Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 44 Super Learning Ability

The description of "Qi" in earth martial arts is very profound. This is the most essential knowledge born by the ancient earth people after countless years of development and forced by the weak environment of the earth.

At first glance at these memories in his mind, Luo Lan suddenly felt a sense of awe and awe, and then a burst of excitement in his heart. If you can completely master these powers, then it will greatly promote your future practice. How much you can grow in the future depends on it.

It must be fully grasped, Luo Lan secretly made a decision.

But the practice of earth martial arts is definitely not easy. It embodies the simple wisdom of the ancients of the earth in the harsh environment, pays attention to the progress of the body and the state of mind, and truly implements the cultivation method of making the best use of every trace of energy. The way of fighting that has been open and closed for a long time is the opposite, and it will take some time to reverse it.

Luo Lan took a general look, and then began to study cultivation matters with Syphilia.

Theory is a theory, and it needs to be realized through practice if it is really to be applied in battle.

"Sister, it seems that we need to start with the most basic exercises. The first step is breathing... This seems trivial, but it is related to the basics."


Syphilia carefully browsed the knowledge in her mind, and her face gradually became serious.

Luo Lan was right, the knowledge of Earth's martial arts is subtle, and the more it goes on, the more important the details become. From the most basic restraining breath, to the breath induction behind, and the realization of "the tranquil mind of the sky, the speed of lightning fast", these principles are all reflected.

So Luo Lan and Syphilia began to study how to adjust their breathing. Everything must start with the details. If the details are not done well, if the breathing is disordered, the rhythm will be wrong, and the movements will reveal flaws.

If it is a Saiyan who has never been exposed to Earth martial arts to accept this, then unless the talent is really great, it will be smeared in both eyes and will not be able to comprehend anything at all. But fortunately, Luo Lan and the others have the complete martial arts memory of the gods in their minds, as long as they practice according to the detailed cultivation methods.

They found iron sheets that were easy to make sounds, folded them into wind chimes and wore them on their bodies, making a "ding ding dong" sound every time they moved.

When the "wind chimes" no longer make a sound on the body, the first stage of cultivation is over.

The brothers and sisters who first accepted this cultivation method were very uncomfortable at first, but after careful speculation, they gradually understood the mystery.

For several days, Luo Lan and the others were doing the most basic cultivation.

As time goes by, they are like a sponge that absorbs water. During training, they continuously absorb the principles of Earth martial arts and combine them with their bodies and actions.

Slowly, Luo Lan's movements became steady, and there was a harmony that blended into nature when raising their hands and feet.

Time passed quietly, and seven days later, Luo Lan mastered all the martial arts knowledge in one step before Sephiria, and applied them to his actual combat.

Now that he can be restrained in his breath, he is finally no longer as sharp-edged as he was before. Checking with the energy detector, he can only detect the energy of less than 100 combat power.

Syphilia looked at Luo Lan in disbelief: "Why is your cultivation speed so much faster than mine?"

"I don't know, I feel that these things are quite easy." Luo Lan replied.

Luo Lan's words shocked Syphilia very much. Even though she was an advanced warrior, why was her learning speed far inferior to that of Luo Lan?

No, in fact, Syphilia's learning speed is already very fast. He learned the basic introduction of "Qi" in a few days, which is definitely not something that ordinary people can do. It's just that Luo Lan is more perverted than her, and his comprehension ability is extraordinary.

Luo Lan vaguely felt that this was probably where he had an advantage over Filia.

Learning ability and comprehension ability play a crucial role in the later stages of Dragon Ball World.

But then again, no matter how powerful the learning ability, if there is no certain foundation or learning method, it is completely useless. For example, in the early days of Vegeta, Luo Lan wanted to find out the use of "Qi" by himself. Because there was no reference, he didn't even understand what Qi was, and naturally he didn't understand anything.

This is like a mathematical genius. After learning basic mathematical theories and mathematical concepts, after a period of advanced study, it is easy to develop new theories and knowledge, but if the mathematical genius has never been exposed to mathematics, or even numbers at all. It is basically impossible for him to independently study advanced theories.

Luo Lan is a genius with super learning ability and comprehension ability. Although he is only an intermediate warrior in his bloodline, as long as he opens a window a little, then with his strong learning ability, he will quickly integrate and even create more deep stuff.

"I'm a superior soldier, how could my learning ability be weaker than yours."

Syphilia glanced at Luo Lan reluctantly, feeling that her dignity as an older sister had been seriously challenged, so she continued to work hard.

Luo Lan was in a very happy mood, and she finally had something ahead of Syphilia. He smiled smugly, then started from scratch and continued to solidify his foundation.

It wasn't until half a month later that Syphilia also learned how to use "Qi", but Luo Lan was already a long way ahead of her.

Annoyed, Syphilia simply grabbed Luo Lan, and then maintained her dignity as an older sister in the battle... The two brothers and sisters continued to train and develop step by step. Time passed by little by little, and the destruction of Planet Vegeta was soon to come. It's been almost a year.


In the center of the galaxy, there is an organization called the Galactic Patrol.

The police officers of this organization are scattered in various galaxies and are dedicated to maintaining the peace of the entire galaxy. The headquarters is located in a top-shaped building in the center of the galaxy.

On this day, in a hexagonal room like a honeycomb, the top leader of the Galaxy Patrol Organization, the octopus-like Galaxy King, accompanied by several police officers, was giving a lecture to a young patrol member.

The green-skinned Galaxy King wears a golden crown on his head, and a dozen slender arms dangle in mid-air. Opposite him, stands a purple-skinned spaceman in the uniform of the Galaxy Patrol, with big eyes , There is no hair all over his body, and he looks like a wild "Ultraman".

This young police officer is called Gak, and he is in charge of three star areas within the scope of the earth. He is a relatively young member of the Galaxy Patrol organization.

The strength of the Garc Patrol is not very outstanding, but he has super eyesight, and he can see clearly even at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

"Jake, now there is an important task for you to do, be sure to complete it!" The Galaxy King waved his arms.

Jake stared at a pair of golden eyes and said excitedly: "Is it finally my turn to be an elite? What is the mission?"

Galactic King Road: "Some time ago, the high-level planet Vegeta was destroyed, but our personnel checked that before the destruction of Vegeta, an aircraft seemed to be flying towards the area under your jurisdiction, please go to a planet called Earth immediately. planet."

"Planet Vegeta, the planet where Saiyans live?"

"Well, Saiyans are notorious for their savagery. Fortunately, they have almost died recently. Earth is just a low-level planet that has not yet matured. Once Saiyans arrive, it will inevitably cause huge damage, but that spaceship The Saiyans in China are still underage, you can destroy them with your 'excellent' alone?"

When Jake heard the Galaxy King praise him, he gave a happy salute: "Don't worry, leave it to the excellent me, and I will definitely complete the task."

"Well, then you go!"

The Galaxy King threw his arm, so Jake happily boarded the aircraft, and then flew in the direction of Earth.

"Lord Galaxy King, it's stupid to give this task to Gak... No, excellent police officer, are you making a big fuss. Saiyans have been exterminated, so you don't need to pay attention to them at all." The staff around him asked.

The Galaxy King said: "A small child can't make any waves, but this idiot Jake never grows. Find something for him to experience. If he can't even complete this small task, let's see what face he has in the headquarters. Don't go."

Every member of the Galaxy Patrol has a patrol scope. Gak is in charge of the three star areas on the earth, but he can't fulfill his work obligations, and even the Galaxy King looks unhappy with him.

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