Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 446: Destroying the Star

After discussion, the three members of Vegeta's team agreed that they should go to Earth. Among the three, Napa and Kaggis wanted to save Raditz and prevent their own people from falling into the hands of others. Geeta was purely interested in the little girl who caught Raditz.

If trained well, that girl may become a general under her own.

With different thoughts, Vegeta, Napa, and Kaggis sat in the spherical aircraft. After setting the route, the three white aircraft suddenly took off, and soon disappeared into the vast starry sky.

At the same time, Frieza's side also received a report that Vegeta's team changed course.

"...The latest information shows that Vegeta Squad has given up the follow-up mission and is rushing to a planet called Earth at full speed." A tall and thin spaceman with gray skin reported to Frieza, this person was Tagma, He is one of the most elite warriors in Frieza's Legion.

"So, a member of Vegeta's team was captured on that Earth?"

"Yes, since the communicator was destroyed, it is unclear whether it has been killed." Tagma nodded.

"It's really interesting. According to the monitoring of the communication department, that Raditz should have a combat power of 3,100, which is really an amazing value. Such strength has surpassed most of Frieza's soldiers, and he was even captured. It seems that the It's not easy to call the planet Earth!"

Frieza floated leisurely in mid-air, but a cold light flashed in her eyes.

"There were also times when the monitoring department collected planetary information wrong, and that Earth was one of them." Chambo said from the side.

Frieza nodded and looked at him, "What interests me is that little Saiyan, maybe a guy even more talented than Vegeta."

"No matter how talented you are, you can't compare to the Saiyans of the planet Sarada. As far as their subordinates know, all the Saiyans of the planet Sarada can reach 10,000 combat power when they are adults, and their potential is terrifying. Compared with them, they will compete on earth. There's nothing wrong with Asians." There was a hint of sneer on Shangbo's handsome face, his expression indifferent.

"After all, it is the mother family of the Saiyan family, and the strength is naturally not comparable to those Saiyan monkeys from Vegeta."

"Hehe, don't worry about them, it's fine to let that kid from Vegeta explore the earth. If the strength of the earth is really decent, you might as well transform it into a slave base. You must know that powerful life forms are still quite large in the universe. popular."

"My subordinates will pay close attention to Vegeta's situation." Chambo nodded solemnly.


Frieza smiled lightly, and swept his eyes to the empty universe, where an interstellar battle was taking place. The Frieza Legion had just captured a high-level planet, and at this time was carrying out the final attack on the life race on that planet. The opponent was forced to a desolate planet.

"Mr. Champeau, let the Legionnaires in front come back!" Frieza's hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

"King Frieza is ready to attack?"

"Well, after watching this for so long, my hands are itchy. It's time to move my muscles and bones." Frieza twisted her neck and made a "click, click" sound.

Shang Bo was stunned for a moment, then reacted and smiled gracefully: "Yes, I will let the legion people come back!"

The order to evacuate was quickly issued to the spacemen of the Frieza Legion. After receiving the order to return, these spacemen left the battlefield one after another, leaving behind the desolate planet on the surface and the Western Galactic life race that was forced to exhaustion.

At this time, Frieza had entered the universe from the disc spaceship in a small aircraft.

All the spacemen looked at Frieza from a distance, their eyes blazing with scorching light.

"Look, King Frieza is about to strike."

"We are fortunate enough to see King Frieza take action in person."

"That race is over..." The Frieza Legion was certain that no one could survive King Frieza's attack.

"Hohohoho, this king hasn't shot himself for a long time, so I used this blow to let the people of Xi Yinhe know the horror of this king."

Frieza laughed loudly, and a light spot of energy the size of a peanut lit up on his finger. It was the planet-destroying bomb that destroyed Star Vegeta. It could expand to several hundred meters in diameter at the moment of attack, instantly destroying one. giant planet.

"Destroy it!"

The planet-destroying bomb was launched, rapidly expanding as it approached the planet, and turned into a huge fireball several hundred meters in diameter in the blink of an eye.


The high amount of energy descended with the roar of the air, and the barren planet began to tremble. The life races of the Western Galaxy saw the destruction energy coming, and they bravely used their bodies one after another to resist, but their resistance was futile, and the planet was destroyed by bombs. The power is far beyond imagination.

Soon, the destruction bomb sank into the ground and directly attacked the core of the earth.

At this moment, destruction is doomed.

The storm of destruction begins to brew.

Boom... boom! !

The core of the earth was smashed, the planet began to collapse rapidly, and countless columns of lava fire that were thousands of meters high suddenly sprang up on the surface. .


Like a huge firework blooming in the starry sky, under Frieza's powerful attack, a planet passed its life in a few seconds and turned into dust in the universe ahead of time.

In the spaceship, Chambo looked calmly at the scene of the destruction of the planet.

Every time I see King Frieza detonating the planet, I have a different feeling. Chambo sneered at the corners of his mouth, lamenting that life is too fragile, and then expressed disdain for the disappearing race. How can these stupid races not understand What will happen to King Frieza?

As a squire to the initiator of all this, he has a deep respect for Frieza from the bottom of his heart.

"King Frieza, you've worked hard." Chambo smiled.

Frieza laughed and asked the soldiers of the Frieza Legion to harvest the planet occupied by them. Chambo bowed respectfully, and the entire Frieza Legion immediately obeyed the order and dispersed in the spaceship, killing all nearby life. The planet is harvested.


It's just that Frieza and the others didn't know that, right after they left, there was a crystal clear on the planet that had been destroyed. Immediately after the starry sky, there was a rapid shock, and ripples spread out from the vast void, sweeping across the entire Western Galaxy in a very short period of time.

A large fog-like light is born on the surface of the crystal. The fog has an illusion between the real and the non-substantial, like clouds and fog, spreading little by little. At the same time, it also contains a mysterious and unknown charm. .


Like some kind of chain breaking sound.

The whole piece of void began to shake. Under the strong fluctuation and vibration, the fog began to be dispelled. After it stopped together, the crystal light disappeared, and the fluctuations gradually disappeared. Finally, even the crystal completely turned into a vain and dissipated in Xumi seems to have never appeared before.


In the Northern Galaxy, an orange-haired woman was sleeping soundly on an asteroid. Suddenly, she opened her eyes, and her aqua blue eyes looked into the depths of the universe.

"The seal of the realm king was actually opened."

Bu Li said coldly, her eyes rolled, and she finally got up from the asteroid that had been sleeping a lot. With a flash, she flew directly across the starry sky towards a farther depth.

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