Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 474 Too weak!

too weak.

Broly stood beside the corpse of the cosmic demon and sighed.

The battle just now made him not even change the state of the golden eye Saiyan, and the battle is over, but thinking about such a result is also expected, you must know that Broly is currently the strongest Super Saiyan state No less than 4 billion combat power, and under normal circumstances there are tens of millions of combat power.

Although these cosmic demons are strong, most of them are in the second and third stages, and their strength is still much weaker than his.

On the Sarada planet, Broly was known as the god of war of the Sarada planet with his invincible strength. His violent brute force was unmatched. Even Luo Lan would not want to compete with Broly in the same state.

"Well, there is still a lot of good energy on this planet, and there should be relatively powerful experts."

With this thought in mind, Broly's dark eyes glanced at the satellites in the sky that were constantly reconnaissance, and a qigong wave was immediately thrown out, directly shooting it down, then turned around and flew towards the place where the ice and snow planet's energy response was stronger. go.

The headquarters of the ice planet.

The demons present looked at the display screen that had turned white in the hall, and their faces became very ugly. Master Hesa's face was ashen, and he slammed down with a bang, smashing a big hole on the solid table.

"...The members of the elite team died like this. Tell me what happened. They are all elites in the clan, and there are many geniuses in the third stage."

"Unforgivable, we must use the blood of the Saiyans to pay homage to the dead clansmen."

"This Saiyan is too strong."

"Kill kill kill!"

An icy aura permeated the entire headquarters, and all the demons were furious. Lord Hesa ​​had a cold face, his stern face was covered with frost, and he was silent for a while, "Report the situation to Lord Chiredlin, the matter here must be Let Lord Chiredlin know."

"If Lord Chiredlin finds out, I'm afraid he will be very angry."

The cosmic demon named Nalo hesitated.

"Report truthfully, the other party has entered the mother planet, and we have no way to block it immediately. Even the mere Saiyans can't defeat it. It's a shame." Lord Hesa's eyes are gloomy, and the cold breath makes the people in the command The other races shivered.

Nalo nodded, thinking of Lord Chiredlin's angry appearance, his heart shivered involuntarily, and then started to send a message to Lord Chiredlin.

Qi Leidlin is the ruler of the cosmic demon family, and the most well-deserved strongest. He usually lives on a holiday planet not far from the ice and snow planet. The strategy of the cosmic demon family to keep a low profile is from his people, because of him, the cosmic demon is close to him. In recent years, they have gained a good reputation in the universe, and more and more races are willing to find them to maintain order, which has greatly developed the race.

The cosmic demon has always pursued the law of the weak, and the genes in his blood cannot hide his tyrannical nature. While Qiredlin has a lofty status, he firmly controls the rule of the ice and snow planet. Anyone who saves his face will bring death. .

"The people in the special operations team are already returning, and most of them are super soldiers who have reached the fourth stage."

"Very good, this time I must not miss it again." Master He Sa cut the metal.

"Of course." Nalo said confidently.

Just at this time--


The headquarters sounded a fierce siren, and the lights in the corridor became flickering and dazzling.

"what happened?"

"Master Hesa, there is an enemy invasion, that Saiyan...he has found the headquarters..."

Mr. Hesa's eyes were darkened, and he yelled furiously: "Our headquarters is located a thousand meters below the ground, how can that Saiyan be found?" Huo Ran saw the hard-working tech race on the other side, and couldn't help snorting coldly: "But It's just a Saiyan, Nalo, bring the team with me to meet the enemy."

This time can not wait for the arrival of the special forces team.

"As ordered."

Nalo roared loudly, and the majestic power was released without restriction.


call out!

When Broly found the headquarters of the ice and snow planet and a fierce battle broke out, a luxurious spaceship carried the special operations team of the demon family to return. At the same time, on another planet, Qi Leidlin, a burly man in a light blue lustrous body, also learned of what happened to his mother planet.

"...A Saiyan who can easily defeat the elites of our clan, even their queen, Meritis, doesn't have that kind of strength. It's interesting when the Saiyan clan has such a master."

Inside the luxurious palace, Qi Redlin pursed his lips, his stern face showing a trace of disdain.

Saiyans claim to be a fighting nation and have always stood shoulder to shoulder with the cosmic demons, but in fact this is only because the cosmic demons hide their strength. In his bones, Chiredlin has a high self-esteem and has always been full of disdain for the Saiyans.


Chiredlin received messages from the headquarters one after another, but this time it was not good news, because he received the news that the headquarters was about to fall.

"How dare you, that Saiyan actually broke into the command center of our clan."

Qi Leidlin stood up with a "huh", and the icy aura rushed into the sky uncontrollably, the sky seemed to be torn apart, a hole appeared, showing a terrifying distorted scene, "Hmph, I too I haven't done it for many years, it's time to go back and have a look."

Following his order, Qiredlin's palace began to get busy, and the mighty team moved towards the ice and snow planet.


Several days passed in a blink of an eye.

The wind was cold and the north wind howled.

Broly stood on top of a rubble, snowflakes tucked in the oncoming wind.

At this time, the headquarters of the ice and snow planet has been turned into ruins, and all those who tried to stop him have been crushed into pieces by his ruthless power. He who was clamoring to kill Broly before was The adults were really dumbfounded when they met Broly head-on.

But it was too late.

The horrors of Broly will never be known without a head-on collision.

Of course Broly's opponent with Lord Sa, after the real fight, the whole person was rubbed by Broly on the ground. At that time, the mentality of that and Lord Sa was collapsed, and of course he could not escape the fate of perishing, even with the entire commander. The Ministry was also buried in the ice below a thousand meters.

After destroying the headquarters, Broly continued to overturn the entire Frozen Star, but unfortunately, since the destruction of the headquarters, the Frozen Planet seems to have no masters. Although the masters encountered later are also very strong, but He was defeated three or two times, and he couldn't get his energy up at all.

In fact, there are many masters on Frozen Star, and the reason why he can't make him happy is just because his strength is too strong.

On this day, with the sound of a burst of air roaring, a shadow was thrown down.

A luxurious spaceship appeared over Broly, and the most powerful special forces team of the cosmic demons finally came.

Wow, seven figures walked out of the spaceship and came to Broly. These cosmic demons have a different form than the demons Broly encountered before. They are neither tall nor ugly. Instead, they have a demon-like smallness in the first stage. Well, that image looks like Like a noble man.

He is not tall, with a large piece of blue leather on his head, two bloody tears on his cheeks, a dark gray tail, and a blue tone throughout his body.

This is the fourth stage form of the cosmic demon clan. Only a few people in the entire clan can transform. Frieza in the seventh universe is also in this form after transforming three times.

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