Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 491: The Shocking Blue Dragon Ball

"Of course, that's the treasure that the Dragon God Lord Salama bestowed on the world!" The elder said in a relaxed tone, with some pride on his face.

Big money!

Luo Lan had no choice but to admire it.

The Nameks here actually collected all the only three super dragon balls in the sixth universe, and placed them in the alien space where the elders lived! I am afraid that apart from them and the highest god of the universe, no one in the sixth universe can know the whereabouts of Super Dragon Ball.

"Go ahead, with the power of the three wishing stars, maybe you can melt the crystals on the surface of this crystal."


Luo Lan's eyes suddenly burst into a ray of light. After nodding, he flew directly towards the vast sky with the dark blue crystal. As he gradually approached the three stars, the huge size of the Super Dragon Ball gradually emerged. , The surface of the orange-red crystal is getting clearer and clearer, and you can gradually see the red stars inside Super Dragon Ball.

Super Dragon Balls are miracles made by the dragon god Salama. There are seven in total, scattered in the sixth and seventh universes, respectively, with a diameter of 37,000 kilometers, making them look like big planets.

When Luo Lan was in the seventh universe, he discovered two super dragon balls in the northern Galaxy Babu Galaxy and the Southern Galaxy Angel Star Field.

Counting the three in front of him, the number of Super Dragon Balls that clearly know the whereabouts has reached five.

"These three Super Dragon Balls just show the positional distribution of an equilateral triangle. If you want to borrow the power of Super Dragon Balls, you need to reach the center of the equilateral triangle."

Guessing in his heart, Luo Lan determined the position of the center in the space through mental power, and then teleported over.

As soon as he entered the center of the three super dragon balls, the energy released by the dark blue crystal in his hand seemed to draw the super dragon balls, just like after collecting all the dragon balls on earth, the three super dragon balls began to flash and disappear rhythmically. shining brightly.

Buzzing, the light of the Dragon Ball became brighter and brighter, and gradually turned into a real star. The bright light far surpassing the starlight illuminated the starry sky, forcing Luo Lan to close his eyes.

"The Wishing Star really responded."

The elder looked up at the sky with a smile on his face.

"It's really a blessing to be able to see the relic of Lord Fengshen's relic." Saonael and Perana gazed reverently at the super dragon ball in the sky that looked like a big sun, and looked expectantly. .

In the void, the three Super Dragon Balls emit brighter and brighter rays of light. Suddenly, the golden light rises from the surface of the three Super Dragon Balls, and then rushes toward the blue crystal in the center in a triangular shape.

call out!

The rich and shocking aura was transmitted in a mighty way, like a giant wave, directly overturning the space, producing ripples visible to the naked eye, pressing on the top of the head, as heavy as a planet.

Luo Lan had never felt such coercion before, her face turned pale, and crystal beads of sweat flowed directly down.

"Blue Dragon Ball, it's time to reappear..."

A distant and deep voice resounded indistinctly, as if the long river that traveled through time was passed from the distant past, with an ancient desolate atmosphere. When Luo Lan heard this voice, her whole body seemed to be frozen, and every muscle on her body could not move.

Wow~~The energy tide is injected into the regular icosahedron with the golden light, and the blue and dense light shines.

As if the ice and snow had melted, the blue crystals attached to the crystal surface began to melt little by little, gradually revealing the inside of the icosahedron.

It was a full-body dark blue pocket-sized dragon ball. There were no stars inside the dragon ball, but a dark blue lifelike five-clawed dragon was crawling on the surface of the spherical dragon ball. The blue dragon encircled the dragon ball, the long blue beard fluttered in the wind, the crystal scales were clear, the blue beard grew on the back, the head was slightly lowered, and the pair of dragon balls was piercing, shining with a faint golden light.

It's different from the red dragon balls that I got.

The red dragon ball is huge, with a red dragon sleeping inside.

The blue dragon ball is very small, and the blue dragon is not inside the dragon ball, but floats on the outer layer of the dragon ball, in an embracing shape.


I vaguely heard the low voice of the ancient dragon. After the entire blue dragon ball appeared, the blue energy that had fallen from the surface of the blue dragon ball began to gather together and rushed towards Luo Lan's body.

"what happened?"

Luo Lan watched with wide eyes, but because her body was frozen by the power of Super Dragon Ball, she could only watch the blue energy pouring into her body.


Powerful energy flows in Luo Lan's body, gradually strengthening his body, because this energy is the crystal that the blue dragon ball has attached to the surface of the dragon ball for many years, and its strength is second to none. The red dragon energy in Luo Lan's right arm was affected by it and began to wake up.

For a time, two divine dragon powers, one red and one blue, scurried around Luo Lan's body, and Luo Lan's handsome face began to seep with sweat.

At this time, the dragon that was crawling on the surface of the blue dragon ball seemed to come to life all of a sudden. The golden dragon eye looked at Luo Lan, and with a long moan, it took the blue dragon ball directly to Luo Lan's left arm.

Plop plop!

His heart was beating violently, and the two divine dragon powers clearly occupied the left and the right of Luo Lan's body. The red and blue lights were constantly changing on his body. Along with the battle of the two divine dragon powers, Luo Lan's imposing manner is also rising.

In the end, a certain limitation was finally broken, and Luo Lan's mental and physical strength also began to increase.


Below, the Great Elder, Saonel, and Perana were all looking forward with their eyes fixed. When they saw the two completely different Dragon God powers emerging from Luo Lan's body, the three of them all showed their astonished eyes.

"Elder, what is this Saiyan like?"

The young elder held the wooden staff, looked at it with bright eyes, and murmured in his mouth: "Great chance, the red and blue dragon powers represent the most original dragon god power, if you guessed correctly, , those two forces should be strengthening the Nasaiyan's physical and mental strength respectively."

"As long as he can carry it on, his strength will definitely be greatly enhanced. Even if he reaches the legendary god level in the future, it is not impossible."

"God level?!"

When Saonael and Perana heard the words, their faces suddenly showed admiration.

The god-level in the mouth of the elders naturally does not refer to the god level and the realm level in the universe, but the real god level like the real god level like the real god level and the god of destruction. That is a god sequence that can be included in the level of the great god of the universe.

"Good luck!"


At the same time, the fluctuations generated by the existence of Blue Dragon Ball began to spread to the entire sixth universe centered on Namek.

Northern Milky Way, King Star.

The King of the Northern Realm of Universe 6 woke up from his deep sleep, and then looked at what happened on Namek with a look of surprise.

Several other galaxies and other realm kings also investigated what happened, and finally locked their eyes on the direction of the Northern Galaxy, because it was not under their jurisdiction, so they could not know the specific situation at the first time.

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