Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 506: Vegeta's Beaten

"Dad, this man is so arrogant."

In the face of Napa's arrogant speech, Piccolo and Sun Wukong haven't expressed a word yet, but Sun Bula shows a look of resentment. This stupid big man is not very strong, and he doesn't even have good eyesight. It should be able to see the strength of Piccolo.

Sunbra had forgotten that they were still hiding their power.

"There's someone who will die, but I want to understand what the fear you are talking about!" Piccolo smiled coldly, wrapped in a cold breath, twisted his wrist and neck, and then put the He took off his cloak and assumed a posture of about to fight.

"Hey, you'll find out later."

Napa licked the corner of his mouth, and then burst out with a loud drink, and an astonishing wave of air suddenly erupted on the spot, beep beep beep, the energy detector vibrated violently, and the energy value soared directly to the value of 12,000.

"Hey, it's interesting, the combat power has actually improved a lot." Piccolo was startled, and then the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and walked towards Napa as if nothing had happened.

"Hey, this is my strongest state, and I'm tired of hiding it. Hey, Vegeta, let's get the Earth in our pocket after Kakarot and these rebels are dealt with. The natives here look exactly like the Saiyans, and maybe they can breed a whole new descendant."

Napa intoxicated himself with the mighty power, unaware that the crisis was approaching him.

"Stop talking nonsense, kill that Namekian first."

Vegeta had no interest in multiplying his descendants. He glanced coldly at Napa and turned to Piccolo. His brows knitted slightly. He felt a sense of unease in his heart, as if something was about to happen.


Napa shouted at Vegeta, smiled coldly, his legs suddenly exerted force, and with a jerk, he shot out like an arrow. Cracks that bend like spider webs.

In the face of Napa, who was attacking strongly, Piccolo watched calmly, not paying attention at all.

Clenching his fists, the silhouette suddenly became blurred.

Napa's attack suddenly failed, and he stopped in place and looked around suspiciously.

"Hey, people!!"

"Nappa be careful behind!" Vegeta's face changed suddenly at this time, and he shouted loudly.


Napa hadn't reacted yet, but Piccolo's figure had already come behind him, and a brutal attack came straight down.

A bang crashed.

Napa let out a tragic cry, and a viscous blood spurted out of his mouth. The whole person flew out of control as if being hit by a speeding train. Buried in ruins, lying on the ground very embarrassed

"How could this be, I'm not his opponent..."

Napa felt unbelievable, because the bones in his body were shattered, and he couldn't even move.


Another Saiyan, Kaggis, froze for a moment and roared in anger.

"Damn, I knew that these people are weird, they all hide their strengths!" Vegeta's face suddenly turned blue, and he shouted at the Saiyan beside him: "Kagis, go look at Napa, these Leave it to me to deal with it."

"Oh, alright." Kaggis responded and hurriedly ran towards Napa.

With a livid face, Vegeta decisively began to release the energy from her body. Suddenly, the wind howled, the heat wave was pressing, and there was a suffocating breath in the air.

Vegeta's heyday has 200,000 combat power, a well-deserved overlord-level power, you must know that even the captain of the Ginuit team has only 120,000 combat power. With the release of this power, the mighty pressure seemed to pour down like a long-accumulated storm, and the entire battlefield was instantly enveloped in a disturbing energy.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The energy detector in his ear burned directly, and a choking smell came from the tip of his nose. Vegeta stared at Piccolo expressionlessly, his dark eyes bursting with cold light.

"You are the first to be able to let me use all my strength." Vegeta moved forward slowly, with high spirits.

"200,000 combat power, so this is what you rely on! You can already be called a character in the universe." Piccolo looked at it in surprise and nodded.

"Unfortunately, this is the earth, not your presumptuous place."

Immediately, he licked his lips, his face condensed, and an overwhelming momentum swept in like a tsunami. In front of Piccolo's mighty momentum, Vegeta's energy instantly lost its advantage.

"What do you mean? Uh... how is that possible, his power!"

Suddenly feeling the energy in Piccolo, Vegeta's face was horrified, her eyes shrank a little, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Vegeta had a grim expression, gritted her teeth, and shouted in disbelief, "Impossible, how could a mere Namekian have more energy than me."

"Hmph, this is just a part of my power, but you don't need to use all your strength to deal with you!"

After speaking, Piccolo's figure disappeared with a bang, the phantom swayed, and when it reappeared, it had come to Vegeta's side. After a burst of flying sand and rocks, Piccolo punched Vegeta hard.

"Oops, so fast."

Vegeta was horrified and reacted quickly, putting her hands on her chest to resist Piccolo's attack.

boom! !

With a dull knock, a steel-like fist slammed on his body.

After fighting against Piccolo, Vegeta's expression had changed, and when he touched his sore and numb arm, a storm surged up in his heart.

"The Namekians are so strong, how come I haven't heard of it before." Vegeta's voice was a little hoarse, and his face covered in frost was incredible. He has been performing missions under Frieza for many years, and this is what he encountered. The most formidable opponent, Paragas, who taught him a hard lesson at the beginning, is not so powerful.

One blow knocked Vegeta back, and Piccolo was quite disappointed:

"This is your strength. It seems that you are not much stronger than the big man just now. You dare to come to the earth with this little strength. It seems that you really don't know how to write dead words."

"Who the hell are you, you shouldn't be unknown before." Vegeta said with a livid face.

"My name is Piccolo, a Namekian who lives on Earth."

"Bick..." Vegeta muttered to herself, a name she had never heard before.

"Damn it! I'm the prince of the Saiyans, how could I lose to you, a nobody." Roaring unwillingly, Vegeta suddenly shouted, and the whole body burst out with a "bang", 200,000 combat power energized In a real storm, the ground rumbled and collapsed into a wide crater.


A gust of wind blew in all directions.

The sand and dust rose with scorching heat.

Piccolo frowned, blocking the rolling yellow sand, stepped forward, and came to Vegeta's side in an instant.

"The Saiyan Prince...I've never heard of it."

"Your power is not worthy of being called the prince of the Saiyans."

Piccolo's words were like a knife stuck in Vegeta's heart, making him furious. He was arrogant and eager to kill him, but Piccolo's strength left him no room for resistance. His black pupils shrunk a little, and Vegeta clenched his fists and attacked violently.


The two fists collided.

Piccolo's fist was stronger than Vegeta's. Vegeta screamed "Wow", a mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth, and his body was knocked away by more than ten meters.


Seeing that Vegeta was injured and flew out, Kaggis couldn't help but screamed, and wanted to help Vegeta, but in the face of Keling and others who were eyeing him, Kaggis swallowed, and was really powerless.

"What the hell is going on in this earth, why are there so many masters." Kaggis thought bleakly, and some experienced Raditz's original mood.


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