked on a meteorite for dinner, the spaceship was attacked by inexplicable thieves, and the treasure was robbed. I stated in advance that this is definitely not my business." Righteous words.

Taisi silently supported her forehead, "I think the Galaxy Patrol Organization should have fired you long ago."

Jake said angrily, "Tais, although we are good friends, you can't talk about me like that."

"So what's your purpose of coming to Sarada planet?" Luo Lan watched with a cold eye.

Jake turned his head and knelt down in a standard kneeling posture without saying a word: "Now only you can help me, help me, or I will really be expelled by the Galaxy King."

"Let's talk about it first, what is the treasure of Planet Zin?"


Ps: I forgot the mouse at home, and I am not used to using the small keyboard to code.

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