Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 514 Frieza's Movement

If there is anything else in the world that can attract King Crude, it is undoubtedly eternal life. As the founder of the Crud Legion, King Crud once ruled the entire Northern Galaxy for an extremely long time. During that time, no one could resist King Crud's will, and he had the final say in the entire Northern Galaxy.

But no matter how powerful the overlord is, there will be an old age. Even if the cosmic demon family has a long life beyond ordinary people, King Crude gradually feels more and more powerless.

So after Frieza grew up, he handed over the entire legion to him, and he took a few henchmen to live in seclusion on a beautiful planet, enjoying the rest of his life.

But now the existence of Dragon Ball has undoubtedly brought new hope to King Crude.

As a former cosmic overlord, he naturally didn't want to grow old like this.


A gust of wind blew up, and King Crude led his subordinates to gather together and boarded the tan giant disc spaceship. With an order, the spaceship slowly lifted into the sky, quickly escaped the planet's gravity, and then the light flashed. Shen, sailing toward the deep, secluded cosmic depths.

Destination - Earth!

In the spaceship, King Crude's tall body was sitting in the spaceship's cockpit, with a condensed face and a frightening gleam in his eyes.

"Jager, how long does it take for the spacecraft to reach Earth?"

The cosmic man named Jager called up the cosmic star map and answered truthfully: "It will take about fifteen days."

"Speed ​​up and reach Earth within ten days, can you do it?"

"Yes, yes, but over-power operation will cause permanent damage to the performance of the spacecraft..." Yager thought and replied conservatively.

King Kruder waved his hand and said, "If the spaceship is damaged, replace it. Don't the Saifei forces in the west have more advanced spaceships, and they will buy them from them in the future. Hmph, this king doesn't care about the value of a spaceship, and now he is more concerned about it. The goal is to get to Earth as soon as possible, you know..."

"My subordinate understands."

Jager nodded, and then ordered the operator to increase the operating power of the spacecraft.

Huh, a sudden acceleration acted on the body, the huge disc spaceship opened the light green protective cover, the speed suddenly accelerated to the extreme, I saw a cluster of flashes suddenly flashed by, and in the blink of an eye, the spaceship had already crossed. a galaxy.

Seeing the super-power of the spacecraft, King Crude nodded with satisfaction, picked up the wine glass and drank leisurely, but he had good expectations in his heart.

"By the way, did Frieza know about Dragon Ball too?"

"Yes, the Ginuit team and the strongest team went to Earth together, and must have passed the news to Lord Frieza, but Lord Freeza is still far away in the Western Galaxy, even with the most advanced aircraft. It will take more than ten days." Yager told the truth, he didn't dare to hide anything on this issue.

"It seems that Frieza can't catch up, um, send him a message, tell him about the Dragon Ball, and say that if this king gets the Dragon Ball, it will benefit him."

King Crude nodded and took the initiative to share the news with Frieza.

King Crude knows the character of his son the most.

Over the years, because of the lack of competition between their father and son, and the fact that they took the initiative to abdicate and hand over the legion, the relationship between the two has always been relatively harmonious. King Crude also likes this son very much... But in Dragon Ball, it is exciting. In the face of things, King Crude could not guarantee that their father and son would not quarrel.

Explaining the situation to Frieza in advance is considered open and honest, of course, the premise is that Frieza will not affect his acquisition of Dragon Balls.

If there is a real fight, he will not think about the relationship between father and son.

Jager has been with King Crude for many years, and he is very clear about the thoughts of his superiors. He nodded knowingly, "Don't worry, King Crude, my subordinates will explain clearly to Lord Frieza."


King Crude snorted, took a sip from the glass, the fragrant fragrance intoxicated him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his purple lips rose slightly.


West Galaxy.

A beautiful and mysterious planet.

Frieza took the lead and led the team to capture a dark red planet. Groups of members of the Frieza Legion wearing combat uniforms tied energy tubes and started to slaughter frantically. The energy went down one after another, the mountains were broken, the ground was full of rocks, and large and small cannonball craters could be seen everywhere.


A cluster of shock waves containing huge energy was launched from Frieza's palm, bombarding the mountain with a deafening loud noise, the ground trembled violently, the towering mountain collapsed with a bang, and the rolling stones shot out like cannonballs, hitting the ground. On the ground, a large piece of thick soil was splashed again.

"Hohoho, Mr. Shangbo, what about this king's attack? At least a thousand natives died under this king's hands."

"King Frieza's attack is naturally powerful, but his subordinates think that the king should attack there... that would be more effective." Chambo pointed to a bunker where the natives were hiding, and said cruel words.

As Frieza's icy gaze looked over, the natives suddenly panicked and their faces turned pale.

"Hehe, Mr. Shangbo, you are too impatient, keep those people's own intentions of the king, you must know that simple destruction will only produce temporary fear, and let them watch their homeland disappear little by little, isn't it more interesting? That's what gives them the greatest despair."

Frieza chuckled, her cold eyes not showing any turbulence.

"It turns out that, um, my subordinates know." Chambo stood beside Frieza and clapped with admiration on his face.

Frieza laughed, a cruel cold smile on her face.

At this moment, a cosmic man rushed over to report the news of the Ginuit team, and Frieza's face suddenly became ugly, and then the news from King Crude made his whole person even more uncertain.

"King Frieza, is something wrong?"

Shang Bo glanced at it and asked with a look of surprise.

"The Ginuit team has been wiped out."

"Ah, who can kill them, it can't be that kid Vegeta, right?!" Chambo said in disbelief.

Frieza waved his hand and said coldly: "It has something to do with Vegeta, but the demise of the Ginuit team is just a small matter, and they also brought unexpected news to the king." Then he said about Dragon Ball. After reading it again, Frieza shook his head, "Unfortunately, this king's father has already headed towards Earth, and if he sets out now, it will be too late."

"King Crude went to Earth himself..." Chambo was startled.

The long-retired boss came out in person, and it seems that the news of Dragon Ball is probably true.

As a former member of the Crud Legion, Chambo is very aware of King Crud's palace, but this one who says he will retire, and does not even care about the huge forces, if it is not a matter of great importance, Definitely not going out in person.

"It seems that the news about Dragon Ball is true nine times out of ten."

"Are we going to Earth?" Chambeau asked worriedly.

"It's too late."

Frieza frowned, feeling anxious.

The Earth has already been overwhelmed. Even if they are driving the Saifei forces' spaceship, it will take at least ten days to reach the Earth from the Western Galaxy to the Northern Galaxy. By then, the daylilies will be cold. How can Frieza be in a better mood when the Dragon Ball that can grant any wish disappears in front of his eyes.

After thinking about it for a while, Frieza said decisively: "Mr. Champo, we are going to Namek. Captain Ginyu reported that he met Namekians on Earth. Earth's Dragon Balls should be made by Namekians."

"My subordinates have heard that the Nameks have magical magic before, but I didn't believe it before. Now it seems that this rumor is true."

Seeing that Frieza didn't plan to go to Earth, Chambeau could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

You must know that when two tigers fight, one will be injured. In front of the magical Dragon Ball, the father and son relationship can be abandoned. Once King Kruder and Frieza quarrel, his subordinate is caught in the middle.

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