Dragon Ball God-class Saiyan

Chapter 518 Unsettled deep space

The appearance of the five BoJacks made Audymore feel uneasy for a while, his pale blue eyes looked over, and his eyebrows frowned, but the Medamore people were a peace-loving race. The friendliest attitude.

"Several, the current internal quota of the Spirit Tower is full, please wait a moment." Audrey Moore's demure and pleasant voice sounded.

"Hahaha, this woman actually asked us to wait... Hmph, the Meferrada Tower is something in our bag." As if hearing something funny, Peter, the big man among the five BoJacks, laughed out loud.

"If you want me to say, you can just kill it."

Zanjia brushed up her orange curly hair, a hint of coldness flashed across her delicate face, and she smiled coldly.

"The visitor is not good!"

Feeling aggressive from the other party's words, Audreymoore's expression changed a bit. Just as he was about to speak out a warning, he saw the tall and tall BoJack walking towards her.

Deng! Deng! Deng!

The pace is very slow, and it looks very leisurely, but the aura on her body strengthens by a point with each step. When she comes to her, the terrifying aura has been firmly locked in the radius of a kilometer, and the time and space seem to freeze, Audrey Moore. I only felt that my breathing was stagnant, and my body seemed to be pressing the weight of the entire planet.

"If you know each other, hand over the Meferrada Tower." BoJack smiled faintly, but there was an infinite chill in his voice.

Looking at BoJack in horror, Audreymoore bit her rosy lips tightly.

"It is absolutely not allowed to take away our spiritual tower."

"Tsk, don't eat or drink fine wine when toasting. When my lord was traversing the universe, you natives hadn't even developed civilization. At that time, the Meferrada Tower was already on this planet. It was the first person who discovered it, sigh, I didn't want to use force, but why don't you know each other!"

"No one can stop what my lord wants."

His face immediately turned cold, as if a final verdict had been made, and a terrifying momentum turned into a wave of air that swept away in all directions.


The entire Metal Moore star shook violently.

Audrey Moore was the first to be hit by this momentum, and his face turned pale with a "swoosh". At this time, the Star Medamore and people from all races who were cultivating in the spiritual tower discovered the five Bojack people, so they all went from high to high. Come out of the tower and gather around Audymore.

"How dare you be presumptuous on the Star of Medamore!"

"Lord Audymore, let's deal with him together!"

With a loud shout, groups of Metamores attacked Bojack and the others. All of these Metamores had the title of "Martial Daoist", and their strength was at least 10,000 combat power. In Star Moore, one of the hard targets for martial artists is to reach 10,000 combat power.

Watching the groups of tribesmen attacking each other, Audymore's expression changed.

"Be careful, these people are not something you can deal with."

But it was already too late. As soon as her words fell, the young man with the big sword next to Bojack started to do it.

I saw a phantom passing by in various positions, white light flashed, blood splashed, and then a tragic cry rang out. The initiator of everything, the young swordsman stood upright.

"Gekuya's movements are neat enough, he could have been tortured for a while, but he killed it so easily!" Zanjia narrowed her eyes and sneered.

"Why are some guys who are not in the mainstream, so serious." Swordsman Gekuya glanced lightly and said contemptuously.

"You... actually killed my clan!"


Audreymoore looked at the five BoJacks with ugly expressions, and with a "swoosh", Audreymoore's figure suddenly disappeared from sight, and then attacked BoJack and the others.

"Boss, let me come!" Zanjia ruffled her hair.


BoJack nodded lightly.

Zanjia chuckled lightly, her pale blue eyes rolled, and she glanced at somewhere in the void, sneered, and smashed her fair fist.


Audymore's attack was intercepted all of a sudden, his body suddenly stopped, and then he was hit by a huge force and flew out backwards, and the dry dust rose up. Praise good. At this moment, Zan Jia's slender figure suddenly disappeared.

"Hey, here..." A cold voice sounded in his ears.

When he reappeared, he had already come to Audymore's side, his steel pincer-like palm landed on the girl's shoulders, and then with all his strength, a huge force blasted Audymore out.

Then there was a flash, and he came to the front of her flight path faster than Audymore.

Raise your legs and kick it down with a fierce attack!


There was a deafening loud noise, the ground shattered, and cracks like a spider web were split open.


Aodaimore spurted blood from his mouth, his face turned pale, and his body was deep in the huge pit, unable to move.

"Miss Audymore, let's help you!"

"How dare you go wild on the Star of Medamore, but you have asked our opinion!"

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

Another stream of light flew from all over the planet, and there were a total of sixteen streams gathered here. Each streamer represented a master whose combat power was no longer below 1 million. Those are all saints living in seclusion on the Star of Medamore, each with the strength of a martial arts master.

"Everyone, be careful, these guys are not easy to deal with." Audymore climbed up from the pit and said weakly. She had just experienced Zanjia's strength and knew the terror of the other party.

"Don't worry, we also have a secret weapon."

The new martial arts master spoke confidently.

"Everyone, start the "Fusion Technique"!"

With a call of harmony, the sixteen Metal Moore experts grouped into two groups and began to dance funny dances. Then, in a burst of brilliant light, eight brand-new figures appeared.

A black top, white trousers, a sleeveless jacket with a belt around the waist, a very traditional Meda Moore star dress.

It is the warrior produced by the "fusion technique"!

"Huh? The strength has increased a lot." BoJack touched his chin and looked at it in surprise.

I don't know what secret technique was used, but the eight new people who appeared in front of me were more than ten times stronger than before, and the ones with the lowest combat power all reached 12 million combat power!

"Boss, these natives also have merit!"

Zanjia rolled Shui Lingling's eyes, but a trace of tyranny flashed in those beautiful eyes.


In this battle, the Stars of Medamore suffered a disastrous defeat.

They underestimated the strength of BoJack and his party.

Even if they used the "fusion technique" to greatly increase their strength, they were still not the opponents of Bojack and the others. The martial arts masters headed by him and many people from the Stars of Medamore drank all their blood, followed by brutal slaughter, except for a few who learned the "transfer technique". The Stars of Medamore escaped, and everyone else perished.

On this day, the Metallurgical civilization disappeared from the universe.

Seeing that the prosperous and huge Star of Medamore was finally reduced to purgatory, Audymore's face was pale, and his blue eyes were full of hatred.

With a cyan light, her figure disappeared from the universe.


Earth, three days have passed in a hurry, and King Crude's army has approached the solar system.

During these three days, a mobilization was secretly carried out on Earth, and with the cooperation of the United Kingdom, some potential Earthlings were transferred to Wuxingshan and spaceships in batches. The next encounter on Earth will be a bloody battle.

At the same time, Sun Wukong and Sun Bula also came out of the spiritual time room.

Perhaps because of the pressure of the external situation, Sun Wukong, Sun Bula and others worked hard to cultivate, and the harvest was far more effective than the ordinary cultivation outside. 2.4 million, more than doubled.

If you try your best to open the Kai King Fist, you can also reach tens of millions of combat power.

"The masters of the Saifi faction are coming from the Sarada planet, but even the most advanced flying equipment can't arrive before the enemy arrives."

"I contacted Lan Qi, but I haven't contacted my brother-in-law yet."

Bulma's expression was a little sad.

"It seems that we can only rely on ourselves. Speaking of which, I haven't tried the taste of death, I hope it won't be too uncomfortable." Krillin said with bitterness.

"There's no way to do this, sigh, the opponent is King Crude, even if Luo Lan and the others come, there may be a gap in the face of a cosmic overlord who dominated the Northern Galaxy many years ago." Sun Wukong comforted Bulma, he Having lived on the planet Sarada for a long time, I also know that Luo Lan and the others are Super Saiyans, but it is not clear how powerful the Super Saiyans are.

"If there is really no other way, I can only do my best to increase the strength of the King's Fist. I hope my body can withstand it." Sun Wukong thought silently in his heart.

"Actually, Super Saiyans are very powerful."

Sunbra muttered in a low voice. She once heard her cousin talk about Super Saiyans. According to her cousin, Super Saiyans are definitely very powerful.

"Bulma, you and Wulong quickly enter the spaceship. If something happens to the earth, you can only go to Namek to find the Dragon Balls there."

"Well, you have to survive."

Bulma nodded vigorously, looked firmly at Sun Wukong and his daughter, beckoned, and boarded the spaceship with Oolong, Turtle Immortal and others...


On the Adrat planet, Luo Lan and Syphilia didn't know what was going on on the side of the earth. At this time, they were watching the battle between Roland and Ascari in the training ground on the Adrat planet.

On Adrat, energy is also called "Spiritto", which is a method of cultivation that is partly different from the earth's breath.

Luo Lan and Syphilia lived on the planet Adlat many years ago, so they have a certain understanding of "Spiritto", but Broly and Melitis have no contact at all. These, I have also grasped some learning during this period of time, and the effect is still very good.

"Huh?" Luo Lan suddenly raised his head and looked towards outer space.

"What's wrong?" Syphilia glanced at Luo Lan.

"It seems that an aura of deja vu appeared in outer space, uh...the aura is already very weak." Luo Lan's eyes swept to the deep space, feeling that the aura was getting weaker and weaker, and it was about to disappear.

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