Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 293 Ruland Star Thief Group

Looking in the direction Luo Lan pointed, I saw several triangular-shaped spaceships parked behind the empty rocks. In the space between the spaceships, hundreds of hedgehog-like spacemen gathered together, discussing their harvest with laughter and laughter.

There are various sculptures, utensils and other valuable things placed around them. Naturally, there are also hard currency such as empty gold and Xijin, and there are a lot of them, there are several boxes.

This is the wealth they robbed as star thieves, and it is equivalent to the total wealth of a small-scale commercial planet.

At this time, these hedgehogs were still dividing the ownership of their wealth, unaware that two outsiders had quietly appeared beside them not far from them.

"...they are the notorious Ruland star thieves group. They plunder passing caravans with advanced technology and great strength. Because they move quickly every time they plunder, the people of the Galaxy Patrol have arrested them many times. I couldn't catch them." Jake approached Luo Lan and whispered about the general situation of the Ruland Star Thief Group.

"Yeah." Luo Lan listened, nodded slightly, and locked his eyes on those hedgehog-like cosmic beings.

The members of the Ruland Star Thief Group all look the same, obviously from the same race, Luo Lan detected a little, and showed a flat expression on his face.

6500 combat power is quite a good strength, and it is considered a relatively high-end race in the universe, but in the eyes of Luo Lan at this stage, it can only be regarded as a small scoundrel, and it is not enough to watch.

Speaking of the little gangsters, Luo Lan looked back at Jake in the shape of Bump Man, smiled and said: "Jake, your strength still needs to be improved, if you can't deal with these guys, it will be difficult to be in the Galaxy Patrol. I got mixed up in the organization."

Hearing this, Gak retorted unhappily: "I am not a dedicated combatant, and there is a division of labor within the Galaxy Patrol. People like me are just patrolmen, and their main job is to escort prisoners and report the situation in the area. It does not involve Specific battles. Like serious combat work, it must be handed over to specialized people."

"Galaxy Mercenary Organization?" Luo Lan asked casually.

"Yeah." Jake nodded silently.

The Galaxy Patrol Organization has been passed down from ancient times and has gone through countless years. Sadly, the interior has long been hollowed out, and there are not many real combat talents. At this time, the Galactic mercenary organization rose along with the trend. For the stability of the entire galaxy, the Galactic Patrol Organization acquiesced to this situation.

Being poor means thinking about change. The Galaxy Patrol Organization knows that it is pointless to continue struggling, so they took the initiative to communicate with the Galaxy Mercenary Organization. Fortunately, the Galaxy Mercenary Organization is not as extreme as the Cosmic Killer Organization. It is relatively neutral, so after high-level exchanges, the two sides adopted a cooperation model, which formed the current pattern.

But it seems inappropriate to say that the Galaxy Patrol organization has no "thugs" of its own at all.

"The strength of that Myers Patrolman seems to be quite good..." Luo Lan thought of Myers whom he met at the Galaxy King.

"He's average. He's only slightly better than me. My speed is not as fast as him, but his eyesight is definitely not as good as mine." Although Gak's strength is not very good, he is very proud of him. How can you admit that you are inferior to each other?

Luo Lan shook his head, realizing that it was probably impossible to ask Patrol Mels from Gak's mouth.

"Oh, let's not talk about this, help me get back the treasure of Planet Zin. Hehe, it would be better if the Ruland star thieves could be eliminated. Lord Galaxy King might give me a promotion." Jake rubbed his palms and looked at Luo Lan with a flattering expression.

"That's it." Luo Lan sneered.

However, as Gak said, it is important to get the treasure back first! So the light figure stepped forward like lightning, and a wave of air suddenly rolled up in place, and the pale dust rose up. The next second, Luo Lan's figure appeared in front of the Ruland Star Thief Group.


Weird electromagnetic waves were transmitted in the vacuum, and the Hundreds of Hedgehogs suddenly found that there was another person beside him, and his body suddenly jumped up. Then he saw Gak, who was following him, and his expression changed abruptly when he saw the characteristics of the iconic Galaxy Patrol organization on him.

"No, it's someone from the Galaxy Patrol organization. He must be a helper from the Galaxy Patrol."

"Little ones, it's work."

The Hedgehogs of the Ruland Star Thief Group were gearing up for action. Dozens of them had quickly surrounded Luo Lan when they appeared, while others were attacking Jake in a divided manner.

"The response is quite fast!"

Seeing those hedgehogs swarming forward, Luo Lan's eyes were so calm that there was no trace of turbulence, and his body changed positions slightly, and then the opponent's attack brushed past him, and then a few afterimages appeared, and he stretched out his fingers lightly, In the stunned eyes of the other party, he pressed it against his forehead.


He bent his fingers and flicked a little, and violent force was immediately exerted on the opponent's forehead, "Ah!" The hedgehog screamed, his body flew out uncontrollably, and then landed on the ground, directly drawing a deep line on the ground. deep traces.


Seeing this, the rest of the members of the Ruland Star Thief Group couldn't help but look gloomy.

"Let's go together, this guy has nothing to be afraid of, can't he beat all of us!"

The slogan was shouted out - these members of the Ruland Star Thief Group are desperados, and they have always lived a life of licking the knife, and their own strength is not weak, otherwise they will not develop into stars that give the Galaxy Patrol a headache. Thieves, thinking of the poor days after being arrested by the Galaxy Patrol, these outlaws began to work hard one by one.

Luo Lan's strength made them feel threatened, and at the same time stimulated their blood, dozens of Hedgehogs rushed forward, trying to defeat Luo Lan with crowd tactics.


Luo Lan watched indifferently. Facing the dozens of people who flew over, he gave a soft "tsk", but his expression did not change at all. He stretched out his fingers, and the fingertips shone with dazzling rays of light, shhhhhhh, bursts of energy rays were released, forming an airtight energy network, like a sinister poisonous snake attacking its prey.

Don't look at the thin and short energy rays, but the energy contained in them is not much at all.

puff... puff...

Blood splashed, corpses scattered everywhere, Luo Lan's energy light penetrated the bodies of those people, and directly beat them into a sieve.

"It's too weak to feel like fighting at all."

A sigh came out of his mouth. At this moment, Luo Lan felt a little bit of Frieza's feeling - no wonder he usually maintains the weakest normal, not only because that form can save physical strength, but more importantly, even if it is normal Below, there are not many people who can block his blow.

That kind of emptiness without an opponent, in addition to generating self-confidence, will devour the mind bit by bit like a poisonous insect, making people no longer diligent!

"Friza lost the motivation to continue to become stronger because he was too invincible, so that he was defeated once by Sun Wukong and Future Trunks in the later stage, and then he improved."

"But I'm different. There are countless opponents waiting for me on the road ahead!"

Motivating himself all the time in his heart, Luo Lan knew that his strength was already very strong, but in the eyes of a true cosmos-level master, he was still as fragile as a child. The current Frieza is very strong, and it wasn't because he was smashed into pieces by the future Trunks. Dapra, the king of the demon world, is also very strong, not to mention the full power level of the Super Saiyan, but in Majin Buu Just a few slaps in front of me, and Majin Buu, who has no ability to resist in front of Beerus, the god of destruction...

There are countless examples of this, even if it is as strong as Beerus, the God of Destruction, in front of the angel Whis, it is a skill to solve.

Stay in awe and move forward with a heavy load, and you must not be complacent just because of this achievement.

The universe is huge, and there are more masters. Luo Lan knows that she is still too weak, and has not reached the level of "loneliness of masters" at all. Entering such a mentality in advance is simply courting death.

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