Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 296 Ascari's life is miserable

"This is a mysterious language handed down by the ancient Alta people. To be honest, we don't know the meaning very well." Dilpui shook his head and said.

"You don't understand either?" Luo Lan frowned. Originally, he wanted to decipher the mysteries of these strange pictures and texts on Planet Zin, but the Puyi family didn't even know it.

Dilpui: "It's too old. Maybe there will be records of these words in the royal family. I'm just a warrior, and I don't usually study these."

Luo Lan nodded. In fact, he really wanted to understand the meaning of these words. In addition to the Puyi family, there were two methods.

The first is to use the Dragon Ball to make a wish and let the dragon answer, but this kind of text itself has a mysterious charm and seems to be the exclusive text of the high-level gods, but Luo Lan himself has learned the language of the gods through the dragon of Namek. Obviously not these. Perhaps it is more advanced than the language of the gods, such as those seen in the original gods, which have never been seen before, but can be reflected in the retina, allowing people to understand the meaning of it naturally. This is the effect of that wonderful charm.

If this is the case, then even if the text in the box lacks verve, it is difficult to say whether Shenlong has the ability to interpret it.

In addition to Dragon Ball wishing, the second is through the "Lord Zuno" in the universe. Zuno claims to know all the secrets in the universe, even the secrets of the Super Dragon Balls scattered in the two universes. Interpreting these words should be Not difficult.

"Can you let me see your royal family?"

Dier Puyi hesitated for a moment, nodded and agreed, "No problem, your Excellency returned the royal family's secret treasure, that is the friend of the Puyi family, we are always polite to friends."

"Thank you." Luo Lan thanked him.

"If the Puyi royal family can't do it, just use the Dragon Ball, or go find that Zuno, it's just a tribute to Zuno's service..." Thinking of Zuno's different interests and hobbies, Luo Lan was agitated.

Next, Mospuyi said hello to the other guardians in the same group, and took Luo Lan and the others to see the king of the Puyi family. Jake excitedly said that he had never seen the king of the Puyi family. It is said that He is a very formidable expert, Luo Lan glanced at him, and secretly said that he was useless.

Planet Zin is said to be the residence of the Puyi family. In fact, the properties on it are very scarce. Even the castle where the royal family lives is quite lacking in aesthetics. From a distance, it looks like a beehive extending from the ground, fixed by six inclined ropes. The six orientations of the hive.

In the castle, Luo Lan met the king of the Puyi family, a huge female Puyi.

"This ancient text, according to records, goes back to the ancient Alta people..." Queen Puyi sat on the seat, half of her fat body sinking into the soft cushion.

The Puyi family is a fighting life made by the Alta people. Even if they are now self-reliant and civilized, the Puyi family still has a strong worship in their hearts for their makers, "...the specific source of the text can no longer be studied. In an even older script...well, let me just say what it means!"

"This is the coordinate position of the Alta battle star. The translation into the current word means 'Messunda Planet', and its coordinates are in..." Queen Puyi directly told Luo Lan the meaning of the text.

Luo Lan was stunned for a moment, "Just the location of a planet, the battle star of the Alta?"

"There was a tragic war in ancient times, and the decline of the Alta people was related to that war, but with the disappearance of the Alta people, the planet has no value. After all, the Alta people are the strongest. The big weapon is themselves."

Like the Saiyans, the mobile fortress played the role of transporting soldiers. When fighting, it still relies on the strength of the individual.

The Altas are a fighting people, and their philosophy is somewhat similar to the Saiyans.

Planet Methanda is just a mobile planet similar to a space island.

Luo Lan was a little disappointed by such a result. He originally thought that he could find a piece of news about "Fengshen" from this mysterious text, and then provide help for his own practice, but the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment, the result was not Satisfied!

It seems that these words are just created by the Altas by imitating the giant iron ball on the star of Chuangshen, no wonder there is no magical charm that touches the soul.

After saying goodbye to Queen Puyi in a sullen mood, Luo Lan waved her hand and left Planet Zin with Gak.

After Luo Lan left, Queen Puyi said in a low voice: "The planet Mesunda is also the place where this branch of our clan was born. After a long time, only our branch has developed civilization, and the other Puyi are after all. A machine that can only kill has long been submerged in the torrent of time."


Dr. Ruka's laboratory.

in the kitchen.

Young Ascari stood on tiptoe on the bench. She was not tall, and even standing on the bench only barely reached the kitchen counter. With a spatula in hand, she has been living alone for a year while reading e-books and making food according to the above cooking methods.

She is the only intelligent being in the entire laboratory, and she has to eat three meals a day by herself, which is too difficult for a young Saiyan with a big appetite.

I don't know how she got through these days.

"The book says that adding more sugar can make more delicious food..." Askari picked up the spoon and scooped up a full spoon.

"Then with raging fire!"

Ascari did as she did, giggling in her mouth, her favorite use of fire.

Then he lifted his chin and sat on the bench to watch, the pungent fragrance came over, and Ascari's saliva flowed out instantly, wiped the saliva from her mouth, Ascari snorted her mouth, two shining Bright eyes looked at the raging flames.

"Eating... just eating is not enough, you can have food soon."

I thought happily.

Suddenly I started to miss the good days a year ago. At that time, although there was a strange old man who asked her to fight monsters all day, at least it was guaranteed that she would have food when she was hungry.

Unfortunately, the old man died.

Ascari shook her head regretfully, huh, even if she died, she should have prepared something to eat in advance!

About half an hour later, in the empty restaurant, Ascari used a spoon to pick up a lump of dark stuff, and then stuffed it into her mouth, "It's so bitter and unpalatable, but I have to finish it... Next time , it must be delicious."

After eating all the food that was difficult to swallow, Askali flew out of the laboratory in a very irritable heart, and started to release qigong waves randomly, rumbling, and suddenly the mushroom clouds containing terrifying energy were like the sun. Arise, the forest not far from the laboratory immediately fell into a doomsday.


A smell of meat came from the burning forest. Because the forest was burning, many wild animals were roasted directly, and the taste was much more fragrant than the food she made.

Ascari's saliva flowed down, and her little face burst into a smile: "This is delicious, I must have eaten it before, burn, I want to burn the whole planet!"

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