Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 332 What the hell

In purgatory, all order is chaotic.

Luo Lan did not expect that such a thing would happen to him during his trip to the demon world.

After being swallowed up by the gate of purgatory, Luo Lan separated from the demon Manbuso, and appeared alone in a place where he didn't know whether it was hell or Huangquan. The surroundings were full of oppressive gray-brown colors, filled with chaotic energy, and these energies hit the body, as if the soul was being scorched by fire, and a tingling feeling came to my heart.

This is the purgatory space, an area independent of the jurisdiction of the gods.

Purgatory is different from hell. It is only attached to the universe, and it does not even belong to the scope of the seventh universe. Only those who are killed by the demons will their souls float into purgatory and suffer eternal pain.

Once you enter purgatory, it is doomed, unless someone uses Dragon Ball, or encounters someone like the demon Mambuso who has the ability to open the door to purgatory and releases it.

Otherwise, it will be locked in forever.

At this time, Luo Lan was in great pain and barely opened the energy hood to prevent the energy of purgatory from getting close to her body, and beads of sweat dripped from her forehead. He gritted his teeth and kept looking for a way out of purgatory, but the surrounding was gray, like clouds and mist, and his line of sight could only extend ten meters away, and no matter how far he was, he couldn't see anything.

"You have to find a way to get out of this hellish place!"

"That demon Manbuso doesn't know where he was taken by Mo Fengbo, it's best not to meet him here."

Since there was no sealed container and no sealed note on his body, the magic seal wave that Luo Lan cast brought the demon Manbuso into purgatory at most, but had no other restraining effect. Carefully observing the surroundings, his eyes stopped at a distance of ten meters, and a stinging pain hit his heart, and his body became extremely weak.

Luo Lan's expression changed, and she quickly took out an immortal bean and swallowed it. Under the action of the immortal bean, her tired body regained its vitality and her spirit became refreshed.

The golden flame representing the Super Saiyan state ignited again. Luo Lan tried his best to release the energy to disperse the gray energy that was three meters away from his body. Seeing the gray matter drifting away with the air waves, his heart was relieved. tone. This gray energy is extremely harmful to the body, and it is of course the best to be able to disperse it.

After calming down his thoughts for a while, Luo Lan began to look for a way to leave, and a thought spread out, but the information quickly fed back made his brows furrowed.

In this purgatory space, his mental power, which could have observed the realm of the realm of the king and the god of destruction, seemed to be disturbed in some way, and he could only vaguely feel the fluctuations in the space, but he couldn't even judge up, down, left, and right. come out. Luo Lan's heart could not help sinking, and her face became solemn.

thought of a possibility.

"Is this purgatory space no longer within the scope of the universe?"

This is not good news for Luo Lan.

In the past, in the universe, after careful sensing, even the Realm of the King of God and the Realm of Destruction could not escape his perception, but now, apart from the vague spatial fluctuations, he has not sensed anything. As soon as his spiritual power is released, It was as if he had fallen into a quagmire and disappeared without a trace.

This means it becomes more difficult for him to get out of here.

The only thing that makes people happy is that there is no need to worry about any danger to his life now. The fairy beans he carries are enough to keep him in purgatory for several years, and he can wait until Syphilia and the others use dragon balls to pick him up.

"Can I just wait for the rescue of Syphilia and the others..."

After encountering such a thing, Luo Lan could only admit that she was unlucky, "When you have the strength, you must make that devil pay the price."

Cursing in her heart, Luo Lan knew that now was not the time to trouble Manbuso.

The body continued to struggle in the gray clouds and mist, and it seemed that a wailing sound was heard vaguely. After looking at it, transparent souls were rolling in the sea of ​​clouds. Those souls were in the shape of flames, and they did not look like humans at all-except When the strength before death reaches a certain intensity, the soul of ordinary people is a flame.

"These are the people killed by the demons..."

Looking at the struggling souls, Luo Lan sighed. For those killed by the demons, their souls will not enter the underworld, nor will they be able to be reincarnated. They will be trapped in purgatory forever and suffer. In contrast, souls entering hell or Huangquan are very lucky.

At this moment, a familiar energy wave caught Luo Lan's attention. He raised his head to look, and suddenly saw a figure with three heads and three pairs of fleshy wings behind him.

Demon Mambuso!

This guy is near me...

It is not yet his opponent, and he must stay away as soon as possible!

Luo Lan knew her weight, and even if she wanted to take revenge, she couldn't do anything now. Immediately, he carefully restrained the energy in his body, and then quietly moved away from the opponent. As the flame of the Super Saiyan disappeared, the surrounding sea of ​​clouds rolled up and quickly engulfed him.

Luo Lan groaned, and the severe pain continued to come from the depths of his soul. Enduring the severe pain, he urged the vitality in his body to resist the invasion of purgatory energy, and his body began to sink in the clouds.

After an unknown amount of time, just when Luo Lan felt exhausted, a light suddenly appeared under the clouds.

"Is it an export?"

Luo Lan's eyes lit up, and he accelerated his body sinking.


It was as if a fish entered the water, and the cells in his body stretched out as if they were moisturised. Luo Lan's body was finally freed from the shackles of the clouds and mist, and when he looked at it, he found that the surrounding scene had changed.

He is in mid-air now.

After a long time, he was really struggling in the "clouds" just now, but it was different from the ordinary clouds in the world. The clouds in purgatory are full of corrosiveness and belong to the bitter sea of ​​those souls who have died in vain. If they stay for a long time, the body will be slowly melted. .

"After leaving the clouds, my spatial awareness finally recovered a little."

Although it is not as handy as in the cosmos space, at least the size of the purgatory space can be sensed.

Luo Lan's spiritual power spread out, roughly measuring the size of purgatory. The entire purgatory was about ten solar systems in size, and was blocked by a thick space barrier. With Luo Lan's current strength, he was still unable to break through the shackles of purgatory space.

"If you want to leave here, you need to further improve your strength... Hey, is there something approaching?"

Suddenly feeling a danger approaching, Luo Lan was on high alert, and his eyes kept rolling to examine the surrounding environment.

At this moment, the ground suddenly vibrated violently, and the ground beneath his feet burst with a clatter. Looking down, he saw vine-like things suddenly emerge from the ground, and then attacked Luo Lan as if he had seen prey. .

Seeing this, Luo Lan quickly increased his energy, his body flashed flexibly, and his teleportation ability was continuously activated to avoid the attack of the vines.

After a while, green vines filled the range that the naked eye could see. These vines seemed to have spirituality. After seeing that they couldn't attack Luo Lan for a long time, they gave up the attack and put the target in the clouds instead.

I saw the green vines keep rising, and then, like a skewer, the flaming souls of the dead were captured by the vines, and then as the vines twisted, these souls were gradually absorbed, and the soul flames gradually extinguished.

Actually feed on the soul.

Luo Lan looked at the dying souls with a complicated expression, and sighed: "For those souls, direct death may be a relief."

"But...what are these vines?"

For this purgatory space, Luo Lan couldn't understand the meaning of its existence at all. After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't understand it, so he simply stopped thinking about it. The most important thing for him now is to get out of here quickly.

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