Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 343 Something is approaching

Stepping into Huangquan, the scenery in front of me has changed dramatically compared to hell. The sky is a pink color, and everything I can see is golden color. The ground is also full of golden clouds. The place is suspended.

The roadside is covered with auspicious clouds, giving people a warm feeling, perfect and not as gloomy as imagined.

In general, the world in which the gods live is of this color.

At this time, a sharp-edged building in the cloud caught Luo Lan's attention. Looking over there, he could see a long and winding walkway in the distance, with clusters of flame-like mist-like air masses lining up slowly. forward. Those are all souls after the death of human life, because there is not enough power before death, it is impossible for the soul to take on the shape of a human.

"That sharp-cornered building is probably where the King of Hell works. Should I enter the underworld without authorization, it's better not to be discovered by them."

Even if he was discovered, the King of Hell probably wouldn't be able to do anything about him, but if Tianguo's masters were dispatched, he wouldn't be able to stop him at that time. To be careful, he headed straight for a place far away from Huangquan.

When they came to the edge of the underworld, a huge snake head with a bloody mouth came into Luo Lan's line of sight. The snake's body stretched, surrounded by golden clouds on both sides. Luo Lan couldn't help but take a few more glances and already knew that it was the gateway to the world. The snake path of King Space, it is said that the snake path is one million kilometers long, connecting hell, Huangquan and the realm of king space. Walking on it is full of dangers and may be attacked by the hell below at any time. It is said that for many years, only the king of hell has passed the snake path. I saw the realm king.

There are a total of four snake paths like this in the underworld, which are located in the four underworlds in the south, south, and northwest. This is the underworld of the Northern Galaxy, so the end of the snake path is the Jiewang star where the northern realm king lives.

Luo Lan didn't intend to see the King of the Northern Realm for the time being, so after a few glances at the snake path, he quickly passed by, a few afterimages flickered, and the figure was about to leave the underworld.

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, a will spread out, and with the effect of the dragon's power, the scene of the underworld, hell, and the realm of the king suddenly appeared in his mind.

Penetrating through layers of clouds and mist, two mysterious and majestic spaces are located at the highest points of the universe like two poles—the Destruction God Realm and Kaiwang God Realm. And below the realm of the realm of the king, there is a smaller world, and the next second his body began to become illusory, and he left the underworld directly.

In the sub-divine world, six small divine stars run regularly.

call out!

Luo Lan's figure appeared on a divine star in the sub-god realm. As soon as he appeared, a fresh air full of divine breath rushed toward the face, making people feel relaxed and happy, and the tired spirit suddenly became full of vitality. .

"Lord Luo Lan!!" A group of Veng tribesmen exclaimed in surprise when they saw Luo Lan who suddenly appeared.

Showing an approachable smile, Luo Lan waved at them, "Don't worry about me, you all continue to work."


The Vine people nodded excitedly and continued to bury their heads in the work in their hands. Luo Lan didn't disturb them, checked the fairy beans and spiritual trees that were growing in the distance, smiled, and left the sub-god world directly.


A very high space.

The hazy nebula fills the space. Through the nebula air mass, a large amount of gorgeous light is projected from a higher place. After being blocked by layers of clouds and mist, it reflects the colorful and splendid scene like a dream.

Dozens of small planets orbit in the colorful nebula, passing by every now and then.

Destroy the gods.

On the lilac-like bonsai-like diamond planet, the ancient divine tree was rooted in the divine star. The sturdy branches did not have many leaves, but its solid trunk exuded an ancient and vast aura.

Sitting on the trunk of the divine tree with the angel's scepter, West squinted one eye and approached the crystal ball to check the situation in the lower realm, and said in a low voice, "That Super Saiyan named Roland is getting more and more capable. , I went to purgatory and hell this time, and maybe even the universe will be able to travel in a short time!"

When the angel's scepter was touched, the picture in the crystal ball changed suddenly, showing the picture of Luo Lan going from hell to purgatory, and then breaking through space and entering hell.

Soon, the situation on the other side of the God Realm also appeared in front of him, and Weiss watched with a smile.

"The reason why he has improved so quickly is that the red dragon ball left by Lord Toyokami seems to have played a big role... Wait a minute, we need more observation." As an angel, Weiss is like an observer, never Will meddle in the affairs of the lower realm.

Suddenly remembering something, Weiss leaned over the angel's scepter, tapped the crystal ball on it with his fingers, and with a ding-dong sound, another picture appeared in the crystal ball, and then projected into the void, showing a white man in the uniform of the Galaxy Patrol. The hair patrol officer was Myers who had a relationship with Luo Lan.

His brows wrinkled slightly, looking at Myers who seemed to be on a mission in the picture, Weiss' calm voice sounded.

"Myers participated too much in the affairs of the Galactic Patrol Organization. Although it was an experience to understand the good and evil in the world, but his involvement was too deep, but he had to violate the rules of angels..."

"Would you like to warn him?"

"Forget it, observe and observe again, his affairs are mainly in charge of the great priest."

In fact, Myers in the Galaxy Patrol Organization is an intern angel. He entered the seventh universe for the training of an intern angel. If I really want to say, Myers is the younger brother of Weiss, and they are all of the "S" generation. Therefore, Weiss is more concerned about the situation of Myers.

If Myers does violate the Angel rules, then Weiss can only terminate his internship angel experience early.


On the other side, Ivy Star.

After several years of development, Qingteng Star has surpassed Tanger Planet and has become the largest trading planet in the west of the Northern Galaxy. There are as many as 10,000 spaceships entering and leaving Qingteng Star every day. Not including those who have long lived on Ivy League.

On the bustling urban streets, there are countless crowds going back and forth. There are shouts of merchants from the storefronts on both sides, and the stores display a variety of dazzling goods.

At this moment, a figure swayed across from the other side. It was a little girl with candied fruit in one hand and ice cream in the other.

The little girl looks delicate, pink and tender, looks young, her green skin is very eye-catching, her energy is not high, and she only looks like a few hundred combat power.

The little girl nibbled on the candied gourd and swaggered down the street, as if she was not afraid of being abducted.

"Zilai, it's dangerous to be alone outside, you'd better go back to practice." A sturdy young man came to the little girl's side.

Xiao Zilai smiled and said in a clear voice, "No, it's not fun to practice so hard."

Broly said: "You are also a fighting nation, don't be lazy."

Little Ci Lai reluctantly flattened his mouth, "Anyway, I'm the only junior left in the Nuo Lai people. Sooner or later, I will perish. It doesn't matter whether I practice kung fu or not, and you will protect me if there is danger."

Broly nodded, "Well, I'll protect you."

Little Zilai cheered happily, and then asked Broly to squat down. She carefully climbed onto Broly's shoulder and sat down, and danced and directed Broly to the commercial street, with a silver bell-like smile in her mouth. Voice.


At this moment, Broly's eyes suddenly turned to the sky, and he felt a different kind of evil aura approaching Ivy Star.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Little Zilai glanced at Broly, and then looked up at the sky.

"It seems that something is approaching Qingteng Star. The energy is very high and it is very dangerous."

"No way, this is the territory of Saifei's forces, who would dare to go to the Qingteng star to be wild?" Little Cilai looked incredulous, but she believed Broly's judgment, so she climbed off his shoulder, rose red eyes fixed on the sky.

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