Hearing that Luo Lan said that Syphilia wanted to train him well, Luo Fei couldn't help shrinking his neck, showing a frightened expression, Luo Lan saw it, slapped him on the head, and scolded with a smile, "What is this? Expression, your aunt is for your own good, don't you feel ashamed that even your sister can't compare?"

Luo Fei touched the head that was beaten, hehe smiled, and raised his head, "Dad, sister Askali really has 100,000 fighting power?"

"It's already over 100,000, so it makes you work harder to catch up."

"It's amazing, he's obviously younger than me." Luo Fei sighed sincerely. Compared with Ascari, his combat power of 20,000 seemed to have no sense of superiority at his age.

Luo Lan's palm rested on the child's head, "Askali inherited your aunt's personality, her passion for fighting is extraordinary, and living outside alone, she couldn't even eat enough when she was a child, she suffered a lot. You have suffered so much that you have become so strong. You are very talented and hardworking, but your passion for fighting can’t match her.”

The talent of mixed-blood Saiyans is not worse than that of pure-blooded Saiyans, but in the love of fighting, mixed-blooded Saiyans are not as good as pure-blooded Saiyans, such as Sun Gohan and Sun Wutian in the original work, since childhood. Genius-like characters, and the big environment has also contributed to their cultivation. If it weren't for the fact that they didn't focus on martial arts, their achievements would not be the same as in the original book.

In Luo Lan's view, their behavior of wasting talent is really distressing.

Fortunately, although Luo Fei is a mixed-race Saiyan, he still likes martial arts, which makes Luo Lan feel more gratified.

In the love of fighting, the mild-natured mixed-race Saiyans are no match for the pure-blooded Saiyans. This is why Luo Lan decided to limit the number of mixed-race Saiyans on the planet Sarada. The character of a fighting nation gradually fades away, and the genocide is not far away.

"It turns out that my sister has suffered so much."

Luo Lan's remarks made Luo Fei feel ashamed. Compared with his younger sister, he had enjoyed a lot of culture medium since he was a child, and his living conditions were really good.

"Dad, when will you take me to see my sister, I haven't seen her yet."

Luo Fei has a strange feeling about his sister, he should take care of the other party by himself, but his strength is no match for her.

At this time, Taisi took Luo Fei into her arms, "We are here this time to take you to see Lily."


Taisi's eyes lit up with a smile, "It's Ascari, isn't that cute name, although she herself doesn't like people calling her that way."

Luo Fei talked about it a few times, and felt that Lily's name was quite nice, but it was less majestic, and it sounded like a little girl's nickname.

While Luo Lan and the others were chatting with Luo Fei, Barry and Aiol, who had gone out on a mission before, flew back from a distance.

While flying, he shouted excitedly: "Luo Fei, we will finish this simple task as soon as we start, let's go to the next destination, I want to fight a more challenging battle... Ah, Uncle Luo Lan, why are you here? here?"

Brother Barry and Aiol returned to the place where the spaceship landed, and suddenly saw Luo Lan beside Luo Fei, and his arrogant attitude suddenly became respectful.

"Bally, Aiol, the tone is getting bigger and bigger!" Luo Lan smiled and said to them.

"Uncle Luo Lan..."

Aiol touched his head embarrassingly. It was a child after all. In front of Luo Lan, he suddenly became like a good baby.

Luo Lan knew that Saiyans had such a flamboyant personality, and glanced at Brother Barry, "I like difficult tasks, right? After I go back, I will stay in Sonori's training camp for three months. Let your father supervise. If you don’t work hard, you will be far surpassed by Lanster and Firth.”

Lanster and Firth are Hertz's twin daughters, two or three years older than Barry, and are already the backbone of the group.



The two brothers accepted the punishment obediently, and after a while, the other four adult Saiyans from Luo Fei's team returned, and they were excited when they saw Luo Lan.

Luo Lan waved his hand to calm them down. After asking them about their next mission, a few people answered that it was a high-level planet called the Pheroy Planet. Luo Lan asked them to wait for a while and threw out a gravity training room for them.

"Let's put the task aside for a while, I'll take Luo Fei away first, and you will practice on this planet for the time being. You must know that the tasks of advanced planets are not easy, and your strength needs to be strengthened, especially Barry and Aiol, I hope I can see you improve when I come back."

"As ordered."

The eyes of several Saiyans kept shining with blazing light. For them, Luo Lan's orders were as supreme as Queen Syfi.

Luo Lan nodded, facing Luo Fei and Taisi, "Let's leave first."

Then he put his hand on their shoulders, and disappeared in the eyes of Luo Fei team's admiration.


Eastern Galaxy.

The Askali Legion has already set up camp in this star field and has begun to expand outward. Although it is only a newcomer, for the powerful Askali Legion, establishing a force is simply a simple matter. Coupled with the secret cooperation of the forces adjacent to the Devil's Nest, it didn't take long for the Askali Legion to have its own territory.

Lucky Star, the base camp of the Askali Legion.

Recently, the surrounding area of ​​Lucky Star has been unstable. The strong presence of the Askali Legion has suddenly broken the long-term balance of surrounding forces.

For outsiders, these forces united and united to suppress, but the Askari Legion was too strong. Under the command of Evelyvi and Uphia, combined with the 100 Saiyan clones in the legion, almost In a very short period of time, the combined resistance of these forces was suppressed, and the Askali Legion quickly unified the entire galaxy with the momentum of destruction.

If it weren't for the lack of intelligence of the main clones in the Ascarian Legion, the Ascarian Legion's territory would have been even bigger.

"His Royal Highness, we have now occupied four galaxies, because these sites require a large number of manpower to station, so the subsequent expansion needs to be postponed."

A young and beautiful female Saiyan reported to Askari. This beautiful female Saiyan was named Eve Livi. She was originally a member of the Queen's Guard. dispatched to assist.

"Just leave this to you, Eve Livy, I don't want to worry about it."

Ascari sat on the high seat, her little hand dragging her chin, pretending to be calm.

The four galaxies are not very big, and they are only a drop in the ocean in the entire Eastern Galaxy. It may not even be able to draw a rough outline on the map. It will take some time. This speed is too slow, and Ascari doesn't want to waste time.

"Evelyway, is there any way to expand the size of the legion?"

Eve Liwei's beautiful eyes flashed, and her voice was clear: "You can recruit troops like Frieza's army, as long as you have enough commissions, you're not afraid that you won't be able to recruit people."

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