After listening to the words of the woman of Melitis, Frost frowned and his face became ugly. He really didn't notice that the other party had a tail on his body. If he continued to argue at this time, it would be very rude and he would lose his own expenses in vain. The image of a gentleman established with all his heart.

"...It seems that my judgment was wrong, and that person may not really be a Saiyan."

Frost paused and continued: "But this picture is too blurry, and it is difficult to determine whether the other party has a tail or not. Why don't Queen Meritis and me go and see for yourself, if the other party is not a Saiyan, I will I sincerely apologize to you."


Meritis thought for a moment and nodded, she also wanted to confirm the identity of the other party.

So the two sides reached an agreement temporarily, and everything will be discussed after seeing Broly. Of course, because Broly's strength is far beyond their imagination, even if it is confirmed, they need to be fully prepared.

At this time, the leader of the Space Patrol Organization, Desnos, expressed his willingness to send elite experts from the Patrol Organization to assist. As the leading force in the universe, the Space Patrol Organization includes most of the powerhouses in the universe.


Silver star, four suns high in the sky.

The steaming air distorts the space, creating a mirage-like visual distortion.

Luo Lan stayed on this hot planet for a long time. The environment here is very tempered, and the Saiyans are the kind of race that grows faster in desperation, so although the feeling of staying on the silver star is not the same. It was uncomfortable, but Luo Lan had no intention of leaving for the time being.

A few months passed in a flash.

Above a blazing lava, the air seemed to be burning, and everything was emitting a dark red light.

Luo Lan stood motionless on the top of the lava. If you look closely, you will find that there is actually a distance of several centimeters between the soles of his feet and the lava. Suddenly, he punches, and the fierce fist wind stirs the air. But the distance between the sole of the foot and the lava remained the same.

To do this to such an extent requires a great deal of control.

After three hours of hard training, Luo Lan let out a long sigh of relief, and before the crystal sweat dripped down, it was evaporated by the scalding heat. Feeling the energy rolling in his body, Luo Lan smiled with satisfaction. Although this training only improved his strength by a small amount, it was better than nothing.

He likes the feeling that he can clearly feel stronger step by step.

Turned around, left the boiling lava mouth, and flew straight towards another relatively peaceful place. To be honest, there are very few places on the silver star that are suitable for flesh and blood life.

On the edge of the steel city, Luo Lan placed the outdoor hut on a high mountain. After a simple lunch, he went into the bathroom to take a comfortable bath and soaked in the cold water. He couldn't help thinking about Syphilia and the tower. What is Yisi doing now, the corner of her mouth can't help but smile.

Bang bang bang!

The ground shook slightly, and there was a sound of giant objects hitting the ground from far to near. Luo Lan opened the door of the hut and saw Malinta, the armored man, squatting at his door.

"Marinta, what's the matter?"

In the past few months, Luo Lan and Malinta have become very familiar with each other, and their conversation has become more casual.

"Luo Lan, my eldest brother Magetta has returned from the Galactic Conference. Did you know that something big happened in the universe!"

"What's up?"

"Hey, this matter involves the cosmic demon family, and it starts from a few months ago..." Malinta smiled and began to talk about what he thought was a major event.

A few months ago, the mother planet of the cosmic demon family, Bingxuexing, was attacked by an inexplicable powerful enemy. At first everyone thought it was the Saiyans, and they thought that the two major forces would fight for it, but what happened later told Guys, that doesn't seem to be the case.

The war did not happen, the survivors of the cosmic demon and the queen of the planet Sarada temporarily eased the conflict under the adjustment of the Space Patrol Organization, and decided to jointly search for the mysterious man who attacked the ice star.

Of course, neither of them really meant to find Broly.

First, Broly is too strong. Even with the help of the Space Patrol Organization, no one like Frost thinks that they can subdue the other party. If they are too violent, they will only hurt themselves. Second, Frost did not intend to To find out the real culprit who destroyed the mother planet, but to tear a piece of fat from the body of the Sarada planet. In the case of a high probability that the other party may not be a Saiyan, the investigation is too clear, but it will be detrimental to his actions. .

When the two factors are combined, Frost et al. are naturally disengaged.

In addition, the same is true for Meritis. Queen Meritis is actually more willing to appoint someone to contact Broly alone. It would be best if she can confirm the identity of the other Saiyan. From the looks of the two sides, the life forms are almost the same, and Queen Meritis does not mind introducing high-quality hybrids into the planet Sarada.

The two sides acted together with their own minds, but they both ignored the ability of the Space Patrol organization to search for information.

Once this force is serious about something, the action it shows is quite terrifying.

It wasn't long before Frost and Meritis actually met Broly, and both of them were dumbfounded.

At this time, Broly saw that the other party was coming aggressively, and there were several cosmic demons among them. He thought he was coming to trouble him. This simple guy didn't say a word, just shouted and attacked Frost and the others. .

The result of the battle is self-evident, Meritis and the others were defeated, and because Broly had the most advanced spaceship in the hands of the Saifi forces, they were not even given a chance to escape.

"...You don't know how sensational that battle was. It's a pity that in that battle, your Queen Meritis disappeared. Many people speculated that she was kidnapped by the traitor of that mysterious person. The planet has been messed up, and the Queen's sister Meluria has temporarily taken the Queen's place and is looking for that mysterious person all over the world."

Queen Meritis is missing.

The current acting queen, Meluria?

This has nothing to do with him, Luo Lan murmured to herself after listening.

"Is there any other news besides this?"

Malinta shook his head, "That's not it anymore, isn't that shocking enough, you know, whether it's the cosmic demon family or the Saiyan family of the Sarada planet, they are the most peak races in the universe, and now both of them have an accident, I have a It feels like the universe is going to be in chaos soon."

"By the way, you're not going to save your queen?"


If the accident was Syphilia, of course I would save it!

But Meritis is not Syphilia.

Luo Lan looked at Malinta and really wanted to tell him that he was not actually a Saiyan here, but he still didn't say the last words.

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