Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 483 It's Broly

"not him?"

Hearing Lulsa's answer, Meluria glanced at him in surprise. Could it be that besides the Saiyan in front of him, there are other Saiyans with tails?

At the same time, Meluria couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. In fact, if it was really confirmed that Luo Lan was the culprit behind her sister's disappearance, then the situation facing the planet Sarada would be quite embarrassing.

The disappearance of the queen is naturally a very serious matter, but to let them do something to the person in front of them, with the strength shown by the other party just now, Meluria has no confidence in her heart.

Luckily it wasn't him!

Meluria thought a little ashamed.

"Thank you for your shot just now, if it weren't for you, the consequences would be unimaginable." Meluria sincerely expressed her gratitude to Luo Lan.

Luo Lan nodded slightly, with an indifferent expression: "It's not worth mentioning the effort of raising a hand."

"It may be just a little effort for you, but for us, it's to stop a huge casualty." Meluria shook her head, thinking of the people who died in the battle just now, her expression was sad, and then she cheered up, Said: "My name is Meluria, and I am the acting queen of the Sarada planet. If you don't mind, please enter the Sarada planet with me and let us show the friendship of the landlords."


The names are very similar to Syphilia, and they are all queens!

Luo Lan was surprised for a moment, and couldn't help but sigh that the sixth universe and the seventh universe are indeed symmetrical universes. Except for the infinite similarity of planets and races, even personnel can find similar correspondence.

"You're welcome, my name is Luo Lan, and I'm also a Saiyan."

"You are indeed a Saiyan."

Meluria's eyes lit up after hearing this. After confirming the identity of the other party, her heart became even more stable. She instructed Lulsa and the other Saiyans to organize their troops and return to their home planet. Luo Lan was invited to enter the Sarada planet again, of course Luo Lan readily accepted, and entered the Sarada planet with Meluria.

The Sarada planet in the sixth universe is the same as the seventh universe. The gravity is also about 15 times that of the earth. Most of the planet is ocean. Because of proper protection, the planet has not been seriously injured.

Following Meluria into the palace of the imperial city, and seeing the Saiyans walking back and forth on both sides of the palace, Luo Lan couldn't help but nodded secretly.

The strength of these Saiyans is about 1 million combat power. In the seventh universe, they are rare experts, but here, they can only act as guards. In just a moment, Luo Lan saw several A master with a combat power of more than 10 million.

"There are so many experts here." Luo Lan sighed from the bottom of his heart.

Anyone who pulls out any one is qualified to compete with the Queen's Guards of Syphilia. This is probably the background of the sixth universe Sarada planet.

Aside from here, his own planet Sarada looked a little shabby.

"Mr. Luo Lan is joking. If we can have power like yours, we will not be attacked by foreigners."

"The strength of the Sarada planet is not weak at all."

"It just doesn't look weak. Once you meet a real master, you won't have the power to resist." Meluria laughed at herself, not thinking how strong she and others are. If it wasn't for a chance encounter this time Luo Lan appeared, and she didn't know how many clansmen would be damaged on the battlefield. How could she have any face to be proud of?

Luo Lan stopped talking at this time, and after being silent for a while, she followed Meluria into the palace.

The Saiyan's palace is magnificent and magnificent. It is built on a sloping giant peak. The palace has a strange and sharp shape and is full of wild atmosphere. Because it has a good scientific and technological power, there are large and small spaceship parking spots everywhere in the palace. It was built to facilitate the people in the palace to go out and experience.

The royal family of the Saiyan family lives in the palace. On this planet, the royal family represents the best bloodline of the entire ethnic group, and it is the potential of the Saiyan family. Every royal family member is arranged after birth. A detailed daily routine, receiving the best care.

For them, getting stronger is the only thing they need to fight for.

Then, after a series of selections, the best ones who finally stand out are eligible to compete for the position of the queen or the king's successor.

According to Luo Lan's view, the basic fighting power of these royal families is extremely strong. As long as they master the secret of becoming a Super Saiyan, most of the royal family members here will be eligible to become Super Saiyans. Think about the hundreds of thousands of them. Super Saiyans appear at the same time, and that scene is absolutely shocking.

"By the way, what did you say just now that your sister was kidnapped?"

"It's the way it is."

Meluria said: "My sister is the Saiyan Queen Meritis, who was invited by the Cosmic Patrol Organization to go to the center of the galaxy because of the destruction of the cosmic demon family's home planet. Later, she joined the cosmic demons to find and destroy the cosmic demon family. The culprit of the mother star..."

Meluria sorted out her thoughts and told the whole story. Her narration was much more detailed than Marinta. Only after listening did Luo Lan realize that there was such a reason behind the incident.

His face suddenly changed, and his expression became a little weird.

"...The reason why Queen Meritis led her team to the center of the galaxy was because the home planet of the cosmic demon family was destroyed... The one who destroyed the other party's home planet was Broly, right?"

Luo Lan couldn't help but have an association.

You must know that in the sixth universe, the only Saiyans with tails are themselves and Broly from the seventh universe. It is impossible for other Saiyans to have tails, and Broly does have the ability to destroy The mother star of the cosmic demon family suddenly felt that his guesses were almost inseparable.

"The other party is very burly?" Luo Lan asked.

"Yes, in addition to listening to Lulsa, the other party's hair can also turn golden."

Super Saiyan! !

Luo Lan raised her eyes, her heart was already determined.

The person who kidnapped Queen Meritis must be Broly.

Just why did he kidnap Meritis? Could it be that he fell in love with the other party? Based on his understanding of Broly, Broly is a rather simple person, and he would never do such lustful things.

There must be other secrets.

That guy Broly is okay. He said he went out to practice. He didn't expect to destroy the home planet of the cosmic demon family in a blink of an eye, and it also triggered the crisis of the Sarada planet. If he didn't arrive in time, the loss of the Sarada planet would have been Must be very bad.

In the end, it was Broly who caused the calamity of the Sarada planet, and if it really counts, the initial unstable factor was himself. If he didn't bring Broly to the sixth universe, there would be no future. a series of things.

I'm really sorry, Luo Lan silently apologized to the Saiyans on the planet Sarada.

"This matter won't attract the attention of Angel Vados of the sixth universe?"

I thought uncomfortably, in fact, most of them have been noticed by Vados, but at the level of angels, they generally don't pay attention to the trivial matters of the lower world, and I and others were brought by Weiss. In terms of face, Vados will also open one eye and close the other.

More importantly, the positioning of the angels is to maintain absolute neutrality. Unless there is a major event that disrupts the rules of the universe, the turmoil between the mere mortal forces is not enough to attract their special attention.

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