"Queen Syfi..." Askari opened her mouth and glanced at the person in the photo who was very similar to her, her voice was inaudible, "What does she have to do with me?"

"One of the mothers."

"Mom?" Askari tilted her head.

"Queen Syfi is just one of them. The Askali plan was started four years ago, aiming to destroy the Syfi forces, destroy the Sarada planet, and complete the Bodo clan's revenge against the Saifi forces, but the plan was not smooth. Three years ago The cosmic powerhouse Slagu invaded the Sarada galaxy, so that the doctor successfully obtained the precious samples... The plan was launched."

"You are the only successful product in the Ascari project."

Four years ago, after detecting the battle between Sefilia and the Lulu witch near the center of the galaxy, Dr. Luka knew that the ordinary transformation warriors were not the opponents of Saiyans at all, so he secretly started the Ascari project. But the super soldier's plan wasn't easy, and it wasn't until three years ago that Syphilia's blood sample was obtained.

In the following time, Dr. Ruka tried every means to overcome the conflict at the genetic level, modified the blood samples, and tried countless times, only one of the 100,000 embryos succeeded.

"You said that Queen Saifi is only one of the mothers, so there are other people's blood in my body?"

"It comes from the younger brother of Queen Saifei, who is also one of the top experts in Saifei's forces. A powerful bloodline requires equally powerful genes to neutralize. The doctor hopes to create the most powerful super soldier in history, and the samples selected are all from the universe. Top genes." The computer's voice was cold, without any fluctuations.

"So, I have something to do with Saifei's forces. If I go to them... No, I must not expose myself, at least not when I am not strong enough."

Ascari hugged the big bowl in her hand with some fantasies, then shook her head.

Life has the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Ascari doesn't know the characters of Queen Syphy and Luo Lan, nor does she know how they will react when they find out about their existence, whether to accept themselves or regard themselves as taboos After cleaning up, everything can't be said. What if the other party wants to carry out humane destruction, she has no ability to resist!

The other party is the queen of Saifei's forces, and her arms can't twist her thighs!

As an unnaturally born life, her existence is equivalent to a taboo, and most of them will not be recognized by the other party.


What a distant title, Ascari never had such a concept.

And to be reasonable, apart from the fact that the blood in the body comes from the other side, there is no relationship between them at all, not even an illegitimate daughter, plus the hatred between Dr. Luca and the Saifi forces... The more Ascari thought about it, The more I felt that I should stay away from the Saifi forces.

But in this way, Askali felt a little unhappy in her heart, why should she run away!

"Princess, it seems that I can really be called a princess!" Ascari bared her teeth, and for some reason she felt resentment in her heart, as if she was abandoned by her parents.

"It's so annoying, why don't you just grab her queen's position in the future."

Ascari collapsed on the seat, a child over three years old was immature, and it was impossible for her to have any mature thoughts.

Jumping on the seat for a while, Ascari pointed to a third-level Saiyan clone, her face full of suffocation, "I'm in a bad mood, you can practice against me."

"Follow...follow orders."

The third-level clone replied with a dull expression.

Even a third-level clone has a combat power of 10,000, which is enough for Ascari to play with, of course, provided she doesn't bring down the spaceship.

In this way, Ascari began to vent her emotions, while the spaceship slowly moved towards the direction of the Eastern Galaxy...


The planet of Methanda, the battle star of the Altas in the mouth of Queen Puyi, is a planet floating aimlessly in the universe.

This is a steel planet, the surface of the planet is full of rust, I don't know how many years.

In ancient times, the Altars drove it to rampage around. Due to the power of the Altas, no one in the universe could control them. However, with the decline of the Altas, these battle stars gradually lost their combat meaning and became the common life of battle. Yi's survival paradise, and after the Puyi family formed a civilization and migrated, the planet of Meshanda really sank and became a steel planet that no one cares about.

I don't know how many years of silence. On this day, this planet welcomed a group of guests again.

Luo Lan led a group of expeditions to visit the planet Mesunda, including Dr. Brives, Ebony, and scientists from other scientific research races.

Originally, Luo Lan had no interest in this planet, but after thinking about it, the planet Mesunda is a technological product of the Alta people.

So I told Dr. Brives and others about the matter. Sure enough, when Dr. Brives heard that there was such a planet prepared for war, he immediately showed great interest in the planet Mesunda. Urging Luo Lan to take them to have a look, Luo Lan was so urged that there was nothing he could do, so he simply brought them here.

The entire body of Meshanda is made of steel, and its volume is about the size of the moon. Although the surface is full of rust due to its age, its huge size cannot hide its grandeur and majesty. It is hard to believe that there is such a grand creation in the universe.

"...A planet made of steel, with intricate internal pipelines. I don't know how the ancients built it."

Dr. Brives looked at every corner of the planet Mesunda in high spirits, squatted down and studied it carefully, his mouth full of admiration, "Although this super alloy is not comparable to Thunderbolt, its strength is second to none. ."

"This planet is of great research value?" Luo Lan asked.

Dr. Brives: "The Saifi faction can create it if it wants to, mainly because of this idea. We never thought of artificially creating a planet before..."

Luo Lan nodded. He didn't know much about the science, so he just left it to Dr. Breves and the others. Originally, Bulma should have come with him, but it seems that the 22nd World's Best Martial Arts will be held on Earth. Yes, she agreed to watch Sun Wukong's game, so she didn't come.

Time flies so fast, in a flash, the Martial Arts Club will be in its 22nd session.

If I remember correctly, after this martial arts meeting, the Great Demon King Piccolo should come out, but with Sun Wukong's current strength, the mere Great Demon King Piccolo is not worth mentioning at all.

If it really wants to make trouble, the Great Demon King Piccolo is afraid that he will be beaten to the point of insanity.

Leave him alone, what happens on earth is none of his business, he is still worrying about his own affairs, the super Saiyan level has not been reached for a long time, and Luo Lan's heart is also a little anxious.

But it’s no use in such a hurry, the practice must be done step by step. Come on down, there will always be gains.

"Doctor, I'll leave it to you to study here, let me know if anything happens."

"Well." Dr. Brives researched with Ebony and others.

Luo Lan smiled when she saw this, and then she came to the top of a metal mountain standing on the planet Methanda, and then sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain and looked into the distance, her mind gradually immersed in the practice...

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