Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 301 Divine Dragon is not easy to mess with

"Dragon Ball still has a supervisor?" Piccolo's eyes were bloodshot, and he turned his head and stared at Pilav and the others.

Pilaf was dumbfounded and his throat was dry, "I... don't know, it's never been said in the documentation."

"But this Demon King's wish could not be fulfilled."

The hope is as big as the disappointment. Big Demon King Bick is full of expectations and hopes that Shenlong can restore his youth, but now Shenlong has rejected his wish, not because he is unable to realize it, but because he is not allowed. Without a healthy body, without a peak physique, what can he do to conquer the world.

At this moment, the so-called supervisor Luo Lan, the Great Demon King Piccolo is full of resentment from the bottom of his heart.

"How about, let me try it?" Pilav shivered under the cold air of the Great Demon King Piccolo, for fear that the other party would be in a bad mood and kill them. Big Demon King Bick lifted his eyelids, and a pterosaur-like sharp-mouthed demon beside him said, "Go, it's better to satisfy the Big Demon King, or you will die."

"Gulu~" Pilav swallowed, and walked to Shenlong with Xiao Wu and the others in a desolate heart.

Looking at the mighty and majestic dragon in midair, I prayed in my heart that the wish to wait for a while would be fulfilled, otherwise they would be miserable, "Shenlong, I beg you to restore the youth of the Great Demon King Piccolo."

"Wish is not allowed."

"..." Pilav shivered, "Let the Great Demon King Piccolo rule the world."

"Wish is not allowed."

A bite.

"I want 100 million cash!"



A pile of cash fell from the sky, and soon a hill was piled up in front of Pilav. Looking at the hill made of money, Pilav's expression froze, and he wanted to slap himself. How could this wish come true? With a stiff face, the Great Demon King Bick said: "Great Demon King, Shenlong can make wishes come true."

"I know."

Big Demon King Piccolo's eyes spit fire: "It only rejected this Demon King's wish. What's the use of keeping such a dragon!"

After speaking, a qigong wave exuding violent energy fluctuations condensed in his hand, and he aimed the energy at the dragon in the sky, with the posture of destroying the dragon, Pilav hurriedly stopped it.

"Wait, there is one more wish that will definitely come true."


Big Demon King Bick put away his palms and aimed the Qigong wave at Pilav and the others, his wrinkled face showed cruelty and his voice was cold: "Give you the last chance, if Shenlong can no longer fulfill my wish, I will let you Go to hell with Shenlong."

"It's definitely possible, it's definitely possible."

Pilav was terrified, his face was pale, and beads of sweat dripped from his forehead.

It's over. If I knew that the Great Demon King Pic was so cruel, I shouldn't have salvaged him from the deep sea. It's too late to say anything now.

"King Pilav, what should I do?" Xiao Wu's voice trembled.

"The Great Demon King will kill us."

"Now we can only pin our hopes on Shenlong."

Glancing at his two younger brothers, Pilav's face turned ruthless, and he shouted at Shenlong: "Shenlong, my second wish, take us away from the Great Demon King..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Big Devil Piccolo sensed something was wrong, and his expression suddenly changed.


These guys actually wanted to use the dragon to escape, and they felt annoyed in their hearts. The qigong wave in their hands came out, and the strong attack was directed at Pilav and the others. With a bang, a huge fireball rose in place, an amazing energy volume A strong wind blew, directly bending trees in a radius of 50 meters.

The three of Pilav were immediately drowned in the flames of energy.

Soon disappeared.

"Great Demon King, are they dead?" asked the sharp-mouthed demon next to him.

Big Demon King Bick's face was ashen, and he said angrily, "I don't know, he may have escaped."

At this moment, the red dragon in the sky bowed his head and said condescendingly: "Both of your wishes have been fulfilled, then goodbye!"

"Have I allowed you to go?"

Big Demon King Bick yelled at Shenlong angrily, venting all his anger, roaring in his mouth, and a straight energy wave spewed out of his mouth, heading straight for Shenlong, but when this energy approached Shenlong, counted in front of Shenlong. At a distance of meters, a majestic pressure suddenly poured down from the sky.

With a bang, the shock wave containing huge energy seemed to hit an invisible wall of air, which instantly turned into a sparse mist and disappeared, and then rolled over with momentum, and the entire space seemed to freeze.


Big Demon King Bick's face changed wildly, heavy pressure was exerted on his body, his bones were cracking, and the whole person was directly pressed to the ground.

"Don't be rude, next time, be punished!"

The majestic dragon eyes of the red dragon glanced at the Great Demon King Piccolo, and the loud voice echoed in the air. The understated glance seemed to be imprinted in the depths of the soul, and the pressure of a superior dragon made the soul tremble.

After a while, the sky became bright again, and the figure of Shenlong had completely disappeared, but the shock that everything brought to the Great Demon King Piccolo could not subside for a long time.

"The powerful dragon family, who is the person who created the dragon ball, and why is it so terrifying!!"

Big Devil Piccolo climbed up from the ground with a livid face, and his eyes were full of bloodshots. At this moment, he had doubts about whether he could rule the world. The glance just now seemed random, but Big Devil Piccolo knew that if Shenlong really If you want to kill yourself, it is absolutely easy.

If such a master really exists in the world, his ambition to rule the world may be hindered.

"Could it be the gods? No, the gods don't have that kind of strength, maybe they're more advanced gods..." Big Demon King Piccolo's face was gloomy and uncertain, and after a while, he sighed angrily, his body was already very old, even if he ruled The world doesn't have much time either.

Maybe he should leave a fortune behind.

"Great Demon King... Do we still want to implement our plan?" The duckbill demons quickly supported the Great Demon King Pic.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Great Demon King Piccolo: "Go ahead as usual, let Danbalin and Simbalu continue to hunt down the martial artists on the earth... I want to make the whole world fall into the fear of demon domination, in addition, find a safe In this place, the Demon Lord wants to place the true descendants."

"Great Demon King, if you do this, you will consume a lot of vitality."

The sharp-mouthed demons were shocked. Demons like Danbalin and Simbalu were only transformed by the power of the Great Demon King Piccolo. Creating such demons would consume some physical strength at most, but the descendants are different. It requires soul and life to breed. Yes, if the Great Demon King Piccolo does this, it will consume a lot of his lifespan.

"Don't worry, the descendant will not be born until this Demon King dies." The Great Demon King Bick waved his hand to stop his subordinates and continued. In fact, after seeing the power of the dragon, there was a strong feeling in his heart. disturbed.

Seeing that the Great Demon King has made up his mind, the sharp-mouthed demons no longer stop him, "Don't worry, the Great Demon King, his subordinates will find a safe place."


Big Devil Piccolo hummed, his body floated up, and returned to the large spaceship in the sky, and then sat on the huge bone-like seat, holding the seat with both hands, and gradually entered into contemplation.

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