Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 319 There is such a master in the world

Except for Qiqi and Suno, who belonged to the gods and gods, there are not many masters with a combat power of more than 200. Among them, there is a clear demonic atmosphere, and only the ultimate demon left on the earth by the Great Demon King Piccolo. Descendants - Newborn Piccolo.

The newly born Piccolo still has a bit of a demonic aura before dispelling the evil thoughts in his body, so he can't be regarded as a pure Namekian, but his fighting talent is no different from that of a fighting-type Namekian. At this time, it was less than a year before the death of the Great Demon King Piccolo, and Piccolo's strength had risen to a level similar to that of the gods.

"As expected of a fighting-type Namekian, he surpassed the original Piccolo Demon King in less than a year, and his talent is strong enough to compare with Saiyans."

Luo Lan sensed the breath of Piccolo, and at a place a thousand kilometers southwest of the capital of the West, that place was already close to Kailin Holy Land.

"You are really brave enough to hide under the eyes of the gods. Now that you dare to release your breath, you must have no fear, thinking that your strength has surpassed the gods and Sun Wukong."

Luo Lan had a faint smile on her face.

In the original work, Piccolo was dormant for three years before appearing at the 23rd World No. 1 Martial Arts Conference. Now that Sun Wukong is stronger, Piccolo faces more pressure than in the original work. Under the coercion of strong pressure, Piccolo practiced. More hard work is equivalent to entering the Saiyan chapter ahead of time, and the strength increases more rapidly.

He dared to reveal his position, which showed that he was full of confidence in his own strength.

Nameks are a rare and peculiar race in the universe. They are divided into three types according to their talents, namely intelligent Nameks, medical Nameks, and fighting Nameks. Some of them have excellent talents. People called dragons, such as Dandy or the gods of the earth, can create dragon balls and give life to dragons.

Excellent dragons can succeed the next generation of great elders.

In addition to magic, each Namekian has some special abilities. With the migration of time and their own growth, their combat power will become stronger and stronger. In addition to the very simple needs of life, they can survive as long as sunlight and water. It can be said that The Nameks are the lowest carbon environmentally friendly race.

The Nameks are indistinguishable from the world, but they must not be underestimated. The powerful fighting-type Nameks, such as Slagu and Neru whom Luo Lan met, are all masters in the galaxy, if not because of If they live peacefully and stably on Namek, there will be a powerful race in the universe.

As a fighting-type Namekian, Piccolo is not bad at all.

"Under the circumstance that Sun Wukong's breath cannot be sensed on the earth, the deterrence of the gods alone can no longer make him fear, so next, he will most likely make a comeback and reproduce the horror of the Great Demon King Piccolo. Now Piccolo is still ambitious. !"

"But his luck doesn't seem to be very good."

Luo Lan smiled. With him on Earth, any ambition would be in vain.

The role of Piccolo is quite outstanding in Dragon Ball Stories. The Saiyan, Namek and Cyborg arcs are all his rising seasons. Unfortunately, after the Majin Buu arc, his strength can no longer keep up with the plot. Development, coupled with a little influence of Sun Wufan, he became a second-line person in the later stage, and he could only play the role of narrator and "full-time nanny".

Still not enough pressure.

Luo Lan wanted to meet this important character in the original book, and let him know the truth that there are people outside people and heaven outside. Thinking of this, Luo Lan grinned and moved towards Piccolo with a teleport.


Kailin Holy Land is backed by a majestic mountain range that is covered with ice and snow all the year round.

The whistling cold wind blew, and it turned into a powerful whirlwind under the pressure of the mountains.

Piccolo was wearing a purple training suit, floating on the ice and snow.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, a ray of light suddenly appeared in his black pupils, a stunned aura rose from his body, and then radiated out in all directions, the ice and snow below was scorched by a high temperature of energy, and the ice and snow in a radius of 100 meters. Dissolved, leaving a bare rubble area.

Recovering his aura, Piccolo closed his eyes to sense the reactions of martial artists all over the world, but apart from a few energies with a combat power of over 200, there was only the energy of those in the temple. The Sun Wukong he was looking for was not on Earth.


Piccolo was puzzled, but he couldn't find Sun Wukong's qi.

"Master, I don't know why, Sun Wukong doesn't seem to be on the earth at all." The pterosaur-like sharp-mouthed demons stood beside Piccolo with their hands on their backs. He was the strategist around Piccolo, the only demon who survived. clan.

"Hey, this is better, as long as Sun Wukong is not there, the old bone of the god is not the opponent of this demon king at all, as long as the god is killed and swallowed, the earth will fall into the hands of the demons again, then even if Sun Wukong comes back, everything will be too late. Now, the power of this Demon King must already be above him."

Looking coldly in the direction of Kaelinta, Piccolo said with a vicious expression.

As the heir of the Great Demon King, there are only two things on the earth that make him fearful, one is Sun Wukong who killed the previous Great Demon King Piccolo, and the other is Mo Fengbo, who is specially used to restrain powerful enemies. Now that Sun Wukong is not on the earth, and the magic seal wave has been cracked by him, he has nothing to fear.

The sharp-mouthed demons faced Piccolo, and their pterosaur-like heads tilted forward: "Master, do you want to take over the whole world now, do you want to stay dormant for a while, or open the gate of the demon world and conquer a group of demons and come back, my subordinates are worried about the earth There will be people like Sun Wukong again."

Piccolo smiled proudly when he heard the persuasion of the sharp-mouthed demons.

"No, this Demon King has already investigated it clearly. The most powerful person on earth is Sun Wukong. As long as he is not there, everyone else is not a problem."

"As for the door to the demon world that can't be opened easily, the previous god locked Carrick, who failed to compete for the position of god, into the demon world, and we don't know what happened after that. We opened the door rashly, maybe we will lead the wolf into the room. If we close the door when we enter the demon world, it will be bad."

"What the master said is." The sharp-mouthed demons stopped talking when they saw Piccolo say so.

"Hey, who?"

Suddenly feeling someone approaching, Piccolo's expression suddenly changed, he raised his head, and looked at the sky with stern eyes.

But I saw a figure floating in the air more than 100 meters above the ground.

Piccolo's forehead was startled with cold sweat, and his eyes became dignified when he looked at the other party.

Who is it?

It was so close to find out!


With a calm voice, Luo Lan looked at Piccolo below calmly, "It's different from what I imagined, the demonic aura is still strong, is it because of the demon next to me..."

"Who the hell are you?" Piccolo had a sullen face and wondered, when did such a master appear on the earth again.

Could it be that the earth still has secrets that he does not know?

"Master, there is no information about this person in the data." The sharp-mouthed demons felt that something was wrong.

"I see, this person is not simple."

Bick's face became solemn, and the person in front of him gave him a very strange feeling. He clearly stood in front of him like an ordinary person, but it gave him a feeling of trepidation. In front of him, he actually gave birth to a small, A senseless delusion.

This person is absolutely abnormal!

"Besides Sun Wukong, there are still such masters in this world." Piccolo was indignant, his sharp teeth clenched together.

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