Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 501 Above full power...

Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!

The golden air wave suddenly surged like a flame.

When Luo Lan released the power of his whole body, the calm sky suddenly became unpredictable, and a suffocating pressure spread out, and the well-defined ripples were superimposed layer by layer, forming a shocking vortex in the blink of an eye. Cloud circle.

"Is this someone trying to break through?" The other cosmos practitioners who were cultivating raised their heads one after another.

"It's that long-tailed human being, who seems to be a practitioner of the seventh universe."

"Well, the momentum is not bad."

The cultivators who were not far from Luo Lan felt the pressure and all turned their attention to it.

After observing for a while, he soon plunged into his own cultivation. Destroyer Star has a total of 108 floors, and the 35th floor can only be regarded as a low-middle level. Even if someone breaks through, it is not enough to attract too much attention. After a little observation and knowledge of Luo Lan's situation, they quickly looked away.

"It turned out to be just a form of transformation, nothing to worry about."

"Transformation can't last long. It will be beaten back to its original shape after the outbreak is over. No matter how strong this power is, it is useless."

Cultivators from other universes glanced at them and shook their heads.

There are not a few races in the universe that have the ability to transform. It is a survival skill developed by living beings to adapt to the cruel world for a long time, mainly to save their lives in times of crisis and to continue the existence of the race, but if this skill is used As the foundation of survival, then it is wrong.

The cultivators who can enter the Destroyer Star are all promising new talents in their respective universes. This simple truth is naturally understood.



The majestic energy lingered around Luo Lan, forming a layer of misty mist. At this time, Luo Lan had entered the full power of the Super Saiyan, and the surging energy was boiling, and every move caused the airflow in the sky. Violent turmoil occurred.

"The combat power is close to 10 billion. According to the transformation strength, it is already more powerful than the ordinary Saiyan's Super Saiyan 2."

If the full body Sharu's combat power is 2.5 billion, then Super Saiyan 2 roughly starts at 3 billion, and Luo Lan, who just came to the sixth universe a year ago, has about 5 billion combat power. Doubled, but this is not all of Luo Lan's reliance.

Holding his breath, he was ready to go, mobilized all his energy, every cell was full of vitality, and he felt that he was about to make a breakthrough.

"The level above the full power of the Super Saiyan is right in front of you."

Luo Lan let out a low drink, and beads of sweat burst out on his forehead. After a period of accumulation of momentum, his golden eyes suddenly burst out.

Boom! !

One after another thunderclap sounded in the sky, and a violent storm suddenly rolled up in the clear blue sky.

Beside Luo Lan, the smooth space began to twist into a curved surface, and the delicate spirals were like budding flowers. With the accumulation of energy, these flowers began to bloom, oh! The sound of the dragon's roar also rang at this time, and the two dragons, one red and one blue, became active.

They broke free from Luo Lan's arms, turned into arrogant dragons and surrounded Luo Lan, frantically absorbing the surrounding golden energy like an escort.

At this time, the good environment of Destroyer Star has played a role in promoting the fusion of energy. The rich spiritual energy has gathered to supplement the consumption of energy. The divine energy full of killing aura is fierce and ferocious, trying to overwhelm Luo Lan's body. energy, but all absorbed by the power of the Super Saiyan and the power of the Dragon God.

Chi Chi Chi! Golden, blue, and red rays of light flash alternately, and different energies are constantly annihilated and merged.

In an instant, an even more terrifying coercion spread with Luo Lan as the center, and Luo Lan's momentum began to rise.

Finally, when it reaches a critical point.

Luo Lan took a deep breath, clenched his fists, his face became particularly serious, and said to himself, "It's almost time to break through."

The voice just fell.

With a click, it seemed to break a certain boundary of the body.

Suddenly, a cluster of dazzling golden rays of light burst into bloom, the raging flames violently churned like hot oil and water, a strange and violent airflow rose upwards, and a blond hair rose up into the sky, becoming even more straight, crackling, and the sparkling silver arc was unexpectedly bright. Appeared out of nowhere.

Luo Lan's aura became more severe, and the pressure also rose a lot.

The momentum suddenly unfolded, and a brutal whirlwind quickly swept the entire 35th floor of the God-destroying Star as the center, and the practitioners on the entire 35th floor could no longer remain calm.

"What a terrible power."

"The kid in the seventh universe has achieved such a terrifying promotion."

"It's just a transformation, not the power of his body."

A group of cultivators were either exclaiming or disbelieving, and some were even comforting themselves, but there was no doubt that facing Luo Lan at this time, they could no longer maintain their previous aloofness.

Crackling, silver-white arcs flickering constantly.

Luo Lan is wearing a straight blond hair like a steel needle, and his brows are slightly wrinkled. His current form is impressively Super Saiyan 2, and he is Super Saiyan 2 with golden eyes. His strength is very close to Super Saiyan 3. .

But Luo Lan was not satisfied with such a transformation.

"Sure enough, the super saiyan 2 is the most likely to appear above the full power. Although the super saiyan 2 is extremely powerful, it is not much different from the super saiyan 1 in essence, and this kind of transformation suffers The pressure is far greater than the full power...the body will not be able to take it for a long time."

"That's not what I want."

"Transformation that can't maintain peak combat power for a long time is undoubtedly a failure, and it can't even be compared with full power, but this is also expected..."

If it is just a momentary outbreak, then it is useless no matter how strong it is. Once the time limit is up, you will only be beaten!

Was it still possible to use teleportation to escape at that time?

Although it is said that Super Saiyan 2 has power far beyond the full power before, but this is not Luo Lan's pursuit. What he wants is to maintain a strong power under normal conditions, just like Gohan in the original book in Majin Buu The mysterious form achieved during the period.

"Super Saiyan 2 is not the only form above full power." Luo Lan began to restrain his breath, and soon returned to normal from Super Saiyan 2.

"The discharge phenomenon of Super Saiyan 2 is the energy escape caused by the inability to master the power of the whole body. This phenomenon has a tendency to become more and more intense as the transformation intensity increases. The energy leakage of Super Saiyan 3 is more than that of Super Saiyan. Person 2 is more serious."

"I want to develop full power at a deeper level, instead of letting the energy expand without control."

With a plan in mind, Luo Lan continued to mobilize the "mind space" to start a simulation in the spiritual world.

In fact, this time he became Super Saiyan 2 as expected, in order to lay a foundation for his next practice. To know that when he reaches full power, he must first have a "transcendence" stage as a springboard. Only then did he maintain the form of a Super Saiyan in his daily life.

Now it has the mode of Golden Eye Super Saiyan 2, and it is in the space where the gods are being tested.

With the combination of the right time and place, Luo Lan has the confidence to reach a completely different realm.


Ps: There are more!

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